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The Skewness Index: Using Statistical Tools to Measure Data Skewness

Last updated 05/15/2024 by

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Skewness refers to the degree of asymmetry observed in a distribution, which can be positive (right-skewed), negative (left-skewed), or zero (symmetrical). Understanding the type of skewness present in distribution is important for data analysis and interpretation. The article provides examples of skewed distributions in real-world scenarios, such as income distribution, stock returns, exam scores, response times, and insurance claims. The usefulness of skewed distributions is also discussed. Skewness helps in identifying outliers, understanding data asymmetry, assessing risks in financial analysis, guiding statistical modeling, and determining the need for data transformations.

Definition of Skewness

The skewness of a probability distribution is a statistical measure of the degree of its asymmetry. It provides information about the shape and characteristics of the distribution.
A distribution can exhibit three types of skewness: positive skewness (right-skewed), negative skewness (left-skewed), or zero skewness (symmetrical distribution).
Positive skewness shows that the tail of the distribution extends towards the right, while negative skewness indicates a tail extending towards the left.
A perfectly symmetrical distribution, such as a normal distribution, has zero skewness. Skewness is a valuable tool in data analysis, allowing researchers to understand the distribution’s departure from symmetry and assess the presence of outliers or unusual patterns in the data.

Types of skewness

Understanding the type of skewness present in a distribution is important for analyzing and interpreting data. There are three types of skewness that can be observed in probability distributions:
  • Positive skewness (right-skewed): In a distribution with positive skewness, the tail of the distribution extends towards the right, indicating a longer and fatter tail on the positive side of the distribution. This means that there are more extreme values on the positive side, and the majority of the data is concentrated toward the lower end of the distribution.
  • Negative skewness (Left-Skewed): In a distribution with negative skewness, the tail of the distribution extends towards the left, indicating a longer and fatter tail on the negative side of the distribution. This means that there are more extreme values on the negative side, and the majority of the data is concentrated towards the higher end of the distribution.
  • Zero skewness (Symmetrical): A distribution with zero skewness is perfectly symmetrical. This means that the distribution is evenly balanced around its mean, and there are equal proportions of data on both sides of the mean. The shape of the distribution represents a “bell curve”, such as a normal distribution.

How to calculate skewness

Skewness can be calculated using different formulas depending on whether you are working with a sample or a population. Here are the formulas for calculating skewness:
For a sample (n observations):
Calculate the sample mean (x̄).
Calculate the sample standard deviation (s).
Calculate the third moment about the mean (M3) using the formula:
M3 = (1/n) * Σ[(xi – x̄)^3]
where Σ represents the sum from i = 1 to n, xi is each observation, and x̄ is the sample mean.
Calculate the sample skewness (Sk) using the formula:
Sk = (M3) / (s^3)
For a population (N observations):
Calculate the population mean (μ).
Calculate the population standard deviation (σ).
Calculate the third moment about the mean (μ3) using the formula:
μ3 = (1/N) * Σ[(xi – μ)^3]
where Σ represents the sum from i = 1 to N, xi is each observation, and μ is the population mean.
Calculate the population skewness (Sk) using the formula:
Sk = (μ3) / (σ^3)
The skewness value indicates the direction and magnitude of the skewness. A positive skewness value indicates a right-skewed distribution (long tail on the right), while a negative skewness value indicates a left-skewed distribution (long tail on the left).
Note that there are alternative formulas and methods for calculating skewness, such as using the median and quartiles instead of the mean and standard deviation.
These alternative methods may be more robust to outliers or deviations from normality in the data.

Examples of a skewed distribution

Here are a few examples of skewed distributions:
Income distribution: The majority of people tend to have lower incomes, resulting in a long tail towards higher incomes, where a small number of individuals earn significantly higher amounts.
Stock returns:Stock market returns can also exhibit skewness. Negative skewness may be observed when there are occasional large losses, resulting in a long left tail, while positive skewness can occur when there are infrequent but substantial gains, leading to a long right tail.
Exam scores: In educational settings, exam scores can display skewness. For instance, if an exam is relatively easy and most students perform well, the distribution of scores may be negatively skewed, as the few students who score significantly lower create a tail towards the left.
Response times: In studies involving response times, such as reaction times in psychological experiments, the distribution is often positively skewed. Most response times tend to be shorter, but there can be occasional outliers with longer response times, creating a tail towards the right.
Insurance claims: When analyzing insurance claims, the distribution of claim amounts often exhibits positive skewness. Most claims are relatively small, but there can be infrequent but substantial claims that create a long tail towards higher amounts. These examples illustrate how skewed distributions can arise in various real-world scenarios, highlighting the asymmetry and tail behavior of the data.

Usefulness of skewed distribution

A skewed distribution, whether positively or negatively skewed, can provide valuable insights and serve several useful purposes:
Identification of outliers:Skewness helps in identifying outliers in a dataset. Outliers are extreme observations that deviate significantly from the majority of the data points. A skewed distribution can indicate the presence of such outliers, which can be important for detecting unusual or exceptional observations.
Understanding data asymmetry: Skewness quantifies the degree and direction of asymmetry in a distribution. It provides a numerical measure that helps in understanding the shape and characteristics of the data. By identifying whether a distribution is positively or negatively skewed, researchers and analysts can gain insights into the underlying patterns and behaviors of the data.
Risk assessment and decision-making: Skewness is particularly relevant in risk assessment and decision-making scenarios. In finance, investors and portfolio managers pay close attention to skewness when analyzing return distributions. Positive skewness suggests the presence of more extreme positive returns, which may be desirable for certain investment strategies. Negative skewness, on the other hand, indicates a higher likelihood of extreme negative returns, which may be a concern for risk-averse investors.
Statistical modeling: Skewed distributions can impact statistical modeling and analysis. Many statistical techniques and models assume a symmetric distribution, such as the normal distribution. However, if the data is significantly skewed, these assumptions may not hold, and alternative modeling approaches may be necessary. Skewness can guide the selection of appropriate models and aid in developing more accurate and reliable statistical analyses.
Data transformations: Skewness also helps in determining the need for data transformations. Transforming skewed data into a more symmetric distribution can be beneficial in certain situations. Common transformations include logarithmic, square root, or Box-Cox transformations, which aim to reduce skewness and improve the distributional properties of the data. By identifying the presence and extent of skewness, researchers can make informed decisions about whether data transformation is necessary.


In conclusion, understanding the concept of skewness and its application in data analysis is crucial for researchers, analysts, and decision-makers. Skewness quantifies the degree of asymmetry observed in a probability distribution, and it can be positive (right-skewed), negative (left-skewed), or zero (symmetrical). By examining skewness, one can gain insights into the shape, behavior, and presence of outliers in the data.
The article highlights various examples of skewed distributions in real-world scenarios, such as income distribution, stock returns, exam scores, response times, and insurance claims. These examples demonstrate the practical relevance of skewness and its impact on data interpretation and analysis in different fields. Furthermore, the usefulness of skewed distributions is discussed, emphasizing their role in identifying outliers, understanding data asymmetry, assessing risks, guiding statistical modeling, and determining the need for data transformations.

Key takeaways

  • Skewness refers to the extent of asymmetry observed in a probability distribution.
  • Probability distributions can display varying degrees of right (positive) skewness or left (negative) skewness. A perfectly symmetrical distribution, such as a normal distribution (bell curve), has zero skewness.
  • When assessing a return distribution, investors take note of right-skewness as it provides a better representation of the extreme values in the dataset rather than solely focusing on the average.
  • Skewness provides insights into the direction of outliers, but it does not quantify their occurrence.

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