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Tiger Cub Economies: Understanding Growth Dynamics and Investment Opportunities

Last updated 03/19/2024 by

Silas Bamigbola

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Tiger Cub economies refer to a group of emerging Southeast Asian nations—Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam—that mirror the growth patterns of the Four Asian Tigers. These dynamic economies emphasize export-driven models and technological innovation to fuel their rapid economic development. Investors seeking exposure to high-growth markets often turn to Tiger Cub economies for potential opportunities and diversification benefits.

Introduction to Tiger Cubs economies

Southeast Asia is home to a group of emerging economies known as the Tiger Cubs, consisting of Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam. Similar to their predecessors, the Four Asian Tigers, these nations have embarked on a journey of rapid industrialization and economic expansion. This article delves into the nuances of the Tiger Cub economies, highlighting their growth drivers, investment potential, and key considerations for investors seeking exposure to these dynamic markets.

Understanding Tiger Cub economies

The term “Tiger Cub” originated from the aspiration that Southeast Asian economies would emulate the success of the Four Asian Tigers. These nations experienced remarkable growth between 1950 and 1990, propelled by concerted efforts in industrialization and export-oriented policies. Following suit, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam adopted similar growth strategies, leveraging exports as a primary driver of economic development.
Growth in the Tiger Cub economies has been substantial, although varying in pace and magnitude across the region. The COVID-19 pandemic presented challenges to their economic resilience, yet these nations have continued to exhibit resilience and potential for future growth.
Each Tiger Cub economy possesses unique characteristics and strengths. Indonesia, as the largest among them, boasts a significant population and diverse array of natural resources. Malaysia, on the other hand, is recognized for its well-developed infrastructure and thriving manufacturing sector.
The export sectors play a pivotal role in driving economic growth for each nation:
  • Indonesia: Palm oil, telephones, automotive parts and motor vehicles, computers, jewelry
  • Malaysia: Palm oil, petroleum, wood, liquified natural gas (LNG)
  • Philippines: Electronics, petroleum, semiconductors, coconut oil, transport equipment
  • Thailand: Textiles, machinery, chemicals, electronics
  • Vietnam: Clothing, rice, crude oil, coffee

Investment opportunities

The Tiger Cub economies present attractive opportunities for foreign direct investment (FDI) due to their large and growing domestic markets, improving infrastructure, favorable investment conditions, and competitive labor costs. Investors seeking exposure to these markets can explore various investment vehicles, including country-based mutual funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs).
Popular ETFs that track the performance of Tiger Cub economies include:
  • The iShares MSCI Indonesia ETF (EIDO)
  • The iShares MSCI Malaysia ETF (EWM)
  • The iShares MSCI Philippines ETF (EPHE)
  • The iShares MSCI Thailand ETF (THD)
Investors should conduct thorough research and consider factors such as historical performance, expense ratios, and investment objectives before allocating capital to these funds.

Pros and cons of investing in Tiger Cub economies

Weigh the risks and benefits
Here is a list of the benefits and the drawbacks to consider.
  • Political and regulatory risks inherent in emerging markets
  • Currency volatility
  • Limited transparency and corporate governance standards

Regional economic integration initiatives

In addition to their individual economic endeavors, the Tiger Cub economies actively participate in regional economic integration initiatives. One prominent example is the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), which aims to promote economic cooperation and integration among its member states. Through initiatives such as the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), member countries collaborate to facilitate trade, investment, and the movement of goods and services across borders. Participation in regional economic blocs enhances the competitiveness and attractiveness of Tiger Cub economies on the global stage.

Asean economic community (AEC)

The ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) is a key initiative aimed at transforming Southeast Asia into a single market and production base. By promoting the free flow of goods, services, investment, and skilled labor, the AEC fosters economic integration and enhances the region’s competitiveness. For Tiger Cub economies, participation in the AEC provides opportunities for market expansion, increased investment flows, and deeper regional integration.

Bilateral and multilateral trade agreements

Furthermore, Tiger Cub economies actively engage in bilateral and multilateral trade agreements to expand market access and promote trade liberalization. For instance, countries such as Thailand and Vietnam have entered into free trade agreements (FTAs) with major trading partners, facilitating greater access to international markets and enhancing export opportunities. By leveraging trade agreements, Tiger Cub economies can diversify their export destinations, mitigate trade barriers, and stimulate economic growth.

Technological advancements and innovation

Technological advancements play a pivotal role in shaping the growth trajectory of Tiger Cub economies. These nations recognize the importance of innovation and technology adoption in driving productivity gains, enhancing competitiveness, and fostering economic development.

Technology adoption in key industries

Key industries in Tiger Cub economies, such as manufacturing, agriculture, and services, are embracing technological innovations to improve efficiency and quality. For example, the adoption of automation and robotics in manufacturing processes enhances productivity and reduces labor costs. Similarly, the integration of digital technologies in agriculture facilitates precision farming practices, leading to higher yields and sustainable production.

Emergence of tech startups and entrepreneurship

The burgeoning startup ecosystem in Tiger Cub economies is testament to their commitment to fostering innovation and entrepreneurship. Countries like Indonesia and Vietnam have seen a surge in tech startups, driven by a young, dynamic workforce and supportive government policies. These startups contribute to job creation, technology diffusion, and the development of a vibrant digital economy.


The Tiger Cub economies of Southeast Asia represent promising investment opportunities characterized by rapid economic growth, export-driven models, and technological advancements. As these nations continue to integrate into the global economy and foster innovation, investors can capitalize on their potential for long-term growth and diversification benefits. By understanding the unique characteristics and investment landscape of each Tiger Cub economy, investors can make informed decisions to navigate these dynamic markets.

Frequently asked questions

What are the key characteristics of Tiger Cub economies?

Tiger Cub economies are characterized by rapid economic growth, export-driven models, and technological innovation.

How do investors gain exposure to Tiger Cub economies?

Investors can gain exposure to Tiger Cub economies through country-based mutual funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that track the performance of these markets.

What role do regional economic integration initiatives play in the growth of Tiger Cub economies?

Regional economic integration initiatives, such as the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), enhance the competitiveness and attractiveness of Tiger Cub economies by promoting trade, investment, and cooperation among member states.

What are some potential risks associated with investing in Tiger Cub economies?

Investing in Tiger Cub economies entails risks such as political and regulatory instability, currency volatility, and limited transparency in corporate governance.

How do technological advancements contribute to the growth of Tiger Cub economies?

Technological advancements drive productivity gains, enhance competitiveness, and foster innovation in key industries of Tiger Cub economies, leading to sustained economic growth.

What are some notable examples of technological innovation in Tiger Cub economies?

Examples of technological innovation in Tiger Cub economies include the adoption of automation and robotics in manufacturing, digital transformation in agriculture, and the emergence of thriving tech startup ecosystems.

How do bilateral and multilateral trade agreements impact Tiger Cub economies?

Bilateral and multilateral trade agreements facilitate market access, trade liberalization, and export diversification for Tiger Cub economies, enabling them to expand their global reach and stimulate economic growth.

What are the key factors investors should consider before investing in Tiger Cub economies?

Before investing in Tiger Cub economies, investors should consider factors such as economic fundamentals, political stability, regulatory environment, currency risk, and investment objectives.

Key takeaways

  • Tiger Cub economies exhibit rapid economic growth, driven by export-oriented models and technological innovation.
  • Investors can access Tiger Cub economies through country-based mutual funds and ETFs, leveraging their potential for diversification and growth.
  • Regional economic integration initiatives and technological advancements play pivotal roles in shaping the growth trajectory of Tiger Cub economies.

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