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Birake (BIR): Revolutionizing Exchanges – Exploring its Concept, Features, and Challenges

Last updated 05/27/2024 by

Silas Bamigbola

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Birake (BIR) was a pioneering digital currency exchange platform launched in 2018, offering a “white label” service for users to create personalized exchanges. Powered by its own blockchain and the proof-of-stake Birake Coin (BIR), it aimed to democratize cryptocurrency trading. Despite its innovative approach, Birake faced challenges including regulatory complexities and incomplete development, impacting its ultimate success in the dynamic cryptocurrency landscape.

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Birake (BIR) definition

Cryptocurrency enthusiasts witnessed the emergence of Birake in mid-March 2018, introducing itself as a pioneering “white label” digital currency exchange platform. With its unique approach and promise of decentralized trading, Birake aimed to carve its niche in the ever-evolving crypto market. Let’s explore the depths of Birake’s journey, from its inception to its eventual fate.

Understanding Birake (BIR)

What was Birake (BIR)?

Birake emerged as a digital currency exchange platform in 2018, touting itself as the first of its kind to offer a “white label” service. This innovative approach allowed users to create their exchanges, complete with personalized branding, utilizing Birake’s underlying technology and infrastructure. Moreover, Birake boasted its blockchain powered by the proof-of-stake Birake Coin (BIR), enabling users to stake BIR tokens for block rewards.

The concept of white labeling

The concept of white labeling, initially prevalent in the retail industry, was a cornerstone of Birake’s strategy. By providing exchange technology that could be rebranded by clients, Birake aimed to democratize the creation of cryptocurrency exchanges. This approach mirrored the ethos of decentralization, as Birake envisioned a future where power was distributed across a multitude of exchanges rather than concentrated in a few dominant platforms.

History of Birake

Origins and development

Birake’s journey traces back to 2010 when it began as a software company with operations primarily in South America. Over the years, the team behind Birake delved into various facets of the cryptocurrency industry, culminating in the development of exchange software compatible with numerous cryptocurrencies. Despite encountering challenges such as overloaded trading platforms, the team persevered in their quest to introduce a novel exchange solution.

Launch and evolution

Following its initial coin offering (ICO), Birake embarked on a journey of continuous development and refinement. The platform rolled out alpha and beta versions, paving the way for users to create personalized exchanges. With a growing community of users and expanding functionality, Birake seemed poised for success, yet challenges loomed on the horizon.


Birake’s whitepaper lists the concepts the developers hoped to achieve, and how money would be made from the exchange service. Before creating your exchange, however, you were required to purchase a master node for .3 BTC, which in March 2018 was about $2,600.
Purchasing a master node to create an exchange to make money from cryptocurrency trading is a significant personal investment. It may also require licensing and approval by regulatory authorities. In the U.S. and many other developed countries, exchanges are regulated, which creates obstacles for anyone interested in running an exchange.
Birake’s whitepaper focuses on its business model, financial potential, and strategies rather than the information you’d normally find in a whitepaper—this means the project was an initial coin offering (ICO) whose whitepaper is a pitchbook for raising funds.
The costs to create an exchange, along with incomplete development and lack of a working product at launch likely contributed to reduced interest from investors and the cryptocurrency community. Additionally, the ICO was launched at a time when many others were introduced and other cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum were the focus of investor attention.

Goals of Birake

Birake’s developers wanted to create what they believed were truly decentralized exchanges. The intent of the project was to allow anyone to own and maintain a cryptocurrency exchange. Their vision was to “…allow ICO communities, cryptocoins communities and people from this industry to create their own trading platform with a few clicks.
Birake’s mission statement was “…to provide both website owners and users of BIRAKE exchanges network, the biggest database of orders / users and achieve the biggest trading volume from cryptocurrency area.
To achieve these goals, the Birake team of 15 people needed funding, so they put together an ICO to get the project started. It is unclear how well the ICO went or what happened to the project other than it failed to gain momentum. In October 2019, Birake stated they had more than 1,000 active master nodes operating and that they had increased their team to 25 members; In December 2021, the team announced a trading bonus.

What is Birake exchange?

Birake is a cryptocurrency exchange platform offered as an ICO. The intent was to raise funds to continue developing and selling white label cryptocurrency exchange software.

What is a Birake master node?

Birake’s whitepaper does not discuss how its blockchain works. The blockchain was originally forked from Etherum but claimed to use the proof-of-stake mechanisms. At the time the fork was created, Ethereum used proof-of-work.
The tasks a master node completes on the Birake blockchain are unclear.
Birake is one of many cryptocurrency projects which launched during the ICO boom of 2018. The project offered white-label exchange technology, allowing clients to easily create trading platforms with their own unique branding.
While there are periodic announcements from the team, it is unclear where the project stands and whether it is a project investors should look into.
Investing in cryptocurrencies and Initial Coin Offerings (“ICOs”) is highly risky and speculative, and this article is not a recommendation by Investopedia or the writer to invest in cryptocurrencies or ICOs. Since each individual’s situation is unique, a qualified professional should always be consulted before making any financial decisions. Investopedia makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or timeliness of the information contained herein.

Further insights

While Birake aimed to disrupt the cryptocurrency exchange landscape with its innovative approach, it faced various challenges and uncertainties along the way. Understanding the intricacies of Birake’s

Future outlook

As the cryptocurrency ecosystem continues to evolve, it remains to be seen whether projects like Birake will find their footing or fade into obscurity. Investors and enthusiasts alike should exercise caution and conduct thorough research before engaging with any cryptocurrency project, considering factors such as regulatory compliance, technological viability, and market demand.


Birake’s journey serves as a testament to the rapid evolution and inherent risks of the cryptocurrency industry. While its innovative approach garnered attention and enthusiasm from some quarters, challenges such as regulatory hurdles, incomplete development, and lack of clear communication ultimately hindered its progress.

Frequently asked questions

What was the primary goal of Birake?

The primary goal of Birake was to democratize cryptocurrency trading by offering a “white label” service, enabling users to create personalized exchanges quickly.

How did Birake’s white labeling concept differ from traditional exchanges?

Birake’s white labeling concept allowed users to rebrand exchange technology, empowering them to establish their cryptocurrency exchanges with unique branding.

What challenges did Birake face during its journey?

Birake encountered various challenges, including regulatory complexities, incomplete development, and difficulties in communication, impacting its progress within the cryptocurrency industry.

What role did Birake Coin (BIR) play within the platform?

Birake Coin (BIR) served as the native token within the Birake platform, powering its blockchain and enabling users to stake BIR tokens for block rewards.

Did Birake achieve its vision of decentralization?

While Birake aimed to promote decentralization by allowing anyone to own and maintain a cryptocurrency exchange, its ultimate success in achieving this vision remains uncertain.

How did Birake’s history shape its trajectory?

Birake’s history, rooted in software development and cryptocurrency trading, influenced its evolution, from its inception to its eventual outcomes and challenges.

What lessons can be learned from Birake’s journey?

Birake’s journey provides valuable insights into the complexities and risks of the cryptocurrency industry, emphasizing the importance of regulatory compliance, technological innovation, and clear communication in project development.

Key takeaways

  • Birake aimed to democratize cryptocurrency trading through its white-label exchange platform.
  • The platform faced challenges such as regulatory hurdles and incomplete development.
  • Lessons from Birake’s journey underscore the importance of regulatory compliance and clear communication in cryptocurrency projects.

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