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Admitted Insurance Definition: Examples, and Decision-Making

Last updated 03/19/2024 by

Silas Bamigbola

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Admitted insurance is a form of coverage provided by insurers who are licensed and regulated by state insurance departments. These insurers must adhere to strict regulations, ensuring the protection of policyholders. In this article, we’ll delve deeper into the world of admitted insurance, understand its benefits, and compare it to non-admitted insurance.

Understanding admitted insurance

Admitted insurance refers to insurance coverage offered by companies that are licensed to operate by the state insurance agency in which they are based. These state insurance agencies regulate nearly all aspects of admitted insurance companies’ operations, including capitalization requirements, policy forms, rate approvals, and claims handling. Let’s explore this concept further.

Regulations and compliance

Admitted insurance companies are held to stringent regulations set forth by the state’s department of insurance. These regulations encompass various aspects of insurance operations to protect the interests of policyholders. Some key areas that admitted insurers must comply with include:
  • Policy forms: Admitted insurance companies must follow specific guidelines regarding the forms and content of insurance policies. This ensures that policyholders are provided with clear and standardized coverage terms.
  • Rate approvals: Rates charged by admitted insurers are subject to approval by state insurance authorities. This prevents insurers from overcharging their policyholders.
  • Claims handling: Admitted insurers are required to adhere to strict standards when handling claims. This guarantees that policyholders receive fair and timely settlements.

Financial protection for policyholders

One significant advantage of choosing admitted insurance is the safety net it provides to policyholders. In the event that an admitted insurance company encounters financial difficulties and is unable to pay claims, the state insurance fund steps in to ensure that policyholders’ claims are honored. This safeguard offers peace of mind to those who hold admitted insurance policies.

Appeal rights

Admitted insurance policyholders have the right to appeal to the state insurance department if they believe their insurance claim has been mishandled. This appeal process ensures that policyholders have a means of addressing conflicts and disputes, further enhancing the protection they receive.

Tax benefits

Customers who purchase coverage from an admitted insurance carrier may enjoy certain financial advantages. Unlike non-admitted carriers, policyholders of admitted insurance do not have to pay certain fees and taxes as part of their policies, making this option more cost-effective.

What non-admitted insurance means

The non-admitted status

Non-admitted insurance refers to coverage provided by insurance carriers that have not been approved by the state’s insurance department. This status comes with some significant differences and potential drawbacks.
  • Non-adherence to state regulations: Non-admitted insurance companies are not bound by the regulations set forth by state insurance departments. This means they have more flexibility in structuring policies and rates.
  • No guarantee of claims payment: In the case of insolvency or financial trouble, there are no guarantees that claims will be paid by non-admitted carriers, even if a policy is active at the time of the insurer’s financial troubles.
  • Limited recourse for mishandled claims: Policyholders who believe their case was mishandled have limited recourse when dealing with non-admitted insurance. Escalating the matter to the state insurance department is not an option.

When non-admitted insurance is appropriate

Many states allow non-admitted carriers to conduct business only when they fill a niche that admitted carriers cannot address. However, there are trade-offs involved in opting for non-admitted insurance.

The role of state guaranty funds

One significant distinction between admitted and non-admitted insurance is the involvement of state guaranty funds. Admitted carriers contribute to these funds, which protect policyholders in the event of an insurance carrier’s bankruptcy. Non-admitted carriers do not participate in this system, meaning policyholders have a higher level of financial risk.

Understanding financial ratings

When evaluating non-admitted insurance options, it’s essential to consider financial strength ratings. These ratings, ranging from D to A++, are provided by credit rating firm A.M. Best. A non-admitted insurance company with a high rating is generally considered a safe bet, while an admitted carrier with a C rating or below suggests a higher level of risk.

Real-Life examples

1. Admitted insurance in action

Let’s explore a real-life example of how admitted insurance operates. Imagine you’re a small business owner in California, and you’ve purchased commercial property insurance from an admitted insurer licensed by the California Department of Insurance. A severe fire damages your business premises, leading to a substantial insurance claim.
In this case, the regulatory framework ensures that your claim is processed fairly and promptly. The admitted insurance company follows the state’s guidelines for claims handling, providing you with the support you need during a challenging time. Additionally, if the insurance company were to face financial difficulties and be unable to fulfill its obligations, the California Insurance Guarantee Association (CIGA) might step in to cover your claim. This is a clear illustration of the protective measures that admitted insurance offers to policyholders.

2. Non-Admitted insurance scenarios

Non-admitted insurance, on the other hand, is often used in specialized situations where admitted insurers may not be equipped to provide coverage. Consider a high-risk construction project that requires unique insurance coverage. You may turn to a non-admitted insurance provider with expertise in handling such complex risks.
In this scenario, the non-admitted insurer has the flexibility to design a tailored insurance policy that aligns with the specific needs of your project. However, it’s crucial to understand that if this non-admitted insurer faces financial troubles or insolvency, there may be no safety net to cover your claims. This underscores the importance of thoroughly assessing the financial strength and reputation of non-admitted insurers in specialized situations.

Pros and cons

Here is a list of the benefits and drawbacks to consider.
  • Admitted insurance offers regulatory safeguards and financial protection for policyholders.
  • Policyholders have the right to appeal to the state insurance department in case of disputes or mishandled claims.
  • Admitted insurance companies are held to stringent regulations, ensuring fair rates and claims handling.
  • Customers of admitted insurance may enjoy certain financial advantages, such as reduced fees and taxes.
  • State insurance funds provide a safety net in case admitted insurance companies fail to pay claims due to financial troubles.
  • Non-admitted insurance provides more flexibility but comes with higher financial risk.
  • Non-admitted insurers are not bound by state regulations, potentially leading to different policy terms and rates.
  • In case of non-admitted insurer insolvency, there are no guarantees that claims will be paid, even for active policies.
  • Policyholders of non-admitted insurance have limited recourse for mishandled claims, as they cannot escalate issues to the state insurance department.
  • Admitted insurance may have higher upfront costs compared to non-admitted insurance.

Comparing costs and flexibility

1. Cost considerations

One of the key factors that often influence the choice between admitted and non-admitted insurance is the cost. Admitted insurance policies typically do not include surplus lines taxes and fees, which can add to the overall expense of non-admitted insurance. Policyholders of admitted insurance may benefit from cost savings in this regard.
On the other hand, non-admitted insurance might offer more flexibility in terms of pricing. Non-admitted insurers can set rates and terms without the restrictions imposed by state regulations. This can be advantageous for businesses seeking highly customized insurance solutions.

2. Flexibility in policy terms

Admitted insurance policies are subject to strict state regulations, which means they may have standardized policy forms and terms. While this can provide policyholders with a level of consistency and predictability, it might limit the customization options.
In contrast, non-admitted insurance policies are known for their flexibility. Non-admitted carriers can craft policies tailored to the specific needs and risks of policyholders. This flexibility can be particularly appealing to businesses with unique or high-risk insurance requirements.

Choosing the right option

1. Assessing your needs

When deciding between admitted and non-admitted insurance, the first step is to assess your unique insurance needs. If you’re seeking standard insurance coverage for your personal assets or conventional business operations, admitted insurance may be the most suitable choice. It provides regulatory protection and ensures claims payment even in challenging circumstances.

2. Specialized or unique risks

If your insurance needs are specialized or involve unique risks, non-admitted insurance might be the answer. It offers flexibility in policy terms and pricing, allowing you to tailor coverage to your specific requirements. However, you must conduct thorough due diligence to select a financially stable and reputable non-admitted insurer.
In conclusion, your decision between admitted and non-admitted insurance should be based on your specific circumstances and requirements. Both options have their merits, and understanding their differences is essential for making an informed choice. Regardless of your decision, always prioritize the financial security and regulatory compliance of the insurer to safeguard your interests.

3. Balancing risk and reward

When it comes to choosing between admitted and non-admitted insurance, it’s crucial to strike a balance between risk and reward. Consider the nature of the coverage you require and your risk tolerance.
If you opt for admitted insurance, you’re prioritizing regulatory protection and the assurance that your claims will be paid even in challenging circumstances. This can be particularly appealing if you need coverage for standard assets or conventional business operations. The regulatory framework ensures that your insurer adheres to strict guidelines, safeguarding your interests.
On the other hand, non-admitted insurance can provide more flexibility in policy terms and pricing, which is advantageous for businesses with unique or high-risk insurance needs. However, it’s essential to understand that non-admitted insurers may not have the same level of regulatory oversight, which can pose a higher level of financial risk.

4. Conducting due diligence

Regardless of your choice, conducting due diligence is paramount. For admitted insurance, research the financial stability of the insurer and their reputation in the industry. Look for customer reviews and ratings to gauge their performance.
For non-admitted insurance, the due diligence process should be even more comprehensive. Assess the insurer’s financial strength, credit rating, and historical performance. Additionally, consider their expertise in handling specialized risks and their track record in fulfilling claims.

5. Seeking expert guidance

Choosing the right insurance option can be a complex decision, especially for businesses with unique needs. In such cases, seeking expert guidance from insurance advisors or brokers is advisable. These professionals can assess your requirements, recommend suitable insurers, and help you navigate the intricacies of the insurance market.
In conclusion, the choice between admitted and non-admitted insurance should align with your specific circumstances and requirements. Balancing regulatory protection and flexibility, conducting due diligence, and seeking expert guidance are key steps in making an informed decision that safeguards your financial well-being.


In conclusion, understanding the concept of admitted insurance is crucial for individuals and businesses looking to protect their assets. Admitted insurance offers regulatory safeguards, financial protection, and avenues for dispute resolution. However, non-admitted insurance may be appropriate in certain niche situations, but it comes with a higher level of financial risk. When choosing insurance coverage, it’s essential to consider your specific needs and the regulatory framework that provides you with the most peace of mind.

Frequently asked questions

What is the main difference between admitted and non-admitted insurance?

Admitted insurance is offered by insurers licensed and regulated by state insurance departments, ensuring regulatory safeguards and financial protection for policyholders. Non-admitted insurance, on the other hand, is provided by insurers not approved by state insurance departments, potentially offering more flexibility but with higher financial risk.

Are admitted insurers always a safer choice for policyholders?

Admitted insurers generally offer a higher level of safety due to state regulations and financial safeguards. However, non-admitted insurers can be reliable if they have strong financial ratings. The choice between the two depends on specific needs and risk tolerance.

What factors should I consider when selecting an admitted insurance company?

When choosing an admitted insurance company, consider factors like their financial stability, regulatory compliance, and the reputation of their claims handling. These aspects ensure you make an informed decision for your coverage needs.

When might non-admitted insurance be the better choice?

Non-admitted insurance can be a suitable choice in niche situations or for specialized risks that admitted insurers may not cover. However, it’s essential to carefully evaluate the financial strength of non-admitted insurers and understand the potential risks involved.

What benefits do admitted insurance policyholders have in case of disputes or mishandled claims?

Admitted insurance policyholders have the right to appeal to the state insurance department if they believe their claims were mishandled. This appeals process provides policyholders with an avenue to address conflicts and disputes, enhancing their protection and ensuring fair treatment.

Key takeaways

  • Non-admitted insurance is often used for specialized risks, offering flexibility but with higher financial risk in case of insurer insolvency.
  • Cost considerations can influence the choice between admitted and non-admitted insurance, with admitted insurance typically having lower overall costs.
  • Admitted insurance offers regulatory safeguards and financial protection for policyholders, including appeal rights for dispute resolution.
  • Non-admitted insurance provides flexibility but comes with higher financial risk and limited recourse for mishandled claims.
  • The choice between admitted and non-admitted insurance depends on specific needs, risk tolerance, and thorough evaluation of insurers’ financial stability and regulatory compliance.

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