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From Generic to Branded: Transforming Your Business with White Label Products

Last updated 03/15/2024 by

SuperMoney Team

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White-label products are defined in the article, along with their functions, benefits, and drawbacks. White label products are goods or services produced by one company and sold by another company under a different brand name. This enables the seller to offer a wider range of products without the need for in-house development or production. White label products are commonly used in industries such as software, cosmetics, and consumer electronics. The article notes that white-label products can offer several advantages, such as being cost-effective, offering faster time to market, and allowing customization.

What are White Label Products?

It is a product or service that is produced by one company but is sold under another company’s brand name.
In other words, the product is rebranded or relabeled as if it were produced by the company selling it rather than the company that actually produced it. This allows the seller to offer a wider range of products without the need for in-house development or production.
White-label products are commonly used in industries such as software, cosmetics, and consumer electronics.
For example, a company may offer a white-label software solution to other companies, allowing them to sell the software under their own brand name. Similarly, a cosmetics manufacturer may produce a line of white-label cosmetics that are sold under various brand names in different markets.
White-label products can offer a number of benefits for both the producer and the seller. For the producer, it allows them to increase their distribution channels without having to invest in additional branding or marketing.
For the seller, it allows them to offer a wider range of products without the need for in-house development or production.

Understanding white label product

A white-label product is a product made by one company that another company sells under its own brand name.
It’s like buying a t-shirt from a store that has their name on it, but the t-shirt was actually made by a different company.
The store just puts its label on it and sells it as if it made it. This allows the store to offer more products without having to make them themselves.
It’s like they’re borrowing someone else’s product and putting their own name on it.

How does white label work?

White-label products work by allowing one company to produce a product but another company to sell it under its own brand name. Here’s how it typically works:
  1. A company, let’s call it Company A, produces a product or service.
  2. Company B wants to sell that product or service to its customers, but they don’t want to produce it themselves.
  3. Company A agrees to allow Company B to sell its product or service under Company B’s own brand name. This is called white labeling.
  4. Company A provides the product or service to Company B with no branding or with generic branding that can easily be replaced with Company B’s branding.
  5. Company B puts their own branding on the product or service and sells it to their customers as if they produced it themselves.
  6. Customers of Company B are often unaware that the product or service was actually produced by Company A.
White-label products work well for both parties because Company A can focus on producing a quality product or service, while Company B can focus on marketing and selling the product under its own brand name. It’s a win-win situation that allows both companies to benefit from each other’s strengths.

Types of businesses that use white label products

White-label products are those that are produced by one company but sold under the brand name of another company.
There are many types of businesses that use white-label products to enhance their product offerings, increase brand recognition, and reduce production costs. Here are some examples:
  • Retailers: Retailers often use white-label products as a way to offer a wider range of products without having to develop them in-house. For example, a grocery store might offer its own white-label brand of canned goods or household cleaning products.
  • E-commerce companies: E-commerce companies often use white-label products to sell products under their own brand name without the need for manufacturing or production capabilities. For example, an e-commerce site might sell white-label skincare products under its own brand name.
  • Marketing agencies: Marketing agencies often use white-label products as a way to offer additional services to their clients. For example, a marketing agency might offer white-label social media management services to its clients.
  • Food and beverage companies: Food and beverage companies often use white label products to produce private label products for retailers or to produce products for other companies under their own brand name.
  • Beauty and personal care companies: Beauty and personal care companies often use white-label products to expand their product lines and offer new products without the need for additional research and development.
  • Technology companies: Technology companies often use white label products as a way to offer additional services to their clients or to expand their product lines. For example, a software company might use white-label hardware products to offer a complete solution to its clients.
  • Service-based companies: Service-based companies often use white-label products as a way to enhance their service offerings without having to develop products in-house. For example, a printing company might use white-label office supplies as part of its printing service.

Advantages and disadvantages of white label products

White-label products can offer many advantages to businesses, but there are also some disadvantages to consider. Here are some of the main advantages and disadvantages of white-label products:


  • Cost-effective: White-label products can be more cost-effective than producing products in-house because businesses do not need to invest in research and development or manufacturing capabilities.
  • Faster time to market: Using white-label products can allow businesses to bring new products to market faster because they can skip the time-consuming process of product development.
  • Customization: White-label products can be customized to fit a business’s specific needs or brand identity, which can help increase brand recognition and customer loyalty.
  • Branding: White label products can help businesses to expand their product lines and increase brand recognition without having to create new products from scratch.
  • Competitive advantage: Using white label products can give businesses a competitive advantage by allowing them to give a broader range of products and services to customers.


  • Lack of control: Businesses using white-label products have limited control over the quality of the product, the production process, and the supply chain.
  • Limited differentiation: Because many businesses may use the same white-label product, there may be limited differentiation in the marketplace, making it harder to stand out.
  • Dependence on the supplier: Businesses using white-label products are dependent on the supplier for production, quality control, and timely delivery of the products.
  • Limited product development: Because businesses are not developing the products themselves, they may miss out on opportunities for innovation and developing unique products.
  • Risk of quality issues: Using white-label products can increase the risk of quality issues, which can damage the reputation of the business if the products are of low quality or unsafe.
  • White-label products can be a cost-effective and efficient way for businesses to expand their product lines and increase brand recognition.
Although, it is vital to carefully consider the advantages and disadvantages of using white label products before making a decision.

Real-world examples of white label products

One real-world example of white-label products is AmazonBasics. AmazonBasics is a line of products that are produced by Amazon and sold under the AmazonBasics brand name. The product range includes everything from electronics, office supplies, kitchen appliances, and more. For example, AmazonBasics offers white-label products such as HDMI cables, rechargeable batteries, and even luggage.
Another example is Trader Joe’s, a grocery store chain in the United States that sells private label products under the Trader Joe’s brand. Many of the products are white-label products produced by other manufacturers and sold under the Trader Joe’s brand name. For example, Trader Joe’s offers white-label products such as canned goods, frozen foods, and snacks.
White-label products are also commonly used in the beauty industry. For example, a beauty store may offer a white-label line of skincare products that are produced by a manufacturer and sold under the store’s own brand name.


A white-label product is a generic good or service that is created by one business and offered under the trade name of another. Due to its many advantages, such as low costs, quick time to market, and little risk, this business model has grown in popularity in recent years.
With white label products, companies can focus on their core competencies while still offering a wide range of high-quality products and services to their customers. Whether you’re a startup looking to build your brand or an established company seeking to expand your product offerings, white labeling is an effective strategy that can help you achieve your goals.

Key takeaways

  • Since the late 1990s, private label branding has been a global phenomenon that has been continuously expanding.
  • Saving businesses time, effort, and money on production and marketing expenses is one of the main advantages of white-label branding.
  • Selling white-label products with their own branding has been profitable for big-box stores.
  • White-label goods are created by one business, packaged, and sold by another business under different brand names.

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