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Understanding Certificate of Insurance (COI): Importance and Use

Last updated 03/18/2024 by

SuperMoney Team

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A Certificate of Insurance (COI) is a document issued by an insurance company that verifies the existence of insurance coverage. It is typically used to provide proof of insurance to a third party and to provide information about the type and amount of insurance, policy period, limits of liability, and additional insureds. COIs are important because they help ensure that all parties involved in a transaction or project have the necessary insurance coverage to protect themselves against potential losses or claims.

What Is Certificates of Insurance (COI)?

If you’ve ever rented an apartment, leased a car, or hired a contractor, you may have been asked to provide a Certificate of Insurance (COI) as part of the agreement. A COI is a document that provides evidence of insurance coverage and can be used to verify that a person or company has the necessary insurance protection to cover potential losses or claims.

How Certificates of Insurance (COI) work:

A COI is typically issued by an insurance company or its agent and is provided to the policyholder, who can then use it to demonstrate proof of insurance to a third party. The document typically includes the name and address of the insured, the type and amount of insurance, the policy period, and the limits of liability. In addition, it may include information about any additional insureds or waivers of subrogation that have been included in the policy.

Details of a Certificate of Insurance:

The following are some of the key details that are typically included in a Certificate of Insurance:
  • Name of Insured: The name and address of the person or company that is covered by the insurance policy.
  • Type and Amount of Insurance: The type of insurance coverage that is provided, such as general liability or workers’ compensation, and the amount of coverage that is available.
  • Policy Period: The dates that the policy is in effect.
  • Limits of Liability: The maximum amount that the insurance company will pay in the event of a covered loss or claim.
  • Additional Insureds and Waivers of Subrogation: Any additional parties that have been included in the policy as additional insureds, as well as any waivers of subrogation that have been granted.

How to get a Certificate of Insurance:

If you are a contractor, vendor or service provider, you may need to obtain a COI from your insurance provider to prove that you have the required coverage before being allowed to work for a client or customer. To get a COI, follow these steps:
  1. Contact your insurance provider: Start by contacting your insurance provider and requesting a COI. Make sure to provide all the necessary details, such as the name and address of the certificate holder, the type and amount of coverage required, and the duration of the coverage.
  2. Review the COI: Once you receive the COI from your insurance provider, review it carefully to ensure that all the information is accurate and complete.
  3. Send the COI to the certificate holder: Once you are satisfied with the COI, send it to the certificate holder. It’s important to send the COI promptly to avoid any delays in the project or transaction.

Who needs a Certificate of Insurance (COI)?

COIs are typically required by anyone who is engaging in a transaction or project that involves potential risks or liabilities. Some common examples include:
  • Landlords: Landlords may require tenants to provide a COI as part of a lease agreement to ensure that they have adequate insurance coverage.
  • Construction projects: Contractors and subcontractors often need to provide COIs to show proof of insurance before being allowed to start work on a construction project.
  • Event planning: Event planners and organizers often require COIs from vendors, such as caterers or performers, to ensure that they have adequate insurance coverage.
  • Professional services: Service providers, such as consultants or architects, may be required to provide COIs to show proof of professional liability insurance.
  • Leasing property: Landlords may require tenants to provide COIs as proof of insurance before leasing out their property.

When should I get a Certificate of Insurance?

If you are a contractor, vendor or service provider, you should obtain a COI as soon as possible after being requested to do so. Delaying the issuance of a COI can cause delays in the project or transaction, and may even lead to the loss of a contract or customer.
In addition, it’s important to keep your COI up to date and provide new ones as required. If your insurance coverage changes or if you obtain new policies, make sure to update your COIs accordingly and provide them to the appropriate parties.

Certificate of Insurance FAQs

How do I get a Certificate of Insurance?

To get a COI, you’ll need to contact your insurance provider and request one. Make sure to give your provider enough time to issue the certificate before it’s needed.

How long is a Certificate of Insurance valid for?

The validity period of a COI depends on the terms of the insurance policy. It’s important to check the expiration date listed on the certificate and make sure it’s still valid.

What information is included on a Certificate of Insurance?

COIs typically include details about the insurance policy, such as coverage limits, policy dates, and the name of the insured party.

Key takeaways

  • A Certificate of Insurance (COI) is a document that provides proof of insurance coverage to a third party.
  • COIs typically include details about the insurance policy, such as coverage limits, policy dates, and the name of the insured party.
  • COIs are important because they can help demonstrate compliance with insurance requirements for contracts, leases, and other agreements.
  • To get a COI, you’ll need to contact your insurance provider and request one. It’s important to plan ahead and give your provider enough time to issue the certificate before it’s needed.
  • Anyone who wants to demonstrate proof of insurance coverage may need a COI, including businesses, contractors, and event planners.
  • COIs are typically valid for a specific period of time, depending on the terms of the insurance policy.
  • It’s a good idea to get a COI whenever you’re entering into an agreement that requires proof of insurance, to ensure that you have the coverage you need and can avoid any potential legal issues.

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