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Autex: Understanding the Electronic Trading Platform

Last updated 03/17/2024 by

Silas Bamigbola

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Autex, an electronic platform initially developed by Thomson Reuters and now operated by Refinitiv, provides brokers with a space to advertise pre- or post-trade liquidities for equities to their buy-side clients. This article explores how Autex works, its benefits, special considerations, and an example scenario to illustrate its functionality.

Understanding autex: Enhancing equity trading

Autex, an essential tool in modern equity trading, is an electronic platform facilitating liquidity advertisement for brokers and their buy-side clients. Originally conceived by Thomson Reuters and now under the stewardship of Refinitiv, Autex streamlines trading processes, enabling traders to identify potential counterparties and gauge market liquidity before executing large trades.

How autex works

Autex operates as a comprehensive platform offering real-time indications of interest, trade advertisements, and access to real-time and historical data. By leveraging Autex, brokers can efficiently advertise pre- and post-trade liquidity, empowering buy-side clients to make informed trading decisions. Additionally, Autex provides valuable insights into broker rankings by volume, aiding traders in selecting suitable partners for their transactions.

Benefits of autex

Autex offers several benefits to market participants, including:
  • Enhanced liquidity: By facilitating the advertisement of pre- and post-trade liquidity, Autex contributes to market efficiency and enhances liquidity discovery.
  • Improved transparency: Traders gain access to real-time indications of interest and trade advertisements, fostering transparency in the trading process.
  • Efficient trading: Autex streamlines trading processes, allowing traders to identify potential counterparties and execute transactions more efficiently.

Special considerations

In addition to its core functionality, Autex offers the Autex Trade Route system, a related product designed to ease the adoption of new asset classes, broker relationships, and algorithmic trading methods. The Autex Trade Route system boasts extensive order flows across global markets, connecting institutional investors with brokers and facilitating efficient order routing.

Example scenario

To illustrate Autex’s functionality, consider the following scenario:
Two traders, each holding a significant position in Company XYZ stock, wish to transact a large block of shares without significantly impacting the market price. Through Autex, they can express their interest in buying or selling shares, allowing them to identify suitable counterparties without immediately executing a market order. Once both parties express interest, they can proceed to execute the transaction through traditional channels, ensuring efficient and discreet execution.

Expanding autex’s functionality

Autex not only facilitates liquidity advertisement and trade execution but also offers advanced features to streamline various aspects of equity trading.

Algorithmic trading integration

One notable feature of Autex is its seamless integration with algorithmic trading strategies. By leveraging Autex’s robust infrastructure, traders can automate their trading strategies, executing orders with precision and efficiency. Algorithmic trading integration enhances liquidity discovery and enables traders to capitalize on market opportunities in real-time.

Customized trading solutions

Autex offers customizable trading solutions tailored to the unique needs of institutional investors and brokerage firms. Through its flexible platform, users can configure trading parameters, set risk management protocols, and access comprehensive reporting tools. Customized trading solutions empower users to optimize their trading strategies, mitigate risk, and maximize returns in dynamic market environments.

Case studies: Real-world applications of autex

Examining real-world case studies provides valuable insights into the practical applications and benefits of Autex in equity trading.

Institutional investor efficiency

Institutional investors face the challenge of executing large block trades without adversely affecting market prices. Autex addresses this challenge by providing a platform for discreetly advertising liquidity and identifying suitable counterparties. By leveraging Autex’s functionality, institutional investors can execute trades efficiently, minimizing market impact and maximizing execution quality.

Brokerage firm scalability

Brokerage firms require scalable trading solutions to accommodate growing client demands and market complexity. Autex offers brokerage firms the flexibility to expand their trading operations seamlessly. Whether it’s onboarding new asset classes, establishing broker relationships, or implementing algorithmic trading methods, Autex provides the tools and infrastructure necessary for brokerage firms to scale their businesses effectively.

Advanced analytics and reporting

Autex offers advanced analytics and reporting capabilities to empower traders with actionable insights and decision-making tools.

Real-time market analysis

Through Autex’s real-time market analysis tools, traders can monitor market trends, identify trading opportunities, and adapt their strategies accordingly. Real-time market analysis enhances traders’ ability to navigate volatile market conditions and capitalize on emerging trends.

Comprehensive reporting

Autex provides comprehensive reporting features, allowing users to generate customizable reports on trading activity, liquidity trends, and performance metrics. These reports offer valuable insights into trading performance, enabling users to evaluate their strategies, optimize execution, and enhance overall trading efficiency.

Risk management strategies

Autex incorporates sophisticated risk management tools to help traders mitigate potential risks and protect their investments.

Position monitoring

Through Autex’s position monitoring capabilities, traders can closely track their exposure to various securities and asset classes. By maintaining a clear view of their positions, traders can implement timely risk management strategies to hedge against adverse market movements and minimize potential losses.

Alerts and notifications

Autex offers customizable alerts and notifications to keep traders informed of significant market events and changes in trading conditions. Traders can set up alerts for price movements, volume spikes, or specific trading parameters, allowing them to respond swiftly to market developments and adjust their strategies accordingly.

Integration with third-party platforms

Autex seamlessly integrates with third-party trading platforms and systems, providing users with enhanced flexibility and connectivity.

Order management systems (OMS)

Autex interfaces with leading order management systems (OMS), allowing traders to seamlessly route orders, manage executions, and monitor trading activity. Integration with OMS streamlines the trading process, reduces operational complexity, and improves overall efficiency.

Execution management systems (EMS)

By integrating with execution management systems (EMS), Autex enables traders to access advanced trading tools, algorithms, and liquidity pools. Integration with EMS enhances traders’ execution capabilities, enabling them to execute trades with speed, precision, and optimal pricing.


In conclusion, Autex serves as a vital tool in modern equity trading, providing brokers and buy-side clients with a platform to advertise liquidity, gauge market sentiment, and execute trades efficiently. With its real-time indications of interest, trade advertisements, and comprehensive data access, Autex enhances transparency and liquidity discovery in the financial markets.

Frequently asked questions

What is Autex and how does it work?

Autex is an electronic platform developed to facilitate liquidity advertisement for equities between brokers and their buy-side clients. It allows brokers to advertise pre- or post-trade liquidities, enabling buy-side clients to make informed trading decisions.

Who operates Autex?

Autex was originally developed by Thomson Reuters and is currently operated by Refinitiv.

What are the benefits of using Autex?

Autex offers enhanced liquidity discovery, improved transparency, and efficient trading processes. It allows traders to identify potential counterparties, gauge market sentiment, and execute trades more efficiently.

What is the Autex Trade Route system?

The Autex Trade Route system is a related product offered by Refinitiv, designed to ease the adoption of new asset classes, broker relationships, and algorithmic trading methods. It facilitates efficient order routing across global markets.

Can Autex integrate with third-party trading platforms?

Yes, Autex seamlessly integrates with third-party trading platforms and systems, providing users with enhanced flexibility and connectivity.

How does Autex help in risk management?

Autex incorporates sophisticated risk management tools, including position monitoring and alerts/notification features, to help traders mitigate potential risks and protect their investments.

What types of traders can benefit from using Autex?

Autex is beneficial for a wide range of traders, including institutional investors, brokerage firms, and individual investors, seeking to enhance liquidity discovery, transparency, and efficiency in equity trading.

Key takeaways

  • Autex is an electronic platform facilitating liquidity advertisement for brokers and buy-side clients.
  • Originally developed by Thomson Reuters, Autex is now operated byRefinitiv.
  • The platform offers real-time indications of interest, trade advertisements, and access to historical data.
  • Autex enhances liquidity discovery, transparency, and efficiency in equity trading.
  • The Autex Trade Route system provides additional functionality, easing the adoption of new asset classes and trading methods.

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