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Audrey Henderson

Audrey Henderson is a Chicagoland-based writer and researcher. She holds advanced degrees in sociology and law from Northwestern University. Her writing specialties are sustainable development in the built environment, policy related to arts and popular culture, socially and ecologically responsible travel, civic tech and personal finance.

articles from Audrey

88 posts

10 Tips When Shopping for a New Laptop on a Budget

Published 07/22/2014 by Audrey Henderson

One day you push the button on your laptop and – nothing happens. After hours of pleading, cursing, calling everyone you know for advice, reality begins to sink in. Your computer is dead. May it rest in peace.

Is there a big trip that you have always dreamed of taking, except you can’t afford the airfare or hotel bills? Maybe you’ve been saving up frequent flier miles so that you can finally fly to Australia, China or some other far-off location. What if there was a way to travel worldwide, stay in four or five-star hotels, and pay little or nothing out of pocket?

They have healthy bank accounts, and by all outward appearances, they represent the epitome of success. In many cases, the true picture matches the façade of financial success, but in other cases, the inside story is far different from what the world sees.

What You Need to Know About Personal Loan Rates

Published 07/13/2014 by Audrey Henderson

If you need money but don’t have friends or family willing to lend you cash or credit cards, your options may be somewhat limited. A pawn shop will lend or pay you pennies on the dollar for family heirlooms or high-tech electronics.

Why New York Real Estate Is the New Swiss Bank Account

Published 07/09/2014 by Audrey Henderson

The ridiculous prices associated with the New York real estate market are legendary. Stories of couples hanging onto cramped one bedroom apartments even as their families expand with one, two or three children… Because the apartment is rent controlled. Or stories of four or even five newcomers splitting an apartment meant for one or two occupants because that’s the only way they can afford to live in the city.

Like many Americans nearing retirement age, you may be eagerly anticipating the last time that you punch a clock or fight traffic to get into the office before the boss. But if you’re smart, you’ll follow the same savvy strategy that most Americans followed in 2012: waiting until they reach full retirement age to begin collecting benefits. If you are willing and able to do so, you stand to reap substantially larger payments over the course of your retirement.

5 Things You Can Do to Help Your Local Economy

Published 06/18/2014 by Audrey Henderson

Despite the ongoing financial recovery, many people and businesses are still suffering from the recession. You don’t need a lot of money to make a difference in your community. We’ve put together just a few ways that you can help your local economy, and your own finances too.

9 Reasons Why Some People Have Above Average Credit

Published 06/09/2014 by Audrey Henderson

Maintaining good credit is essential to your financial well being. If you ever intend to purchase a home or rent an apartment, or even get a new job, expect to have your credit pulled. The contents of your credit report, along with your FICO score, make all the difference between being approved or denied.

Do You Use eBay? Better Change Your Password!

Published 05/27/2014 by Audrey Henderson

The past few months have been tough where security is concerned. First Target was hit by a massive security breach throughout their chain of retail stores. Then the disturbing reports about the extensive Heartbleed security threat came to light. In April, online portal AOL reported that hackers had stolen email addresses, passwords, contact lists and other information from a large number of its 120 million users.

10 Celebrities Who Made The Biggest Charity Efforts Ever!

Published 05/27/2014 by Audrey Henderson

One way many celebrities differ from ordinary folks is their ability to donate eye-popping sums to charities and causes that are close to their hearts. Celebrities in fields ranging from sports to fashion frequently give, and give generously. In some cases, giving continues even after the celebrities themselves have passed away. The celebrities on this list represent a cross-section of famous folks and the causes that have benefited from their generosity.

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