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Fiduciary Calls: Understanding the Strategy, Risks, and FAQs

Last updated 03/15/2024 by

Abi Bus

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Fiduciary calls are a sophisticated options trading strategy that allows investors to reduce costs associated with exercising call options. By leveraging a combination of call options and a risk-free interest-bearing account, investors can effectively manage their positions and potential outcomes.

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Understanding fiduciary calls

A fiduciary call is a nuanced trading strategy that involves the purchase of call options along with the simultaneous investment of the present value of the strike price in a risk-free interest-bearing account. This approach aims to mitigate the costs associated with exercising call options while still providing potential profit opportunities.

How fiduciary calls work

Imagine an investor who wants to acquire a certain amount of a particular stock. Instead of using all available funds to purchase the stock outright, the investor opts to buy call options on the stock. These call options require the investor to pay a premium, which represents a fraction of the total cost of buying the underlying shares.
Simultaneously, the investor invests the remaining funds, equivalent to the present value of the strike price, in a risk-free or low-risk interest-bearing account. This ensures that sufficient funds are available to exercise the call option if deemed necessary.
Upon expiration of the option, the value of the interest-bearing account should ideally cover or offset the costs associated with exercising the option, including purchasing the underlying shares and any premiums paid. If the option expires unexercised, the investor still retains the interest earned on the invested funds, providing a potential buffer against premium costs.

Fiduciary call considerations

It’s important for investors to have spare cash available to allocate to the risk-free account until the option’s expiration date. Most fiduciary calls are based on European options, meaning they can only be exercised at expiration. However, the strategy can also be applied to American options if the investor can accurately estimate the optimal exercise timing.
Furthermore, investors must align the maturity of the risk-free account with the expected date of option exercise to ensure funds availability.

Fiduciary call vs. covered call

While both fiduciary calls and covered calls are risk-limiting options strategies, they differ in execution and underlying positions.

Fiduciary call and protective put

The payoff profiles for fiduciary calls and protective puts exhibit similarities, despite their differing initial positions.

Comparing fiduciary calls and protective puts:

  • A fiduciary call combines a risk-free position with a call option, while a protective put involves owning the underlying stock along with a put option.
  • In the event of a stock price rally above the strike price, a fiduciary call holder sells the risk-free asset and purchases shares at the strike price, generating profits. Conversely, a protective put holder can let the put option expire and retain the appreciated stock value.
Here is a list of the benefits and the drawbacks to consider.
  • Effective cost reduction in exercising call options
  • Potential for profit through optimized use of funds
  • Allows for risk management and capital preservation
  • Requires sufficient capital and liquidity
  • Complexity may not be suitable for all investors
  • Dependent on accurate timing and market conditions

Frequently asked questions

Are fiduciary calls suitable for all investors?

Fiduciary calls are advanced options strategies that require a solid understanding of options trading and sufficient capital to implement effectively. They may not be suitable for inexperienced investors or those with limited risk tolerance.

How can investors assess the suitability of fiduciary calls for their portfolios?

Investors should carefully evaluate their investment objectives, risk tolerance, and familiarity with options trading before considering fiduciary calls. Consulting with a financial advisor or experienced options trader can provide valuable insights and guidance.

What are the main risks associated with fiduciary calls?

One of the primary risks of fiduciary calls is the potential loss of the premium paid for the call options if the underlying stock price fails to move in the desired direction. Additionally, market volatility and interest rate fluctuations can impact the effectiveness of this strategy.

Can fiduciary calls be applied to different types of options?

While fiduciary calls are commonly associated with European options due to their exercise limitations, they can also be utilized with American options if investors can accurately estimate the optimal exercise timing and align the maturity of the risk-free account accordingly.

How does volatility affect fiduciary calls?

High levels of volatility can increase the cost of options premiums, which may impact the feasibility of implementing a fiduciary call strategy. Conversely, low volatility environments may result in lower premium costs but could also limit potential profit opportunities.

Are there any tax implications associated with fiduciary calls?

Investors should consult with tax professionals to understand the tax implications of implementing fiduciary call strategies in their specific jurisdictions. Depending on the tax laws applicable, profits and losses from options trading, including fiduciary calls, may be subject to taxation.

Key takeaways

  • Fiduciary calls involve purchasing call options and investing the present value of the strike price in a risk-free interest-bearing account.
  • This strategy aims to reduce the costs associated with exercising call options while providing potential profit opportunities.
  • Investors should carefully assess their risk tolerance and capital availability before implementing fiduciary calls.
  • Consulting with a financial advisor or experienced options trader can provide valuable insights and guidance.

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