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How to Remove 01 Synchrony Bank from Your Credit Report

Last updated 06/07/2024 by

Silas Bamigbola

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01 Synchrony Bank is a debt collection agency that may appear on your credit report if they purchase or collect debt on behalf of other companies. This article provides comprehensive information on how 01 Synchrony Bank impacts your credit, ways to handle their collection attempts, and your legal rights in dealing with them.
Dealing with debt collectors like 01 Synchrony Bank can be stressful and confusing. This article aims to provide a detailed guide on who 01 Synchrony Bank is, how they operate, and what steps you can take to manage their impact on your credit report. Understanding your rights and the best strategies for handling collections can help you navigate this challenging situation effectively.

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Who is 01 Synchrony Bank?

01 Synchrony Bank is a debt collection agency that purchases delinquent debts from various creditors or collects on behalf of other companies. They might contact you through phone calls or mail to demand payment. These collections can severely impact your credit score, making it harder to secure loans or other financial products.

How does 01 Synchrony Bank operate?

When a creditor gives up on collecting a debt, they might sell it to a collection agency like 01 Synchrony Bank for pennies on the dollar. Alternatively, 01 Synchrony Bank might be hired to collect the debt on behalf of another company. In either case, they will attempt to recover the full amount owed, often using persistent communication tactics.

Does 01 Synchrony Bank hurt my credit score?

Yes, any derogatory mark, including collections from 01 Synchrony Bank, can severely impact your credit score. These marks indicate to lenders that you have failed to repay debts, making them less likely to approve you for loans or credit lines. A collections account from 01 Synchrony Bank will remain on your credit report for up to seven years from the date of first delinquency.

How to remove 01 Synchrony Bank from your credit report

Check for errors

One of the first steps in removing 01 Synchrony Bank from your credit report is to check for any errors or inaccuracies. According to a study by the U.S. PIRGs, 79% of credit reports contain mistakes. If you find any errors in the information reported by 01 Synchrony Bank, you can dispute these inaccuracies with the credit bureaus.

Dispute the debt

If you believe the debt reported by 01 Synchrony Bank is incorrect or fraudulent, you have the right to dispute it. The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) and the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) provide consumers with the ability to challenge the validity of a debt.

Negotiate a settlement

In some cases, you might be able to negotiate a settlement with 01 Synchrony Bank. This involves agreeing to pay a portion of the debt in exchange for having the account marked as settled. However, be aware that settling a debt can still negatively impact your credit score, although it might be less damaging than having an unpaid collection.

How to file a complaint against 01 Synchrony Bank

If you believe 01 Synchrony Bank has violated your rights or engaged in unfair practices, you can file a complaint with the appropriate authorities. Here are the steps to take:

File a complaint with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB)

The CFPB is a federal agency that oversees financial institutions and ensures they comply with consumer protection laws. You can file a complaint online through the CFPB’s website:
  • Visit the CFPB complaint page: CFPB Complaint Page
  • Provide details about your issue with 01 Synchrony Bank.
  • Submit any supporting documentation.
  • Follow up on your complaint through the CFPB’s tracking system.

File a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC)

The FTC handles complaints about unfair or deceptive business practices. You can file a complaint with the FTC online:
  • Visit the FTC complaint page: FTC Complaint Assistant
  • Fill out the complaint form with your information and details about 01 Synchrony Bank.
  • Submit any evidence or documents that support your claim.

Contact your state attorney general’s office

Each state has an attorney general’s office that handles consumer complaints. You can contact your state’s attorney general to file a complaint against 01 Synchrony Bank:
  • Find your state attorney general’s contact information: NAAG: Find My AG
  • Submit your complaint through the provided channels.

Request all correspondence in writing

Ensure a documented record of communications with 01 Synchrony Bank by requesting written correspondence. Contact 01 Synchrony Bank at the following address:
01 Synchrony Bank contact information
PO Box 965035, Orlando, FL 32896-5035
+1 866-419-4096

Frequently asked questions

Is 01 Synchrony Bank a legitimate company?

Yes, 01 Synchrony Bank is a legitimate debt collection agency. They are not a scam, although their collection tactics can sometimes be aggressive.

Is 01 Synchrony Bank a debt collection agency?

Yes, 01 Synchrony Bank is a debt collection agency. They purchase debts from various creditors who have written off the debt as a loss. These debts are often bought for a fraction of the original amount owed.

Should I pay for delete with 01 Synchrony Bank?

Paying 01 Synchrony Bank to delete the debt from your credit report, also known as “pay for delete,” is a strategy some consumers consider. However, paying off a collection account will change its status from unpaid to paid, but it will still remain on your credit report for seven years from the date of first delinquency.

Should I negotiate a settlement with 01 Synchrony Bank?

Negotiating a settlement with 01 Synchrony Bank can be a viable option. While it may help your credit score by resolving the debt, it might still have a negative impact. Each situation is unique, so it’s important to consider all factors before deciding to settle.

Is 01 Synchrony Bank legit, fake, or a scam?

01 Synchrony Bank is a legitimate company. They are not a scam, but their persistent collection tactics can be distressing. It’s important to verify any debt they claim you owe and understand your rights when dealing with them.

Why does 01 Synchrony Bank keep calling me?

01 Synchrony Bank will continue to call you in an attempt to collect the debt. Ignoring their calls is one strategy, but it’s often better to seek assistance from a credit repair company to handle the situation professionally and explore options for removing the collection from your report.

Will 01 Synchrony Bank try suing or garnishing my wages?

It’s unlikely that 01 Synchrony Bank will sue you or garnish your wages. While it is possible, it is not common practice. There are state and federal laws that protect consumers from excessive garnishments, and these exemptions can vary by state.

Does 01 Synchrony Bank accept goodwill letters?

In general, 01 Synchrony Bank does not accept goodwill letters to remove collection accounts or charge-offs. This is a common practice among many collection agencies.

Who does 01 Synchrony Bank collect for?

01 Synchrony Bank collects debts for a variety of lenders. The specific creditors they work with can change over time, and they typically do not disclose this information publicly.

What are my rights when dealing with 01 Synchrony Bank?

Consumers have specific rights when dealing with debt collectors like 01 Synchrony Bank. The FDCPA and FCRA protect you from abusive practices and ensure you can dispute inaccurate information. Understanding these rights can help you effectively manage any collection attempts.

What is 01 Synchrony Bank phone number?

You may want to contact a credit repair company before dealing directly with 01 Synchrony Bank. This can help you understand your options and potentially avoid paying inaccurate or invalid debts.

Can I remove 01 Synchrony Bank from my credit report?

Yes, it is possible to remove 01 Synchrony Bank from your credit report if you find inaccuracies or errors in the reported information. You can dispute these inaccuracies with the credit bureaus or seek assistance from a credit repair company.

Where can I find 01 Synchrony Bank login?

Logging into 01 Synchrony Bank may provide information about your account. However, it’s recommended to consult with a credit repair professional first to ensure you address the issue correctly.

Need help with 01 Synchrony Bank?

If you need assistance with 01 Synchrony Bank, speaking with a credit specialist can be beneficial. They can help you understand your rights, dispute inaccuracies, and explore options for removing collections from your credit report.

Should I pay 01 Synchrony Bank the full amount?

Paying the full amount is one option, but it might not always be the best one. Consider negotiating a settlement or seeking advice from a credit repair professional before making any payments.

What are my rights when dealing with 01 Synchrony Bank?

You have the right to dispute any debt they claim you owe, and they must provide verification of the debt. The FDCPA and FCRA protect you from abusive practices and ensure fair treatment.

How long will 01 Synchrony Bank stay on my credit report?

A collection account from 01 Synchrony Bank can remain on your credit report for up to seven years from the date of first delinquency.

Key takeaways

  • 01 Synchrony Bank is a legitimate debt collection agency that can impact your credit score.
  • Checking for errors and disputing inaccuracies on your credit report is crucial for potentially removing collections from 01 Synchrony Bank.
  • Negotiating a settlement can be an option, but it might still negatively impact your credit score.
  • Understanding your rights under the FDCPA and FCRA can help you manage collection attempts effectively.
  • Seeking professional advice from a credit repair company can provide valuable assistance in handling 01 Synchrony Bank collections.

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