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Privileged Communication: Definition, Examples, and Application

Last updated 03/08/2024 by

Silas Bamigbola

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Privileged communication is a legally recognized concept that safeguards confidential interactions between specific parties. This article explores the definition, key relationships, exceptions, and the delicate balance between privacy and legal obligations.

Understanding privileged communication

Privileged communication is a legal concept that upholds the confidentiality of conversations between specific parties, shielding them from being compelled to disclose information by the law. These privileged conversations are considered protected, and any disclosure typically comes with legal limitations.

Key relationships

Privileged communication commonly applies to specific relationships, including:

1. Attorney-Client Privilege

The attorney-client relationship is one of the most well-known examples of privileged communication. It allows individuals to freely and confidentially communicate with their legal counsel, ensuring that the information shared remains private, even in legal proceedings.

2. Doctor-Patient Privilege

The doctor-patient relationship is another crucial domain of privileged communication. It grants patients the freedom to discuss their health and medical history with their healthcare providers without fear of that information being revealed without their consent.

3. Priest-Parishioner Privilege

Religious confessions made to a priest fall under the umbrella of privileged communication. These conversations are protected by law, ensuring that the parishioner’s words remain confidential.

4. Spousal Privilege

In some jurisdictions, spousal privilege exists to protect communication between spouses. Courts generally cannot force husbands or wives to disclose confidential communications made during their marriage.

5. Other professions

Additionally, privileged communication extends to various professions, such as accountants, and in some states, reporters and their sources.

How privileged communication works

In these relationships, the right to protect the communication typically belongs to the client, patient, or penitent. The recipient of the information is obligated to maintain the confidentiality of these conversations, except in cases where the privilege is intentionally waived by the person sharing the information.
It’s important to note that failing to keep the information private may result in consequences, including the loss of professional licenses. However, these protections are not absolute and can vary depending on local laws and regulations.

Special considerations

For a communication to be considered privileged, it should occur in a setting where the parties have a reasonable expectation of privacy. This often involves a private meeting room, office, or consultation space.
The privileged status of the communication is typically lost if it’s shared with a third party who is not part of the protected relationship. However, individuals who serve as agents of the recipient, like an accountant’s secretary or a doctor’s nurse, are generally not considered third parties that jeopardize the privileged status.

Exceptions to privilege

Privileged communication is not an absolute shield from disclosure. In cases where harm or the threat of harm to individuals is involved, the protection of privileged communication may not apply. For example, medical professionals may be required to report potential harm to themselves or others.
The protection usually does not extend to situations involving abuse, whether it be of children, the elderly, or disabled individuals. Furthermore, it may not apply in cases where one spouse poses a threat to the other, to children, or in crimes jointly committed by the spouses.

Examples of privileged communication

Privileged communication can be better understood through real-life examples:

1. Attorney-Client Privilege

Imagine a scenario where a person seeks legal advice from an attorney regarding a sensitive matter. During their confidential discussions, the client shares all the details of their case, including any potentially incriminating information. In such cases, the attorney is legally bound to keep this information confidential. If the attorney is called to testify in court, they can invoke attorney-client privilege, ensuring that they do not have to disclose the content of those discussions.

2. Doctor-Patient Privilege

Consider a patient visiting a doctor with a concerning medical condition. The patient openly discusses their symptoms, medical history, and other personal health information. The doctor must maintain the confidentiality of this information. Even if the patient’s health condition becomes a legal matter, the doctor is generally not allowed to disclose the details of their discussions without the patient’s consent.

3. Spousal privilege

In the context of spousal privilege, imagine a married couple that faces a legal situation. They may have had confidential conversations about the matter while still married. In many jurisdictions, these conversations remain protected even after the marriage ends, ensuring that one spouse cannot be compelled to testify against the other regarding these private discussions.

The delicate balance of privileged communication

While privileged communication is vital for preserving confidentiality in certain relationships, it exists within a delicate balance between privacy and public safety. This balance can be illustrated in various ways:

1. Legal obligations in child abuse cases

Consider a case where a therapist or counselor is made aware of potential child abuse. While the therapist is typically bound by privileged communication to keep patient information confidential, they also have a legal obligation to report suspected child abuse to the authorities. In such instances, the duty to protect the child’s safety may override the privileged status.

2. Harm to self or others

Privileged communication may not apply when an individual poses a threat to themselves or others. For instance, if a patient reveals to a mental health professional that they have a plan to harm themselves or someone else, the therapist may have a legal obligation to take steps to prevent harm, even if it involves disclosing the confidential information.


Privileged communication is a vital legal concept that protects the confidentiality of specific relationships, allowing individuals to speak freely with their attorney, doctor, or religious confidant. While this protection is essential, it’s not absolute, as exceptions exist, particularly in cases involving potential harm to others.
In a world where privacy and legal obligations often intersect, understanding the boundaries of privileged communication is crucial. By knowing your rights and the limits of these privileges, you can navigate legal situations with confidence while preserving the trust and confidentiality of these special relationships.

Frequently asked questions

Is privileged communication absolute?

No, privileged communication is not absolute. While it protects the confidentiality of specific relationships, there are exceptions, particularly in cases involving harm or threats to individuals.

Can privileged communication be waived?

Yes, privileged communication can be waived, either deliberately or unintentionally, by the party holding the privilege. This may occur if the individual sharing the information consents to its disclosure or if the law mandates its revelation in specific situations.

What happens if privileged communication is breached?

If privileged communication is breached, the consequences can vary depending on the nature of the breach and local laws. In many cases, the party responsible for the breach may face legal and professional repercussions, including potential lawsuits or the loss of professional licenses.

Does privileged communication apply to all professions?

No, privileged communication typically applies to specific professions and relationships, such as attorney-client, doctor-patient, and priest-parishioner. It does not extend to all professions, and whether it applies may vary by state or jurisdiction.

Are there any legal obligations that can override privileged communication?

Yes, there are legal obligations that can override privileged communication. For example, in cases where harm or the threat of harm to individuals is involved, the protection of privileged communication may not apply. Professionals may have a duty to report such instances to protect individuals’ safety.

What rights do individuals have in privileged communication?

Individuals involved in privileged communication have the right to speak openly and honestly within the protected relationship. They can expect that their confidential conversations will not be disclosed without their consent, ensuring trust and privacy in these specific relationships.

Key takeaways

  • Privileged communication safeguards confidential conversations between specific parties, ensuring that the law cannot force disclosure of these interactions.
  • Key relationships covered by privileged communication include attorney-client, doctor-patient, priest-parishioner, spousal privilege, and other professions like accounting and reporting in some states.
  • Exceptions to privileged communication exist in cases involving harm or threats to individuals, such as potential harm to oneself or others in medical contexts.

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