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How to Remove Chase Collection from Your Credit Report

Last updated 06/27/2024 by

Bamigbola Paul

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Chase Collection, a debt collection agency, can significantly impact your credit score by reporting collection accounts. Knowing your rights and options for removing these accounts from your credit report is essential for maintaining a healthy credit score. This guide covers everything you need to know about dealing with Chase Collection, from disputing errors and negotiating settlements to understanding your legal protections.
Dealing with debt collectors like Chase Collection can be overwhelming. Their persistent calls and letters can be stressful, and a collection account on your credit report can severely impact your financial health. This article will guide you through who Chase Collection is, how they operate, and strategies for removing them from your credit report while protecting your rights.

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What is Chase Collection?

Who are they?

Chase Collection is a debt collection agency that either buys debt from original creditors or is hired to collect debts on behalf of other companies. They are known for aggressively pursuing debts, often through persistent phone calls and letters.

How do they operate?

Chase Collection operates by purchasing debt for a fraction of its original value or being paid to collect on behalf of creditors. They then attempt to recover the full amount from the debtor, making a profit from the difference. Their tactics can include frequent communication attempts and reporting the debt to credit bureaus.

Pro Tip

Always request that all communication from debt collectors be in writing. This provides a clear record of all interactions and can help protect your rights.

Does Chase Collection hurt my credit score?

Impact on credit score

An unresolved collection account from Chase Collection can significantly damage your credit score. Lenders view collection accounts negatively, which can lower your credit score by several points and affect your ability to secure loans, mortgages, or other financial products.

Statute of limitations

The impact of a collection account on your credit score depends on its age and whether it falls within the statute of limitations. Older collection accounts may have less impact, but they can still be damaging.

How to remove Chase Collection from your credit report

Disputing inaccuracies

If the information reported by Chase Collection is incorrect, you can dispute the account with the credit bureaus. The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) allows you to challenge any inaccurate or incomplete information on your credit report.

Requesting validation

Under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), you have the right to request validation of the debt. This means Chase Collection must provide proof that the debt is yours and that the amount is accurate.

Negotiating a pay-for-delete

In some cases, you may be able to negotiate a pay-for-delete agreement with Chase Collection. This involves paying the debt in exchange for having the collection account removed from your credit report. However, be aware that not all collection agencies agree to this type of arrangement.

Pro Tip

When negotiating with debt collectors, always get any agreements in writing before making a payment.

Need help with Chase Collection?

If dealing with Chase Collection on your own seems overwhelming, consider seeking help from a credit repair company or a financial advisor. These professionals can provide guidance and support to help you navigate the process and improve your credit score.

Will Chase Collection try suing or garnishing my wages?

While it’s uncommon for Chase Collection to sue for a debt, it’s not impossible. They may pursue legal action in rare cases. State and federal laws provide certain protections and exemptions regarding wage garnishment and bank levies. It’s advisable to consult with a legal expert to understand your rights and options.

Does Chase Collection accept a goodwill letter to remove my collection/charge-off?

Typically, Chase Collection does not accept goodwill letters to remove collection accounts or charge-offs. Most collection agencies follow this practice, but it’s always worth asking as policies can change.

Who does Chase Collection collect for?

Chase Collection collects for a variety of lending companies, commonly known as creditors. These can change over time, and collection agencies usually do not disclose their clients publicly.

What are my rights when dealing with Chase Collection?

You have several rights under the FDCPA and FCRA when dealing with Chase Collection. These laws protect you from abusive practices and allow you to dispute debts. Knowing your rights can empower you to handle the situation more effectively.

What is Chase Collection’s phone number?

If you need to contact Chase Collection, you should consider speaking with a credit repair company first. They can help you determine if paying the debt is the best option and potentially assist in removing the collection from your report.

Request all correspondence in writing

Ensuring a documented record of communications with Chase Collection is crucial. Always request that all correspondence be in writing. This helps protect your rights and provides a clear record of all interactions, which can be useful if disputes arise.
Chase Collection contact information
P.O. Box 6185, Westerville, OH 43086
Ph# +1-800-935-9935

How to file a complaint against Chase Collection

If you believe Chase Collection has violated your rights or engaged in unfair practices, you have the option to file a complaint. You can file complaints with various agencies to ensure your concerns are heard and addressed appropriately.
Here are the steps to file a complaint:
  1. Document all interactions with Chase Collection, including dates, times, and the nature of the communications.
  2. Visit the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) website and submit a complaint online.
  3. Contact your state’s Attorney General’s office to file a complaint.
  4. Report any violations to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).

Pro Tip

Document all communication attempts by Chase Collection. This can be helpful if you need to dispute the debt or file a complaint.

Understanding your rights under FDCPA and FCRA

The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) and the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) provide protections for consumers dealing with debt collectors. These laws ensure that you are treated fairly and that your credit report is accurate. Familiarize yourself with your rights under these acts to effectively handle interactions with Chase Collection and other debt collectors.

Steps to dispute inaccurate information

Here are the steps to follow:
  1. Obtain a copy of your credit report from the three major credit bureaus (Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion).
  2. Identify the inaccurate information and gather any supporting documents.
  3. Submit a dispute to the credit bureaus, providing details and evidence of the inaccuracies.
  4. Follow up with the credit bureaus to ensure the dispute is resolved and the incorrect information is removed.

Negotiating a settlement with Chase Collection

Negotiating a settlement can sometimes lead to a resolution that works for both you and Chase Collection. Here are some tips for negotiating:
  • Start by offering a lower amount than the debt to see if they are willing to settle for less.
  • Ensure any settlement agreement is documented in writing before making a payment.
  • Be aware that paying off a settled debt may still affect your credit score, but it can also prevent further collection actions.

Where can I find Chase Collection’s login?

Accessing your account through Chase Collection’s login may seem like a good idea, but consulting with a credit repair company can provide you with a clearer strategy for addressing the debt on your report.


Dealing with Chase Collection can be challenging, but understanding your rights and options can help you navigate the process more effectively. Whether disputing errors, negotiating settlements, or seeking professional help, proactive steps can improve your credit health and reduce stress. Remember to maintain open communication and keep detailed records to manage debt collections successfully.

Frequently asked questions

Is Chase Collection a debt collection agency?

Yes, Chase Collection is a legitimate debt collection agency. They purchase debt from various creditors and attempt to collect it from consumers. While they are a real company, their tactics can sometimes feel aggressive or intrusive.

Should I pay for delete with Chase Collection?

Paying off Chase Collection to have credit bureaus delete it from your report seems ideal, but there’s a catch. Paying a debt in collections changes your credit report status from ‘unpaid’ to ‘paid’. The result? The collection still appears on your report for seven years from the date of first delinquency, which means your credit is still affected.

Should I negotiate a settlement with Chase Collection?

Settling your debt with Chase Collection may help your score, but it can also hurt it depending on various factors. It’s important to assess your specific situation and consider professional advice to determine the best course of action. Sometimes, you may not have to pay at all if there are issues with the account that can lead to its removal.

Is Chase Collection legit, fake, or a scam?

Chase Collection is a legitimate company. They are not a fake company or a scam. However, they may use persistent communication methods that can feel like harassment.

Why does Chase Collection keep calling me?

Chase Collection continues to call and attempt to collect a debt. The best thing you can do is to speak with a company that can help you get it removed from your credit report. Ignoring their calls won’t make the debt go away, and it can lead to further complications.

Key takeaways

  • Chase Collection is a legitimate debt collection agency that can impact your credit score.
  • Disputing inaccuracies and requesting debt validation are important steps in managing collection accounts.
  • Negotiating a pay-for-delete may be possible, but it’s crucial to get agreements in writing.
  • Consulting with a credit repair company can provide additional support and strategies.

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