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Creation Units: What They Are, How They Work, and Practical Examples

Last updated 03/20/2024 by

Alessandra Nicole

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Creation units, integral to the exchange-traded fund (ETF) ecosystem, are blocks of shares sold by ETF companies to broker-dealers for subsequent resale. Typically ranging from 25,000 to 600,000 shares, these units can be acquired through cash purchases or in-kind transactions. Valued at the net asset value (NAV) of the fund, creation units entail significant risks and opportunities for broker-dealers, warranting a thorough understanding of their mechanics.

What is a creation unit?

A creation unit constitutes a block of newly issued shares that ETF companies vend to broker-dealers for sale on the open market. These units serve as the foundation for the issuance of fresh ETF shares or the expansion of existing fund shares. Typically sized between 25,000 and 600,000 shares, creation units offer broker-dealers the choice of cash payments or in-kind transactions.

How creation units operate

ETF issuers collaborate with distributors to furnish broker-dealers with new shares in creation units. These shares, upon sale, are valued at the net asset value (NAV) of the fund. The transaction terms, including payment modalities, are subject to negotiation between the ETF issuer and broker-dealer. In-kind transactions, a prevalent mode of payment, entail the assembly and transfer of a portfolio of securities, presenting broker-dealers with potential profits or losses.

Authorized participants

Creation units find utility in the issuance of new ETF shares via broker-dealers, with the latter often operating as authorized participants. Authorized participants, predominantly broker-dealer trading desks, monitor deviations from a fund’s NAV in the trading market, facilitating the management of premiums and discounts.

Common practices for creation units

Illustrating the utilization of creation units is the State Street Global Advisors SPDR Series, prominent in the ETF sector. This series routinely issues creation units of its sector funds, typically in blocks of 50,000 shares, to market makers or other broker-dealers. Financial institutions contribute in-kind securities and/or cash equivalent to the creation unit’s market value, with transaction facilitation handled by ALPS Portfolio Solutions Distributor, Inc.
Here is a list of the benefits and drawbacks to consider:
  • Facilitates the issuance of new ETF shares
  • Offers flexibility in payment options for broker-dealers
  • Potential for profits in in-kind transactions
  • Entails considerable risks for broker-dealers
  • Potential tax implications from profits or losses

Frequently asked questions

What are the tax implications associated with creation unit transactions?

Creation unit transactions can have tax implications arising from profits or losses incurred by broker-dealers. These implications can vary based on the nature of the transaction and the prevailing tax regulations.

Do creation units have fixed sizes?

While creation units typically fall within a range of 25,000 to 600,000 shares, the specific size may vary depending on factors such as the ETF issuer’s policies and market conditions.

Are creation units exclusive to ETFs?

Yes, creation units are primarily associated with ETFs and serve as a mechanism for the issuance and distribution of ETF shares in the market.

What role do authorized participants play in creation unit transactions?

Authorized participants, typically broker-dealer trading desks, play a pivotal role in monitoring deviations from a fund’s NAV in the trading market. They facilitate the management of premiums and discounts to ensure efficient market operations.

Key takeaways

  • Creation units are fundamental components of the ETF market, representing blocks of shares sold by ETF companies to broker-dealers for subsequent resale.
  • Broker-dealers can acquire creation units through cash purchases or in-kind transactions, with transaction terms subject to negotiation.
  • Authorized participants, typically broker-dealer trading desks, play a crucial role in monitoring deviations from a fund’s NAV in the trading market and facilitating efficient market operations.
  • Understanding the mechanics and implications of creation units is essential for investors and market participants in navigating the ETF landscape.

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