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Series 27: Understanding, Exam Tips, and Success Stories

Last updated 03/19/2024 by

Bamigbola Paul

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The Series 27 is a vital securities license enabling professionals to manage the books and recordkeeping of member firms. This article delves into the nuances of the Series 27 exam, its importance, and its distinctions from the Series 28 license.

Understanding series 27

The series 27 is a significant securities license granting professionals the authority to prepare and manage the books and recordkeeping of member firms. Typically held by chief financial officers (CFOs) and chief operating officers (COOs), this license is a crucial qualification for individuals involved in financial and operations roles within the securities industry.

Roles and responsibilities

Holders of the series 27 license can undertake various responsibilities, including:
  • Bookkeeping and recordkeeping
  • Back-office duties
  • Compliance with financial responsibility rules
Effectively, possessing the series 27 allows individuals to function as a member firm’s CFO or COO.

Series 27 exam

The series 27 exam, also known as the financial and operations principal qualification (FN) exam, is a rigorous assessment administered by the financial industry regulatory authority (FINRA). This exam is essential for entry-level FN candidates aspiring to demonstrate their competence in performing financial and operations roles.

Exam structure

The series 27 exam is computer-based and comprises 145 multiple-choice questions, with an additional 10 unscored pretest questions. Candidates have three hours and 45 minutes to complete the test. The passing score is 69, and the exam fee is $120. The exam covers five key functions:
  1. Financial reporting with 25 questions
  2. Operations, general securities industry regulations, and preservation of books and records with 42 questions
  3. Customer protection with 24 questions
  4. Net capital with 41 questions
  5. Funding and cash management with 13 questions

Series 27 vs. series 28

The series 27 and series 28 are both essential examinations required by FINRA for professionals involved in preparing and maintaining the books and records of member firms. While the series 27 covers broker-dealers with specific net capital requirements, the series 28 serves as an abbreviated version of the series 27.

Threshold requirements

Broker-dealers covered by the series 27 must meet a minimum net capital requirement of $250,000, while municipal securities brokers need to meet a net capital requirement of $150,000 under SEC Rule 15c3-1. On the other hand, the series 28 is applicable for broker-dealers not meeting the specified series 27 thresholds.
Weigh the benefits and drawbacks
Here’s a comprehensive overview of the pros and cons associated with the information presented in this article.
  • The article provides a thorough understanding of the series 27 license, its importance, and real-world applications.
  • Insights into exam preparation tips offer valuable guidance for individuals aspiring to obtain the series 27 qualification.
  • The addition of case studies and future trends enhances the article’s practical relevance and forward-looking perspective.
  • Key takeaways offer a concise summary of essential points, facilitating easy comprehension for readers.
  • The article, while comprehensive, is lengthy, potentially requiring more time for readers to digest all the information.
  • Additional subheadings and examples may contribute to a slightly complex structure, demanding focused attention from the audience.
  • While the article covers various aspects of the series 27, it may benefit from more visual elements to break up dense text.

Importance of series 27 in the financial landscape

The series 27 license holds paramount importance in the financial landscape, serving as a regulatory benchmark for professionals engaged in the management of books and recordkeeping. Financial institutions and member firms place great value on individuals equipped with this qualification, ensuring robust financial reporting and operational efficiency.

Real-world applications of series 27

Examining real-world scenarios where series 27 license holders play a crucial role provides a deeper understanding of its practical applications. For instance, a CFO with a series 27 license is empowered to make informed decisions regarding a firm’s financial reporting, ensuring compliance with regulatory standards and fostering investor confidence.

Series 27 exam preparation tips

Preparing for the series 27 exam requires a strategic approach. This section provides valuable tips for aspiring candidates, offering insights into effective study techniques, recommended resources, and common pitfalls to avoid. Successful completion of the exam is not just a regulatory requirement but a testament to one’s expertise in financial and operational principles.

Navigating regulatory challenges with series 27

Regulatory challenges are a constant in the financial industry, and series 27 license holders are at the forefront of navigating and overcoming these hurdles. This section explores the role of the license in ensuring compliance with evolving regulations and adapting to changes in the financial landscape.

Case studies: Series 27 success stories

Delve into inspiring case studies showcasing professionals who have leveraged their series 27 qualifications to achieve remarkable success in the financial industry. These stories highlight the impact of the license on career trajectories, shedding light on the diverse paths individuals can take after obtaining this esteemed qualification.

Future trends in series 27 requirements

As the financial industry evolves, so do the regulatory requirements. This subheading explores potential future trends in series 27 licensing, offering insights into how the qualification may adapt to emerging challenges and technological advancements in the financial sector.


The series 27 license plays a pivotal role in the securities industry, empowering professionals with the authority to handle critical financial and operational tasks. Through the rigorous series 27 exam, individuals demonstrate their competence and readiness for key roles within member firms, ensuring compliance with industry regulations and responsibilities.

Frequently asked questions

What is the role of a financial and operations principal (FN) in a member firm?

Financial and Operations Principals (FN) play a vital role in member firms by overseeing bookkeeping, recordkeeping, and compliance with financial responsibility rules. They essentially act as chief financial officers (CFOs) or chief operating officers (COOs).

Can individuals with the Series 27 license work in different financial sectors?

Yes, individuals holding the Series 27 license can work in various financial sectors, including broker-dealers and municipal securities brokers. The license’s versatility allows professionals to adapt to different roles within the securities industry.

Are there specific net capital requirements for broker-dealers covered by the Series 27?

Yes, broker-dealers covered by the Series 27 must meet a minimum net capital requirement of $250,000, as outlined in SEC Rule 15c3-1. This financial threshold is essential for compliance with regulatory standards.

How does the Series 27 exam prepare candidates for financial and operations roles?

The Series 27 exam assesses candidates on various functions, including financial reporting, operations, customer protection, net capital, and funding/cash management. Successfully passing this exam demonstrates competence in handling key financial and operational responsibilities.

Is the Series 27 exam limited to certain professionals?

No, the Series 27 exam is not limited to specific professionals. While it is commonly pursued by chief financial officers (CFOs) and chief operating officers (COOs), any individual associated with a FINRA member firm can take the exam to obtain the Series 27 license.

How long is the validity period of the Series 27 license?

The Series 27 license does not have a specified expiration date. Once obtained, it remains valid as long as the individual continues to meet the necessary regulatory requirements and stays associated with a FINRA member firm.

Key takeaways

  • The Series 27 is a crucial securities license for managing books and recordkeeping.
  • Professionals must pass the Series 27 exam to obtain this license.
  • The exam covers five functions, including financial reporting and customer protection.
  • Series 27 and Series 28 are both important for individuals involved in securities industry recordkeeping.

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