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Administrative Law: Exploring Its Impact and Real-World Examples

Last updated 01/07/2024 by

Bamigbola Paul

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Administrative law governs the administration and regulation of government agencies at both federal and state levels. This branch of public law, also known as regulatory law, outlines the procedures and constraints under which these agencies operate. This article delves into the intricacies of administrative law, its significance, and how it influences government agencies’ functions. Explore examples, such as the impact of administrative law on net neutrality regulations, to understand its real-world applications.

Understanding administrative law

Administrative law, a pivotal aspect of public law, encompasses the mechanisms that govern the operation and regulation of government agencies. It is often referred to as regulatory law, as it establishes the procedures and limitations guiding these agencies. In the United States, both Congress and state legislatures play a crucial role in creating and shaping administrative law.

The evolution of government agencies

Over the years, government agencies in the U.S. have significantly increased in number and importance. They wield authority over a diverse range of economic functions, including telecommunications, financial markets, and social issues like instances of racial discrimination. Prominent examples of these agencies include the Department of Labor (DOL), the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
Administrative law governs these federal agencies, dictating how they function and interact with the industries they oversee. State-level bodies, such as workers’ compensation boards, also operate within the framework of administrative laws. These boards, for instance, make decisions on compensation for injured workers, guided by the principles and constraints outlined in administrative law.

Establishing administrative regulations

As the landscape of regulatory agencies evolves, administrative law must adapt to guide their operations effectively. Each government institution, be it an agency, department, or division, must have administrative regulations defining the scope and limits of its authority. These powers can include the drafting, enactment, and enforcement of policies that industries, companies, and citizens must adhere to.

Administrative law example: Net neutrality

An illuminating example of administrative law in action is the debate over net neutrality. Internet providers sought regulatory changes that would impact how they structure data rates, billing practices, and content prioritization. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC), armed with administrative laws outlining its powers, held regulatory authority over this matter.

FCC’s role in net neutrality

The FCC’s decision on net neutrality policies in 2017 exemplifies the influence of administrative law. The commission allowed public input before voting to revoke net neutrality on December 14, 2017. Congress, with powers under the Congressional Review Act, could have reversed this decision within 60 legislative days. Despite the Senate’s attempt to do so on May 15, 2018, the House of Representatives did not follow suit, and the new rules went into effect on June 10, 2018.

State responses to net neutrality

In the aftermath of this contentious decision, over 29 states moved to enforce net neutrality independently. However, the legal jurisdiction of states on this matter remained in question, highlighting the complex interplay between federal and state administrative laws.

Pros and cons of administrative law

Here is a list of the benefits and the drawbacks to consider.
  • Ensures standardized procedures for government agencies
  • Provides a framework for checks and balances
  • Allows for public input in regulatory decisions
  • May lead to bureaucratic inefficiencies
  • Can result in delays in decision-making processes
  • Complexity may hinder understanding for the general public

Significance of administrative law in environmental regulation

Administrative law extends its influence to crucial areas like environmental regulation. Federal agencies such as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) play a pivotal role in implementing policies aimed at safeguarding the environment. Explore how administrative law guides these agencies in setting standards, conducting assessments, and enforcing regulations to address environmental concerns.

Implementation of clean air standards

One notable example is the implementation of clean air standards by the EPA. Administrative laws empower the EPA to establish and enforce regulations to control air pollution. This involves setting emission limits for industries, conducting air quality assessments, and implementing measures to improve air quality. Understanding the administrative processes behind environmental regulation provides insight into the balance between industry practices and environmental preservation.

Enforcement of wildlife protection policies

Administrative law also plays a crucial role in wildlife protection. Explore how agencies like the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) operate within the framework of administrative laws to enforce policies aimed at preserving endangered species and their habitats. This includes the designation of protected areas, implementation of conservation programs, and monitoring the impact of human activities on wildlife.

The Role of administrative law in healthcare regulations

Administrative law also plays a critical role in shaping healthcare regulations at both federal and state levels. Explore how agencies like the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) operate within the legal framework provided by administrative law to ensure the safety of pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and the provision of healthcare services.

Drug approval processes and patient safety

One significant example is the drug approval process overseen by the FDA. Administrative laws outline the procedures and criteria for approving pharmaceuticals, ensuring that they meet safety and efficacy standards before reaching the market. Delve into the complexities of these processes and understand how administrative law contributes to safeguarding patient well-being.

Regulating healthcare providers and insurance practices

Administrative law guides agencies in regulating healthcare providers and insurance practices. CMS, for instance, operates within the legal constraints of administrative law to establish rules for Medicare and Medicaid programs. Explore how these regulations impact healthcare providers, insurers, and ultimately influence the accessibility and quality of healthcare services.


Administrative law stands as the bedrock shaping the functioning of government agencies, transcending into diverse sectors such as environmental regulation and healthcare. This comprehensive exploration has illuminated the intricate mechanisms that govern agencies at both federal and state levels.

Frequently asked questions

What is the main purpose of administrative law?

Administrative law serves as the framework governing the operation and regulation of government agencies, ensuring they act within defined procedures and constraints. It aims to bring transparency, accountability, and fairness to the administrative process.

How does administrative law impact the environment?

Administrative law plays a significant role in environmental regulation, empowering agencies like the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to set and enforce standards. It guides processes related to clean air, wildlife protection, and the overall conservation of natural resources.

Can administrative law be amended or changed?

Yes, administrative law is subject to amendments to accommodate the evolving needs of government agencies and regulatory bodies. Changes may be made to address new challenges, update procedures, or refine the scope of authority for different institutions.

What are the potential drawbacks of administrative law?

While administrative law ensures standardized procedures, it may lead to bureaucratic inefficiencies and delays in decision-making processes. The complexity of administrative regulations can also pose challenges for the general public in understanding the legal framework.

How does administrative law impact the healthcare sector?

Administrative law plays a critical role in shaping healthcare regulations, guiding agencies like the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). It influences drug approval processes, patient safety, and the overall governance of healthcare practices.

Key takeaways

  • Administrative law governs government agencies at federal and state levels.
  • It establishes procedures, constraints, and regulations for agencies’ operation.
  • Net neutrality debates exemplify the real-world impact of administrative law.
  • Pros include standardized procedures, checks and balances, and public input.
  • Cons involve potential bureaucratic inefficiencies and complexities.

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