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Best Debt Relief Companies For Veterans

July 2024

Managing debt is a challenge that many veterans face after their service. With various types of debts such as medical bills, credit card debts, and student loans, finding the right veteran debt relief option can be daunting. Here is a list of programs, services, and companies that can help.
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Veterans often face unique financial challenges upon returning to civilian life. From medical expenses to the adjustment of post-service careers, these challenges can sometimes lead to significant debt. Recognizing this, there are several debt relief programs designed specifically for veterans. We aim to guide veterans through these options, helping them regain financial stability.
The companies below are among the best debt relief companies for veterans and offer a free, no-strings-attached consultation so you can see what your options are before you commit to anything:
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Understanding veteran debt

Debt among veterans can stem from various sources such as healthcare costs, unemployment, or reduced income after leaving active military or service. Statistics indicate that veterans are often at a higher risk of falling into debt compared to their civilian counterparts. The impact of this debt can be profound, affecting not just financial stability but also mental and emotional well-being.

Types of debt relief programs for veterans

There are several avenues veterans can explore for debt relief:
  • Government programs The Veterans Affairs (VA) Debt Management Center is a crucial resource, offering solutions to manage or reduce debt related to VA benefits. Additionally, federal programs provide tailored support, helping veterans navigate through financial hardships.
  • Non-profit organizations Numerous non-profits focus on assisting veterans. These organizations offer various services, from debt counseling to direct financial assistance, and are often free or low-cost.
  • Private debt relief options These include services like debt consolidation, where multiple debts are combined into a single loan, or debt settlement, which involves negotiating with creditors to reduce the overall debt owed. Private counseling services can also provide guidance on managing debt effectively.

Evaluating debt relief options

When selecting a military debt relief or program, veterans should consider the type of debt they have, the fees involved, and potential impacts on their credit scores. It's crucial to stay vigilant about scams and predatory practices, ensuring that the chosen program is reputable and genuinely serves veterans' best interests.

Filing bankruptcy

Bankruptcy can be a viable option for veterans struggling with unmanageable debt. It can provide a fresh start, though it's important to understand the long-term impacts on credit and financial status.

Credit card debt forgiveness

Some programs offer credit card debt forgiveness for veterans, particularly in cases of hardship. It’s essential to negotiate with creditors or seek assistance from other military debt forgiveness and relief organizations.

Debt relief for disabled veterans

Disabled veterans may qualify for additional debt relief benefits, including potential debt waivers or reductions. The VA and other organizations provide specific programs to address the unique financial challenges faced by disabled veterans.

Student loan debt relief for veterans

Veterans may be eligible for student loan forgiveness programs, especially if they have a service-related disability. Options include the Public Service Loan Forgiveness and Total and Permanent Disability Discharge programs.

Debt relief grants for veterans

Various organizations and programs offer grants to veterans to help relieve debts. These grants don't need to be repaid and can cover debts such as medical bills, housing costs, and other essential expenses.

Debt help for military spouses

Military spouses may also access debt relief resources, including financial counseling, debt consolidation loans and support from military aid societies. Some programs also cater specifically to the financial needs of military families.

Debt consolidation as debt relief for veterans

Debt consolidation is a financial strategy that involves combining multiple debts into a single loan or payment plan. This approach can simplify the management of debt by offering a single payment date and potentially lower interest rates. It's particularly appealing to individuals juggling various high-interest debts, such as credit card balances, medical bills, and personal loans. By consolidating these debts into one monthly payment amount, individuals may find it easier to keep track of their finances and potentially save money on interest over time.
Here is a list of the benefits and the drawbacks to consider.
  • Simplified payment process
  • Potentially lower interest rates
  • Improved credit score over time
  • Stress reduction from managing fewer payments
  • Possible longer repayment period
  • Risk of accruing more debt
  • Upfront costs or fees
  • Collateral requirement for secured loans

Things to consider about debt consolidation

Debt consolidation offers a beacon of hope for those overwhelmed by multiple debt payments. By combining debts into one loan or payment plan, individuals can often secure a lower overall interest rate compared to the sum of the individual rates from each debt. This not only simplifies the monthly payment due process but can also lead to significant savings.
However, it's important to approach debt consolidation with caution. Some consolidation loans may extend the repayment period, which could mean paying more interest over the life of the loan, despite the lower rate. Additionally, consolidating debt does not erase the original debt; it merely restructures it, which means discipline is required to avoid accruing new debt during or after the first military debt consolidation loan and process.
Upfront costs and fees associated with securing a new loan or transferring existing balances can also diminish the financial benefits of debt consolidation loan. Furthermore, if a consolidation loan is secured against a valuable asset, such as a home, failing to make payments can lead to serious consequences, including losing the asset.
The bottom line is debt consolidation can be a powerful tool for managing and reducing debt, but it's not without its risks. Individuals considering this option should carefully evaluate their financial situation, consider the potential impact on their credit score and financial health, and explore all terms and conditions of military debt consolidation loans, before proceeding.

List of programs that provide debt relief for veterans

Veterans Medical Debt Forgiveness Program

Specifically for veterans facing financial hardships due to medical bills incurred through the VA healthcare system. This program forgives debts for treatments and services offered by VA hospitals and clinics. How to Apply: Applications are accepted through the VA's health benefits website, where veterans can submit a request online or download a form to mail in.

VA Debt Management Center (DMC)

Assists with managing debts from overpayments of VA benefits and healthcare co-payments. Offers flexible repayment plans, debt waivers, and compromise options. How to Apply: Veterans should directly contact the DMC via the VA website or call their hotline. Assistance is available to discuss debt relief options and negotiate repayment terms.

Disabled Veterans Student Loan Forgiveness (Total and Permanent Disability Discharge)

Discharges federal student loan debt for veterans who are totally and permanently disabled due to service-connected conditions. How to Apply: The application process can be initiated through the U.S. Department of Education's official website. Veterans may also contact their loan servicer directly to provide documentation of VA disability determinations.

VA Home Loan Guaranty Program

Facilitates home buying and refinancing for veterans without the need for a down payment or private mortgage insurance, offering better interest rates. How to Apply: Obtain a Certificate of Eligibility (COE) from the VA, then work with a a VA loan and-approved lender to apply for a home loan or refinancing under this program.

Veterans’ Mortgage Life Insurance (VMLI)

Provides mortgage life insurance for severely disabled veterans who have adapted their homes. Aims to protect family members by paying off the home's mortgage in the event of the veteran's death. How to Apply: Information and application forms are available on the VA benefits website, under the life insurance section.

State Veterans Property Tax Exemptions

Many states offer property tax exemptions or reductions for veterans, which can significantly decrease annual expenses. Benefits vary by state and may depend on the veteran's disability status, income, or property value. How to Apply: Veterans should contact their local tax assessor's office or visit their state's veterans affairs website for eligibility criteria and application procedures.

Armed Forces Foundation Assistance Programs

Offers financial assistance and support services to military members, veterans, and their families facing financial hardship, including debt relief and credit counseling. How to Apply: Applications are typically submitted through the organization's website, with requirements for documentation of service and financial need.

Operation First Response

Provides direct financial assistance to wounded veterans and their families during recovery and transition back to civilian life, including help with debt and living expenses. How to Apply: Veterans or family of active duty service members, can apply directly on the Operation First Response website, submitting evidence of financial need and military service.

Military Debt Management Agency (MDMA)

A non-profit organization offering free counseling and debt management services specifically for military personnel and veterans. Includes help with consolidating and using home loans and negotiating debts. How to Apply: Contact MDMA through their website to schedule a consultation and explore debt management solutions tailored to military families.

USA Cares Military Assistance Program

Provides emergency financial assistance and post-service skills training to veterans and military families in crisis, aiming to prevent homelessness and ensure stability. How to Apply: Application details and eligibility requirements are available on the USA Cares website, with a focus on rapid response to applications.
Navigating through debt relief options can be daunting, but for veterans, there are specific programs and resources available to help. It's important to carefully evaluate these options and choose the one that best fits individual circumstances. Addressing debt is not just about financial health; it's about improving overall quality of life.


Can the VA help me with my debt?

The VA can assist veterans with managing debt incurred from VA benefits, such as overpayments and health care fees. The VA Debt Management Center offers options like debt repayment plans, compromises, and waivers, depending on the veteran's circumstances.

What is the GI Bill?

The GI Bill provides educational benefits to veterans, service members, and their families. It covers tuition and fees, a monthly housing allowance, and a stipend for books and supplies, helping to reduce educational debt.

Can veterans get debt forgiveness?

Yes, veterans can qualify for debt forgiveness, especially in cases of service-related disabilities or financial hardship. Programs vary, so it's essential to explore specific options available for individual situations.

Will the VA waive veteran's debt?

The VA may waive a veteran's debt if they demonstrate financial hardship or if the debt was incurred due to an error. Veterans need to apply for a waiver and provide supporting documentation.

Does VA require collections to be paid off?

The VA may refer unpaid debts to a collection agency. However, veterans have options to manage these debts, including repayment plans or compromises, before they reach collections.

What happens if I don't pay VA debt?

If a VA debt is not paid, it may result in collection actions, including deduction from VA benefits, referral to credit bureaus, or legal action. It's crucial for veterans to contact the VA Debt Management Center to discuss their options.

Does the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) provide debt relief for veterans?

The Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) offers comprehensive protections for active duty military personnel, reservists, and National Guard members during their service period. These protections are designed to reduce financial burdens and safeguard legal rights, providing critical support in managing debts. Here's an overview of the SCRA's key provisions:
These are the key provisions of the SCRA

Reduced Interest Rates

The SCRA caps interest rates at 6% per annum on loans and credit obligations incurred before military service. This reduction applies to both principal and interest, helping to significantly lower monthly payments on pre-service debts.

Foreclosure and Eviction Protection

Under the SCRA, foreclosure on mortgages and eviction from rental properties without a court order are prohibited for active duty personnel if the obligation was entered into before active duty. This provides a strong layer of security against losing a home due to financial challenges related to service.

Termination of Residential or Motor Vehicle Leases

Service members ordered to relocate due to a permanent change of station (PCS) or deployment for 90 days or more can terminate residential and vehicle leases without penalty, facilitating easier transitions and reducing financial strain.

Protection Against Default Judgments

The act protects service members from default judgments in civil proceedings, including debt collection lawsuits, when military duties prevent court appearance. Courts can appoint an attorney or service member to represent the service member's interests or delay proceedings.

Stay of Proceedings

Military members can request a postponement of civil court actions if their service materially affects their ability to participate, offering valuable time to address financial issues without the immediate threat of legal consequences.

Security Deposit Interest

In some jurisdictions, the SCRA may enable a higher interest rate on security deposits for military service members, providing a minor financial benefit during their period of service.
To benefit from the SCRA's protections, service members or their representatives need to provide written notice along with military orders to creditors or landlords. Awareness and communication are key to accessing these vital supports.

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