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Downsizing in Business: Explained, Examples, and Implications

Last updated 03/08/2024 by

Silas Bamigbola

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Downsizing in business involves the permanent reduction of a company’s workforce to enhance efficiency and cut costs. While commonly employed during economic downturns, downsizing can have both short-term benefits and long-term consequences. This article explores the definition, reasons, consequences, and examples of downsizing, shedding light on its impact on businesses and employees.

Understanding downsizing in business

Downsizing is the deliberate and permanent reduction of a company’s labor force. This process typically involves the elimination of unproductive workers, divisions, or departments. While downsizing is often associated with economic challenges and failing businesses, it can also be a strategic move to create leaner and more efficient organizations. One key philosophy underpinning downsizing is lean enterprise.

The lean enterprise approach

Lean enterprise is a production and management philosophy that advocates eliminating any aspect of the organizational structure that doesn’t directly contribute value to the final product or service. This concept is driven by customer perceptions of value, as it’s determined by what they are willing to pay for. Downsizing, in this context, involves removing parts of the business that do not add value to the customer experience.
Additionally, downsizing can be carried out to align a company’s talent with market demands. This might involve removing employees with obsolete skills that are no longer relevant to the company’s future direction.

Downsizing in the post-pandemic world

The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated changes in the business landscape, forcing companies to adapt quickly. Many organizations had to downsize or restructure due to the unique challenges posed by the pandemic. Here’s a glimpse of downsizing trends in the post-pandemic world:
  • Remote work: The rise of remote work may lead to downsizing of physical office spaces and an increased demand for digital skills.
  • Resilience planning: Companies are focusing on building resilience to better cope with unexpected disruptions, reducing the need for reactive downsizing.
  • Hybrid work models: Some companies are adopting hybrid work models, which may require reevaluating workforce needs and roles.
  • Digital transformation: Accelerated digital transformation efforts may lead to the downsizing of traditional roles and the creation of new, technology-driven positions.

Looking to the future

As businesses continue to adapt to evolving economic landscapes and global challenges, the practice of downsizing will likely persist. Companies must strike a balance between cost-saving measures and maintaining employee satisfaction and productivity. The future of downsizing may involve innovative strategies, increased reliance on technology, and a focus on resilience to navigate uncertain times successfully.

Pros and cons of downsizing

Weigh the risks and benefits
Here is a list of the benefits and drawbacks to consider.


  • Cost reduction
  • Increased efficiency
  • Alignment with market demands


  • Reduced productivity
  • Customer dissatisfaction
  • Negative impact on employee morale

Consequences of downsizing

While downsizing can lead to short-term cost savings, there is evidence that it can have adverse long-term consequences. Companies may face decreased productivity, decreased customer satisfaction, and reduced employee morale. Research shows that firms that have downsized are more likely to declare bankruptcy in the future, regardless of their financial health.
Losing employees with valuable institutional knowledge can reduce innovation, and remaining employees may struggle to manage increased workloads and stress. This can negate any theoretical gain in productivity. Trust in management may also decline, leading to decreased employee engagement and loyalty.
Because these long-term consequences can outweigh short-term gains, many companies opt for gentler approaches, such as reducing work hours, instituting unpaid vacation days, or offering incentives for early retirement. Some companies even subsidize part of their employees’ tuition costs to help them retrain for new roles. In certain cases, companies rehire laid-off workers after their financial stability improves.

Examples of downsizing

In the aftermath of the 2020 economic crisis and lockdowns, numerous companies downsized their workforces due to the severe economic impact of government-ordered business shutdowns. These measures were intended to slow the spread of the virus and protect public health.
Notably, the airline and hospitality industries were among the hardest hit. People were confined to their homes, and discretionary travel was practically halted for several months. One prominent example is Boeing, one of the largest American plane makers. In April 2020, the company announced plans to eliminate 10% of its worldwide workforce of 160,000 through a combination of voluntary layoffs, natural turnover, and involuntary layoffs.
Boeing had already been facing challenges prior to the economic crisis, including the grounding of its 737 MAX aircraft in 2019 after a second fatal crash. The economic crisis of 2020 further impacted Boeing, leading to a substantial reduction in orders and layoffs of more than 12,000 employees in May 2020.
These challenges forced Boeing to undertake a significant restructuring effort, reflecting the broader impact that economic downturns can have on even well-established companies.

Strategies for effective downsizing

Effective downsizing involves careful planning and consideration of various strategies to minimize negative consequences. Here are some key strategies:
  • Phased Workforce Reduction: Instead of sudden layoffs, some companies choose to implement phased reductions, allowing employees more time to adjust and seek alternative employment.
  • Investing in Employee Retraining: To mitigate the loss of skilled employees, companies may invest in retraining programs, enabling employees to acquire new skills that align with the company’s future direction.
  • Enhancing Communication: Transparent communication with employees is crucial. Companies should provide clear reasons for downsizing, ongoing updates, and resources for affected employees.
  • Employee Assistance Programs: Offering counseling and support services can help employees cope with the stress of downsizing and transition to new roles or careers.

Legal and ethical considerations

Downsizing raises legal and ethical issues that companies must address. Some key considerations include:
  • Legal compliance: Ensuring that downsizing adheres to labor laws and regulations is essential. Violating employment laws can lead to costly legal consequences.
  • Fairness and equity: Companies should ensure that downsizing decisions are fair, non-discriminatory, and based on objective criteria rather than bias.
  • Severance packages: Offering fair and comprehensive severance packages to departing employees can help ease the transition and reduce financial strain.
  • Reputation management: Downsizing can affect a company’s reputation. Maintaining ethical practices and treating departing employees with respect is vital for long-term trust and reputation management.


Downsizing in business is a strategy used to enhance efficiency and cut costs, commonly employed during economic downturns. While it can yield short-term benefits, it may also have long-term consequences, affecting employee morale, productivity, and customer satisfaction. Companies considering downsizing should weigh the potential risks and benefits carefully and explore alternative approaches to minimize the negative impact.

Frequently asked questions

What are the key reasons for downsizing in business?

Companies typically downsize to cut costs, improve efficiency, and realign their workforce with market demands. Economic downturns and declining revenues often trigger downsizing.

Can downsizing lead to long-term negative consequences?

Yes, downsizing can result in adverse long-term consequences such as reduced productivity, customer dissatisfaction, and decreased employee morale. Companies that downsize are more likely to declare bankruptcy in the future, regardless of their financial health.

Are there alternative approaches to downsizing?

Instead of drastic workforce reductions, some companies opt for gentler measures like reducing work hours, offering unpaid vacation days, or providing incentives for early retirement. Others invest in retraining employees or rehiring laid-off workers when financial stability improves.

Are there alternative approaches to downsizing besides reducing the workforce?

Indeed, companies have alternative options to drastic workforce reductions. Some gentler measures include reducing work hours, instituting unpaid vacation days, and offering incentives for early retirement. Others invest in retraining employees or rehire laid-off workers when financial stability improves.

How do companies decide which divisions or employees to downsize?

Companies typically evaluate their current workforce based on various factors, such as performance, productivity, and alignment with the company’s future direction. Divisions or employees that do not contribute value to the final product or service may be considered for downsizing.

What should companies do to minimize the negative impact of downsizing on remaining employees?

Minimizing the negative impact of downsizing on remaining employees involves providing support, rebuilding morale, and ensuring transparent communication. Companies should offer assistance, address increased workloads and stress, and focus on rebuilding trust in management to maintain employee engagement and loyalty.

Key takeaways

  • Downsizing involves the permanent reduction of a company’s workforce for cost-cutting and efficiency.
  • It can have both short-term benefits and long-term consequences.
  • Long-term consequences may include reduced productivity and customer dissatisfaction.
  • Companies may explore alternative approaches to downsizing to mitigate negative effects.

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