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Muriel Siebert: Finance Pioneer, Impact, and Legacy

Last updated 03/15/2024 by

Alessandra Nicole

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Muriel Siebert, recognized as the “first woman of finance,” revolutionized the male-dominated landscape of Wall Street by purchasing the initial woman-owned seat on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and establishing Muriel Siebert & Company, the first female-owned brokerage firm. This article delves into her journey, highlighting her early life, achievements, philanthropy, and lasting influence on gender equality in the finance sector.

Early life and education

Muriel Siebert, born on September 12, 1928, in Cleveland, Ohio, embarked on her career without completing her degree at Western Reserve University. Despite this, she secured a position at Bache & Company in 1954, leveraging her determination and skills to navigate the competitive world of Wall Street.

Seat on the NYSE

Siebert’s frustration with gender pay disparities propelled her to pursue a seat on the NYSE. Despite facing challenges, including securing sponsorship and funding, she persevered. On December 28, 1967, Siebert shattered barriers by becoming the first woman to own a seat on the NYSE, marking a significant milestone in financial history.

Muriel Siebert & company

In 1969, Siebert founded Muriel Siebert & Company, challenging gender norms in the brokerage industry. Despite encountering discrimination and exclusion, her firm thrived, providing women with opportunities in a traditionally male-dominated field. Today, Muriel Siebert & Company continues to uphold Siebert’s legacy, operating nationally with 12 branch offices.

Superintendent of banking

Siebert’s dedication to financial leadership extended beyond her brokerage firm. In 1977, she assumed the role of superintendent of banking for the State of New York, becoming the first woman to hold the position. In this capacity, she oversaw banking operations statewide, fostering stability and growth in the financial sector.


Beyond her professional endeavors, Siebert was a staunch advocate for women’s rights and financial literacy. She established initiatives such as the Siebert Entrepreneurial Philanthropic Plan and the “Siebert Personal Finance Program,” aimed at empowering women and minorities through financial education.

Advancing women at the NYSE

Siebert’s advocacy extended to gender equality initiatives at the NYSE. Her efforts, including lobbying for women’s restrooms at the Exchange Luncheon Club, paved the way for increased inclusivity in the financial industry, though challenges persisted.

Political career and writing

In 1982, Siebert pursued a political career, running for the United States Senate in New York. Although unsuccessful, her aspirations underscored her commitment to effecting change beyond the realm of finance. Siebert chronicled her experiences in her autobiography, “Changing the Rules: Adventures of a Wall Street Maverick,” offering insights into her remarkable journey.

The bottom line

Muriel Siebert’s indomitable spirit and groundbreaking achievements continue to inspire generations of finance professionals. As the “first woman of finance,” her legacy serves as a testament to perseverance, resilience, and the enduring quest for gender equality in the financial sector.
Here is a list of the benefits and the drawbacks to consider.
  • Muriel Siebert paved the way for women in finance, breaking gender barriers on Wall Street.
  • Her establishment of Muriel Siebert & Company provided women with opportunities in the male-dominated brokerage industry.
  • Through philanthropic initiatives, Siebert championed financial literacy and empowerment for women and minorities.
  • Siebert faced discrimination and challenges as a woman and a minority in the finance industry.
  • Despite her efforts, gender inequality persists in finance, highlighting ongoing barriers to diversity and inclusion.
  • Her political aspirations were not fully realized, indicating broader systemic challenges in achieving gender parity in elected offices.

Frequently asked questions

Did Muriel Siebert face challenges in obtaining her seat on the NYSE?

Yes, Muriel Siebert encountered obstacles, including difficulty securing sponsorship and funding, in her quest to purchase a seat on the NYSE. Despite these challenges, she persisted and ultimately made history.

What impact did Muriel Siebert have on gender equality in finance?

Muriel Siebert’s achievements, including owning the first woman-owned seat on the NYSE and founding Muriel Siebert & Company, inspired greater inclusivity in the finance industry. Her advocacy for women’s rights and financial literacy initiatives furthered the cause of gender equality.

Key takeaways

  • Muriel Siebert was the first woman to own a seat on the New York Stock Exchange.
  • She founded the first woman-owned brokerage firm, Muriel Siebert & Company, in 1969.
  • Siebert’s advocacy and philanthropy paved the way for gender equality and financial literacy in finance.

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