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Accounting & Financial Women’s Alliance (AFWA): Empowering Women in Finance

Last updated 03/16/2024 by

Daniel Dikio

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Accounting & Financial Women’s Alliance (AFWA) is a national organization dedicated to empowering female professionals in accounting and finance fields across America. Founded in 1938, AFWA offers a supportive network, educational resources, and career development opportunities to its members, fostering gender diversity and inclusivity in the industry. With over 70 chapters nationwide, AFWA aims to enable women to achieve their full potential and contribute to the advancement of their professions.

Introduction to accounting & financial women’s alliance

Founded in 1938 and based in Lexington, Kentucky, the Accounting & Financial Women’s Alliance (AFWA) is a leading national organization dedicated to supporting female professionals in accounting and finance fields across America. Formerly known as the American Society of Women Accountants (ASWA), the organization underwent a significant transformation in 2013, rebranding itself as AFWA to broaden its scope beyond accounting professionals to include women from diverse financial backgrounds.

History of AFWA

The roots of AFWA trace back to 1938 when a group of pioneering women in the accounting profession recognized the need for a supportive network to advance women’s careers in accounting. Originally established as the American Society of Women Accountants (ASWA), the organization provided a platform for female accountants to connect, share experiences, and support each other in a male-dominated industry.
Over the decades, ASWA expanded its reach and influence, establishing chapters across the United States and offering various resources and opportunities for its members. However, as the accounting and finance landscape evolved, the leadership of ASWA recognized the need to adapt and modernize the organization to better serve the changing needs of women professionals in the field.

Rebranding as AFWA

In 2013, ASWA underwent a significant rebranding initiative and officially changed its name to the Accounting & Financial Women’s Alliance (AFWA). This strategic move was aimed at expanding the organization’s appeal beyond traditional accounting roles to include women working in various financial disciplines, such as finance, auditing, taxation, and consulting.
The rebranding initiative represented a pivotal moment in AFWA’s history, signaling a shift towards inclusivity and diversity within the organization. By adopting a more encompassing name and broadening its membership criteria, AFWA positioned itself as a leading advocate for women in all facets of the accounting and finance profession.

Mission and objectives

AFWA’s mission is to enable women in all accounting and finance fields to achieve their full potential and contribute to their professions. The organization is committed to providing its members with the resources, support, and opportunities they need to succeed in their careers and make meaningful contributions to the accounting and finance industry.
Key objectives of AFWA include:
  • Empowering women professionals through networking opportunities and mentorship programs
  • Providing educational and professional development resources to enhance skills and knowledge
  • Promoting diversity and inclusion within the accounting and finance profession
  • Advocating for gender equality and equal opportunities for women in leadership roles
  • Collaborating with industry partners and stakeholders to address challenges and drive positive change

Membership benefits

AFWA offers a wide range of benefits to its members, designed to support their professional growth and advancement in the accounting and finance fields. Some of the key benefits include:

Conferences and educational events

AFWA organizes conferences, seminars, and workshops featuring renowned speakers and industry experts to provide members with valuable insights, knowledge, and networking opportunities.

Networking opportunities

Members have access to a vast network of professionals in the accounting and finance industry, allowing them to connect with peers, mentors, and potential employers.

Mentorship programs

AFWA offers mentorship programs that pair experienced professionals with emerging leaders to provide guidance, support, and career development opportunities.

Career resources

The organization provides access to job boards, career coaching services, and professional development resources to help members advance their careers and achieve their professional goals.

Pros and cons

Here is a list of the benefits and drawbacks to consider.


  • Empowers women in accounting and finance fields
  • Provides networking and mentorship opportunities
  • Offers educational events and career resources
  • Promotes diversity and inclusion in the profession


  • Membership fees may be prohibitive for some
  • Availability of local chapters may vary
  • May not fully address systemic barriers faced by women in the industry

Membership eligibility

Membership eligibility criteria for AFWA typically include holding a professional designation or degree in accounting, finance, or a related field. While the organization primarily caters to female professionals, some chapters may offer membership options for male allies who support AFWA’s mission and objectives. Additionally, students pursuing degrees in accounting or finance may qualify for student membership, providing access to educational resources and networking opportunities.

Professional designations

AFWA membership is often open to individuals holding recognized professional designations such as Certified Public Accountant (CPA), Certified Management Accountant (CMA), Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA), or Certified Internal Auditor (CIA). These designations demonstrate a commitment to excellence and professionalism in the accounting and finance fields.

Student membership

AFWA recognizes the importance of supporting future generations of women professionals in accounting and finance. As such, the organization may offer student membership options to undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in accounting or finance programs at accredited educational institutions. Student members gain access to valuable resources, networking opportunities, and mentorship programs to support their academic and career development.

Impact of AFWA on the accounting profession

Over the years, AFWA has made significant contributions to the accounting and finance profession, particularly in advancing gender diversity and inclusivity. By providing a supportive network, resources, and advocacy efforts, AFWA has helped women professionals overcome barriers and achieve success in their careers. Some examples of the organization’s impact include:

Increasing female representation

AFWA’s initiatives aimed at empowering women in accounting and finance have led to a noticeable increase in female representation in leadership roles within the profession. Through mentorship programs, leadership development opportunities, and advocacy efforts, AFWA has helped women break through the glass ceiling and ascend to executive positions in accounting firms, financial institutions, and corporate finance departments.

Promoting work-life balance

AFWA recognizes the importance of promoting work-life balance for women professionals in accounting and finance.
By advocating for flexible work arrangements, supportive policies, and family-friendly workplace cultures, AFWA has contributed to creating environments where women can thrive both professionally and personally. This focus on work-life balance helps attract and retain top female talent in the accounting profession.


In conclusion, the Accounting & Financial Women’s Alliance (AFWA) plays a crucial role in advancing the interests of women in accounting and finance professions across America. With its diverse membership base and comprehensive range of benefits, AFWA empowers women to achieve their full potential and contribute significantly to their professions. Through networking opportunities, mentorship programs, and career resources, AFWA continues to be a driving force for gender equality and leadership development in the financial industry.

Frequently asked questions

What is the mission of the Accounting & Financial Women’s Alliance (AFWA)?

The mission of AFWA is to enable women in all accounting and finance fields to achieve their full potential and contribute to their profession.

What benefits do AFWA members receive?

AFWA members enjoy access to conferences, educational events, networking opportunities, mentorships, and various career resources.

Why did the organization change its name from ASWA to AFWA?

The change from ASWA to AFWA was aimed at broadening the organization’s appeal and encompassing more women in accounting and finance, beyond just accountants.

How many chapters does AFWA have?

AFWA currently has over 70 chapters nationwide, providing a widespread network for its members.

What are some goals that AFWA is working towards?

One of the primary goals of AFWA is to increase the percentage of women in upper management and leadership roles within accounting firms, financial institutions, and corporate finance departments.

Who can join the Accounting & Financial Women’s Alliance?

AFWA welcomes female professionals working in accounting and finance fields, including CPAs, accountants, financial analysts, and professionals from other financial disciplines.

How can I get involved with AFWA?

To get involved with AFWA, individuals can explore membership options, attend local chapter events, participate in mentorship programs, and contribute to the organization’s initiatives aimed at advancing women in accounting and finance.

Key takeaways

  • The Accounting & Financial Women’s Alliance (AFWA) is a national organization dedicated to empowering women in accounting and finance fields.
  • Formerly known as the American Society of Women Accountants (ASWA), AFWA expanded its focus in 2013 to include professionals from various financial disciplines.
  • AFWA offers numerous benefits to its members, including access to conferences, networking opportunities, mentorships, and career resources.
  • With over 70 chapters nationwide, AFWA provides a supportive network for women in accounting and finance to advance their careers.
  • The organization aims to increase the representation of women in leadership roles within accounting firms, financial institutions, and corporate finance departments.

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