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Barratry: Definition, How It Works, Examples, and Consequences

Last updated 03/29/2024 by

Dan Agbo

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Barratry is an illegal act where an attorney initiates frivolous lawsuits for profit. This article explores what barratry entails, how it works, examples, and legal consequences.

What is barratry?

Barratry refers to the illegal act where an attorney instigates a dispute or encourages frivolous lawsuits to profit from legal fees. This unethical practice undermines the integrity of the legal system and is strictly prohibited in all U.S. states, with severe consequences for attorneys found guilty, including fines, imprisonment, and disbarment.

How barratry works

Barratry involves attorneys initiating groundless lawsuits without legitimate claims, often through repeated and persistent litigation practices. One common form of barratry is ambulance chasing, where lawyers solicit business from accident victims, exploiting their vulnerability for personal gain. This practice is not only unethical but also illegal, as it preys on individuals during difficult times and wastes valuable court resources.

Examples of barratry

While barratry is less prevalent today, it can still occur, especially in certain legal areas like personal injury claims. Examples include attorneys coercing individuals into cases through threats or coercion, initiating contact with potential clients first (which is prohibited in some states), or even working on cases without proper consent. These actions not only violate legal ethics but also erode public trust in the legal profession.

Barratry vs. SLAPP lawsuits

SLAPP (Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation) lawsuits are another form of legal abuse, often used to silence or intimidate critics through costly and burdensome litigation. While SLAPPs are more common, they share similarities with barratry in their aim to stifle free speech and manipulate legal processes for personal or corporate interests. Many states have recognized this threat and implemented anti-SLAPP laws to protect individuals’ rights to express opinions without fear of retaliatory lawsuits.

Legal consequences of barratry

Barratry carries severe legal repercussions for attorneys found guilty of engaging in this illegal practice. The penalties vary by jurisdiction but commonly include:
Fines: Attorneys convicted of barratry may face substantial monetary fines, which can significantly impact their finances and professional standing.
Imprisonment: In addition to fines, barratry convictions can lead to imprisonment, with sentences ranging from months to years depending on the severity of the offense and the jurisdiction’s laws.
Disbarment: Perhaps the most devastating consequence for lawyers involved in barratry is disbarment. Losing the license to practice law not only ends their legal career but also tarnishes their reputation irreparably.
Civil liability: Apart from criminal penalties, attorneys engaging in barratry may also face civil lawsuits from affected parties seeking damages for the harm caused by frivolous litigation.
Ethical sanctions: Legal professional bodies often impose ethical sanctions on attorneys found guilty of barratry, further damaging their credibility and standing within the legal community.
It’s essential for legal practitioners to understand the gravity of barratry and the significant risks it poses to their careers and professional integrity. Strict adherence to ethical standards and legal guidelines is crucial to avoid falling into the trap of engaging in unlawful and unethical practices like barratry.

The bottom line

In conclusion, barratry represents a significant challenge to the integrity of the legal system, as it involves attorneys abusing their power for personal gain. By understanding how barratry works, recognizing examples of this unethical behavior, and distinguishing it from other legal abuses like SLAPP lawsuits, individuals can better safeguard themselves against such practices and uphold the principles of justice and fairness in legal proceedings.
Pros and Cons of Barratry
Here is a list of the benefits and drawbacks associated with barratry.
  • No pros; barratry is an illegal and unethical practice.
  • Legal consequences include fines, imprisonment, and loss of law license.
  • Undermines public trust in legal profession.
  • Can lead to frivolous lawsuits, wasting court resources.

Frequently asked questions

What are the consequences of barratry for attorneys?

Attorneys guilty of barratry face fines, imprisonment, and disbarment, losing their ability to practice law.

Is barratry common in modern legal practice?

While less common today, barratry still occurs, especially in areas like personal injury law.

How do SLAPP lawsuits relate to barratry?

SLAPP lawsuits share similarities with barratry, aiming to silence critics through legal intimidation.

What are the legal implications of ambulance chasing?

Ambulance chasing, a form of barratry, is prohibited by law and can result in severe penalties for attorneys.

Are there laws specifically targeting barratry?

Many states have laws addressing barratry, considering it a misdemeanor or felony offense.

Key takeaways

  • Barratry involves attorneys instigating frivolous lawsuits for profit.
  • It is illegal and unethical, leading to severe legal consequences.
  • Examples include coercion of clients and soliciting business in prohibited ways.
  • SLAPP lawsuits share similarities with barratry in legal intimidation tactics.
  • Many states have laws specifically addressing and penalizing barratry.

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