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Reversionary Annuities: Definition, How It Works, and Benefits

Last updated 03/29/2024 by

Bamigbola Paul

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Reversionary annuities offer a retirement income strategy by combining an insurance policy with an immediate annuity, providing a guaranteed lifetime income for a surviving spouse. This article explores the definition, workings, special considerations, and tax implications of reversionary annuities, shedding light on their role in retirement planning.

Understanding reversionary annuities

Reversionary annuities serve as a retirement income strategy, offering a unique combination of insurance and annuity benefits aimed at providing financial security for surviving spouses. Let’s delve deeper into what reversionary annuities entail, how they function, and their key features within the realm of retirement planning.

Definition of reversionary annuities

A reversionary annuity is a specialized form of annuity that functions as a retirement income solution. It involves an insurance policy wherein the policy owner pays a premium to ensure a benefit for the surviving spouse. Upon the death of the insured, the beneficiary receives a guaranteed lifetime income stream instead of a lump sum payment, providing financial stability during retirement years.

How reversionary annuities work

Reversionary annuities operate similarly to life insurance policies with an annuity component. Upon the insured’s death, the policy pays out an annuity to the beneficiary, contingent upon the beneficiary’s survival. If the beneficiary predeceases the insured, the policy is often terminated. This structure, also known as an insurance survivorship annuity, ensures that the surviving spouse receives a reliable income stream after the insured’s passing.

Key features of reversionary annuities

Reversionary annuity policies typically lack a cash surrender option, contributing to cost efficiency and ensuring consistent premium payments. These policies prioritize providing a steady income stream to the surviving spouse, with premiums adjusted based on factors such as the beneficiary’s age and gender. Additionally, reversionary annuities offer flexibility in selecting beneficiaries and may include features like inflation protection and return of premium benefits.

Special considerations

Reversionary annuities are structured to offer affordability for older individuals by aligning premiums with term insurance policies rather than permanent policies. Upon the insured’s death, beneficiaries do not owe income tax, but once payments begin, taxes are pro-rated based on the expected duration of payments. Additionally, reversionary annuities offer tax-deferred growth, providing a potential advantage over other taxable investments.

Tax implications of reversionary annuities

Annuities, including reversionary annuities, offer tax-deferred growth, meaning earnings within the contract are not taxed until distribution. This tax-deferral can be advantageous for retirees looking to manage their taxable income effectively. However, distributions from deferred annuities are included in modified adjusted gross income (MAGI), requiring careful planning to avoid exceeding MAGI thresholds.
Weigh the risks and benefits
Here is a list of the benefits and drawbacks of reversionary annuities.
  • Guaranteed lifetime income for surviving spouses
  • Tax-deferred growth of earnings
  • Flexible premium options
  • Estate planning benefits
  • Higher premium costs
  • Limited access to funds
  • Complexities of insurance products
  • Tax implications

Examples of reversionary annuities

Reversionary annuities can vary in structure and features depending on the insurance provider and policy terms. Here are some comprehensive examples illustrating how reversionary annuities function in different scenarios:

Example 1: Mr. and Mrs. Smith’s retirement plan

Mr. and Mrs. Smith, both aged 65, purchase a reversionary annuity to ensure financial security for Mrs. Smith in the event of Mr. Smith’s passing. They opt for a policy that guarantees a lifetime income stream for Mrs. Smith after Mr. Smith’s death, providing peace of mind during retirement.

Example 2: estate planning with reversionary annuities

John, a retiree with grown children, includes a reversionary annuity in his estate planning strategy. He designates his spouse as the beneficiary, ensuring she receives a steady income stream upon his death. By incorporating a reversionary annuity into his estate plan, John aims to provide financial stability for his spouse and safeguard their retirement savings.

Considerations before purchasing a reversionary annuity

Before purchasing a reversionary annuity, it’s essential to consider several factors to ensure it aligns with your financial goals and needs. Here are some considerations to keep in mind:

1. Financial stability of the insurance company

When purchasing a reversionary annuity, it’s crucial to research the financial stability of the insurance company issuing the policy. Ensure that the company has a strong financial rating and a history of fulfilling its obligations to policyholders.

2. Cost and fees

Reversionary annuities may come with fees and commissions, so it’s essential to understand the costs associated with the policy. Consider comparing quotes from different insurance companies to find a policy that offers competitive rates and favorable terms.

3. Terms and conditions

Carefully review the terms and conditions of the reversionary annuity policy before purchasing. Pay attention to factors such as the payout structure, beneficiary designation options, and any restrictions or limitations on the policy.


In conclusion, reversionary annuities represent a valuable retirement income strategy that prioritizes financial security for surviving spouses. By combining insurance protection with guaranteed lifetime income, these annuities offer a reliable source of funds during retirement years. Understanding the definition, workings, and tax implications of reversionary annuities is essential for effective retirement planning and ensuring long-term financial stability.

Frequently asked questions

What is the primary purpose of a reversionary annuity?

A reversionary annuity aims to provide a guaranteed lifetime income for a surviving spouse after the death of the insured individual.

How does a reversionary annuity differ from a traditional annuity?

Unlike traditional annuities that provide a lump sum payment upon the death of the insured, a reversionary annuity offers a guaranteed income stream to the beneficiary.

What factors influence the premium of a reversionary annuity?

The premium of a reversionary annuity may be influenced by factors such as the age and gender of the beneficiary, as well as the desired payout options.

Can the beneficiary of a reversionary annuity be changed?

Most reversionary annuity policies do not allow changes to the beneficiary once selected. It’s essential to review the policy terms regarding beneficiary designations.

What are the tax implications of a reversionary annuity?

Upon the death of the insured, beneficiaries do not owe income tax. However, once payments begin, taxes are pro-rated based on the expected duration of payments. It’s advisable to consult a tax professional for personalized advice.

Are reversionary annuities suitable for everyone?

Reversionary annuities may not be suitable for all individuals, as they come with limitations on access to funds and may involve complexities associated with insurance products. It’s essential to carefully evaluate your financial goals and needs before considering a reversionary annuity.

Key Takeaways

  • Reversionary annuities combine insurance protection with guaranteed lifetime income for surviving spouses.
  • Upon the insured’s death, beneficiaries receive a steady income stream instead of a lump sum payment.
  • These annuities offer tax-deferred growth and may include features like inflation protection and return of premium benefits.

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