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Stockholders Equity: Definition, Calculation, and Examples

Last updated 03/28/2024 by

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The article explains what stockholder’s equity is, how to do and solve it, and why it is necessary. It defines stockholder’s equity as the residual assets left after liabilities have been paid. Stockholders’ equity is divided into two main categories: contributed capital and retained earnings. Contributed capital includes the amount of money shareholders have invested in the company by purchasing shares. At the same time, retained earnings are the portion of a company’s earnings that have not been paid out as dividends. It explains that a company’s stockholder equity is important for investors because it helps them understand how much the company is worth and how much of its assets are owned by shareholders. Finally, the article provides an example of how to calculate stockholder’s equity and lists the components that make up a company’s stockholder’s equity.

What is Stockholder’s Equity

Stockholder’s equity, also known as shareholder’s equity, represents the remaining interest in the assets of a company after deducting its liabilities. In other words, it is the portion of a company’s assets that belongs to its shareholders or owners. Stockholder’s equity is typically divided into two main categories:
  1. Contributed capital: This includes the amount of money shareholders have invested in the company by purchasing its shares of stock. It also includes any additional paid-in capital, which represents the amount of money that shareholders have contributed to the company in excess of the par value of the shares
  2. Retained earnings: This includes the cumulative net income that a company has earned over its lifetime, minus any dividends that have been paid to shareholders. Remaining earnings represent the portion of the company’s earnings that have been retained and reinvested back into the business.
The stockholder’s; equity part of a business balance sheet shows the total amount of equity that shareholders have in the company. It is an important metric for investors as it helps them understand how much the company is worth, and how much of its assets are owned by shareholders.

Understanding stockholder’s equity

Stockholder’s equity is the amount of money that belongs to the people who own a company (called shareholders). Imagine you start a lemonade stand with your friends. You decide to raise money by selling shares of your lemonade stand.
Each share costs $10, and you sell 100 shares, so you raise $1,000. This $1,000 is called “contributed capital” because it’s the money that your shareholders (your friends who bought shares) contributed to the business.
Now, let’s say your lemonade stand becomes really popular and you start making a profit. Let’s say you make $500 in profit over the summer.
You have a choice: you can either pay that $500 out to your shareholders as a dividend (a payment to the shareholders), or you can reinvest the money in the business to help it grow. If you decide to reinvest the money, it becomes “retained earnings”.
So, at the end of the summer, your lemonade stand has $1,000 in contributed capital (the money from selling shares) and $500 in retained earnings (the profit you didn’t pay out as dividends). That means the Stockholder’s equity of your lemonade stand is $1,500 ($1,000 + $500).
This is important because it tells you how much your lemonade stand is worth to the shareholders.
If your lemonade stand is worth more to the shareholders, it might be easier for you to raise more money (by selling more shares, for example).
It also shows how much money you have available to grow the business or pay off debts.

How to calculate stockholder’s equity

To calculate Stockholder’s equity, you need to know the company’s assets and liabilities. Here are the steps to calculate Stockholder’s equity:
  1. Find the company’s total assets: This includes all of the things that the company owns, such as property, equipment, inventory, and investments.
  2. Find the company’s total liabilities: This includes all of the debts that the company owes, such as loans, accounts payable, and taxes owed.
  3. Subtract the company’s total liabilities from its total assets: This will give you the company’s total equity. This represents the portion of the company that is owned by its shareholders.
  4. Separate the equity into contributed capital and retained earnings:Contributed capital is the money that shareholders have invested in the company, and retained earnings are the profits that the company has earned and not distributed as dividends.
  5. Add the contributed capital and retained earnings to get the total Stockholder’s equity.
Here’s an example to illustrate how to calculate Stockholder’s equity
Let’s say that a company has total assets of $500,000 and total liabilities of $200,000. To calculate the company’s total equity, you would subtract $200,000 from $500,000, which gives you $300,000.
Now, let’s say that the company has $100,000 in contributed capital and $50,000 in retained earnings.
To calculate the Stockholder’s equity, you would add $100,000 and $50,000, which gives you $150,000.
Therefore, the company’s Stockholder equity is $150,000, which represents the amount of the company that is owned by its shareholders.

Examples of stockholder’s equity

Here are some examples of components that can make up a company’s Stockholders equity:
  1. Contributed capital: This is the amount of money shareholders have invested in the company by purchasing shares. Contributed capital can include common stock, preferred stock, additional paid-in capital, and any other capital that shareholders have contributed to the business.
  2. Retained earnings: This is the portion of a company’s that are not paid out as dividends to shareholders. Retained earnings can accumulate over time and be used for things like reinvesting in the business, paying off debt, or making acquisitions.
  3. Treasury stock: This is stock that a company has repurchased from shareholders. It can be held by the company as an investment or used to offset the dilutive effect of issuing new shares.
  4. Accumulated other comprehensive income:This is a category that includes certain gains and losses that are not included in net income. Examples might include changes in the value for (business investments, foreign currency translation adjustments, and pension plan adjustments).
  5. Non-controlling interest:If a company has subsidiaries or other entities in which it owns less than 100% of the equity, the portion of the equity that is not owned by the company is considered non-controlling interest. This represents the ownership interest of other parties in the entity.
These are just a few examples of components that can make up a company’s Stockholder equity. The exact components and their relative proportions will depend on the individual company and its financial situation.

The role of retained earnings in stockholder’s equity

Retained earnings play an important role in creating greater Stockholder’s equity over time.
When a company earns a profit, it has the option to distribute that profit to shareholders as dividends or retain it in the business as retained earnings.
Retaining earnings in the business can help create more value for shareholders in several ways:

Reinvestment in the business

Retained earnings can be used to fund new projects or initiatives within the business, such as research and development, expanding into new markets, or upgrading equipment.
These investments can help the business grow and become more profitable in the long run, which can translate into higher stock prices and greater Stockholder’s equity.

Debt reduction

This can also be used to pay down debt, which can improve the company’s financial health and creditworthiness.
This, in turn, can lead to lower borrowing costs and better access to financing, which can help the company grow and create more value for shareholders.

Share buybacks

In some cases, companies may use retained earnings to buy back their own shares from the market.
This can help boost the stock price by reducing the number of shares left and adding up the ownership stake of existing shareholders.
Overall, retaining earnings in the business can help a company create more value over time, which can lead to higher stock prices and greater Stockholder’s equity.
However, it’s important to note that companies should strike a balance between keeping earnings and sharing them with shareholders as dividends, depending on the needs of the business and the preferences of investors.


Stockholder’s equity is an important financial metric that represents the portion of a company’s assets that is owned by shareholders. Calculating Stockholder’s equity involves subtracting a company’s liabilities from its assets and then breaking down the equity into contributed capital and retained earnings.
Examples of components that can make up a company’s Stockholder equity include contributed capital, retained earnings, treasury stock, accumulated other comprehensive income, and non-controlling interest. Retained earnings, in particular, can play an important role in creating greater Stockholder’s equity over time by funding reinvestment in the business, debt reduction, or share buybacks. Understanding Stockholder’s equity is important for investors and stakeholders who want to evaluate a company’s financial health and growth potential.

Key takeaways

  • The highest amount of credit you can obtain from a financial organization is known as a credit limit.
  • The highest amount of credit you can obtain from a financial organization is known as a credit limit.
  • The highest amount of credit you can obtain from a financial organization is known as a credit limit.
  • The highest amount of credit you can obtain from a financial organization is known as a credit limit.

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