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Jessica Walrack

Jessica Walrack is a personal finance writer at SuperMoney, The Simple Dollar,, Commonbond, Bankrate, NextAdvisor, Guardian, and many others. She specializes in taking personal finance topics like loans, credit cards, and budgeting, and making them accessible and fun.

articles from Jessica

240 posts

Getting A Tax Refund Is Bad: Here’s Why

Published 02/07/2020 by Jessica Walrack

Millions of taxpayers look forward to getting a tax refund every year. But are tax refunds a good thing or a wasted opportunity?

How to Find a Financial Advisor You Can Trust

Published 01/27/2020 by Jessica Walrack

Hiring a financial advisor can be one of the best investments you make. It can also be a colossal waste of time. Financial advisors can help you make smart investment choices, but without trust, the best financial planning is useless. How do you a financial advisor you can trust? This guide will help you do your due diligence and find a financial advisor that’s right for you.

Earned Income Tax Credit: Who Can Qualify for EITC

Published 12/20/2019 by Jessica Walrack

The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) is one of the largest credits offered to U.S. taxpayers. Available since 1975, it can help to reduce tax liability or even provide a tax refund. This can provide a helpful financial boost for those with low-to-moderate income levels.

How to Pay for College – 7 Ways to Reduce Student Debt

Published 12/10/2019 by Jessica Walrack

A college degree can give you a boost in today’s competitive job market. But with the ever-rising cost of tuition, most students are trying to figure out how to pay for college.

When is Debt Settlement a Good Idea?

Published 12/05/2019 by Jessica Walrack

Many debt settlement companies claim to help you settle your debt for at least half of your outstanding balance. But does this offer ring true? What can debt settlement really do for you? How do you know when to settle debt, and when will it do more harm than good? Let’s explore the risks and benefits of debt settlement so that you can decide if it’s the right path for you.

When filing your tax return, one of the first questions you’ll face is, “What is your filing status?” Your answer determines how the IRS will treat your return and can make a huge difference in what you owe. Therefore, it’s important to make the right choice.

How to Remove an IRS Levy: The Definitive Guide

Published 11/22/2019 by Jessica Walrack

Has the IRS threatened to levy your assets, bringing your daily life to a screeching halt? It’s a stressful situation, but there is still hope. The IRS wants to collect as much as they can from taxpayers without causing so much hardship they can’t afford basic living expenses. That means they’re often willing to negotiate. How can you make that happen? Read on to learn what you need to know about getting a levy release and who can help you along the way.

11 Ways To Protect Yourself Against Identity Theft

Published 11/04/2019 by Jessica Walrack

Identity theft occurs when a criminal steals someone’s personal information to impersonate them. Most identity thieves use that information for financial gain — for example, withdrawing money from your bank account or using your credit card to make purchases. Others have more elaborate schemes. Some even try to open insurance policies, buy homes, or get jobs using their victim’s identity. And for the victim, the consequences can be debilitating. So how can you avoid getting your identity stolen? Read on to learn how to protect yourself against identity theft.

Every year, the IRS releases its “Dirty Dozen,” revealing the top 12 tax scams for the year. Being aware of the top scams can help you protect yourself and ensure that you don’t accidentally take part in any fraudulent activity. Are you looking to stay safe this tax season? Here’s a summary of the main tax scams you should avoid.

Best Personal Finance Apps

Published 10/25/2019 by Jessica Walrack

In a recent study, 45% of Americans reported that their savings couldn’t cover three months’ living expenses. Further, 47% of Americans spend their entire paycheck or more every month. Are you struggling to grow your savings and stop living paycheck to paycheck? The right personal finance app can help you get organized and take control of your financial life. Read on to find eight of the very best personal finance apps for 2020.

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