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Price Improvement: Definition, Examples, and Benefits

Last updated 03/12/2024 by

Daniel Dikio

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Price improvement involves achieving a trade at a better price than the price quoted at the time an order was placed. It is a valuable concept in trading, especially for investors seeking to optimize their returns. While brokers often tout their ability to secure price improvement, it is important to understand that it is not guaranteed. This article explores the definition of price improvement, its importance, factors influencing it, and its implications for traders.

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Introduction to price improvement

Price improvement is a critical concept in trading, offering investors the opportunity to execute trades at better prices than initially quoted. This article delves into the definition of price improvement, explores its significance, factors influencing it, and its implications for traders.

Understanding price improvement

Price improvement refers to the execution of a trade at a more favorable price than anticipated. For instance, when placing a limit order to buy a security at a specific price, obtaining the asset at a lower price constitutes price improvement. Similarly, when selling, obtaining a higher price than expected is considered price improvement.
This phenomenon is particularly prevalent in highly-liquid and actively-traded securities where there’s greater competition among market participants. However, it is essential to note that price improvement is never a guarantee, despite brokers often marketing their ability to achieve it for clients.

Implications for traders

For traders, securing price improvement can result in significant cost savings or enhanced returns on investment. By obtaining better prices on their trades, traders can reduce transaction costs and potentially increase their profitability. Additionally, price improvement can contribute to overall trading performance and enhance investor satisfaction.

Price improvement and national best bid and offer (NBBO)

Understanding the national best bid and offer (NBBO) is crucial for comprehending price improvement. The NBBO represents the highest displayed buy price and lowest sell price among exchanges trading a security. Liquidity providers may route orders to exchanges with the best quotes or match/improve upon those prices to execute trades on their market venues.
In equity markets, liquidity providers may choose not to display their orders to avoid revealing their trading strategies. Exchanges may allow these orders to be posted anonymously, away from publicly-displayed quotes, creating opportunities for accessing better-priced non-displayed liquidity.

Examples of price improvement

Price improvement can be illustrated through examples:
Suppose a trader places an order to buy 1,000 shares of XYZ stock quoted at $25.30 per share. If the order is executed at $25.29 per share, the trader benefits from a price improvement of $0.01 per share, resulting in a total savings of $10.00 (1,000 shares × $0.01).

Factors contributing to price improvement

Price improvement can be influenced by various factors beyond market conditions and brokerage practices. Understanding these factors can provide insight into the dynamics of price improvement:

Order size

The size of an order can impact the likelihood of price improvement. Larger orders may face challenges in obtaining price improvement due to their potential to significantly impact market prices. Conversely, smaller orders may be more easily filled at improved prices, especially in highly liquid markets.

Market volatility

Volatility in financial markets can affect the frequency and magnitude of price improvements. During periods of heightened volatility, price swings may create opportunities for more substantial price improvements as market participants adjust their trading strategies to adapt to changing conditions.

Market order vs. limit order

Suppose a trader wants to buy 100 shares of ABC stock. If they place a market order, they may execute the trade at the prevailing market price, potentially without any price improvement. However, if they use a limit order and specify a price below the current market price, they may be able to secure price improvement if the order is executed at a lower price.

Dark pools and price improvement

Dark pools are alternative trading venues that allow investors to trade large blocks of securities anonymously. By executing trades away from public exchanges, dark pools may offer price improvement opportunities for institutional investors seeking to minimize market impact and obtain better execution prices.

Strategies for maximizing price improvement

While price improvement is not guaranteed, traders can employ various strategies to increase their chances of obtaining better prices on their trades:

Utilize limit orders

Placing limit orders allows traders to specify the price at which they are willing to buy or sell a security. By setting a limit price that is more favorable than the prevailing market price, traders increase the likelihood of achieving price improvement when their orders are executed.

Monitor market depth

Monitoring market depth, which refers to the quantity of buy and sell orders at various price levels, can provide valuable insights into potential price improvement opportunities. Traders can analyze market depth to identify areas of liquidity where price improvement may be more readily available.


Price improvement is a valuable concept in trading, offering investors the opportunity to achieve better prices on their trades. While it is not guaranteed, understanding the factors influencing price improvement and employing appropriate strategies can increase the likelihood of obtaining improved prices. Additionally, regulatory oversight and technological advancements play crucial roles in shaping the landscape of price improvement in financial markets.

Frequently asked questions

What factors influence price improvement?

Price improvement can be influenced by various factors such as market conditions, order size, market volatility, and brokerage practices. Understanding these factors can provide insight into the likelihood of achieving price improvement on a particular trade.

How can traders benefit from price improvement?

Traders can benefit from price improvement by obtaining better prices on their trades, resulting in cost savings and potentially increased profitability. Additionally, price improvement can contribute to overall trading performance and enhance investor satisfaction.

Is price improvement guaranteed?

No, price improvement is not guaranteed. While brokers may advertise their ability to secure price improvement, market conditions and other factors influence its occurrence. It is important for traders to understand that price improvement is an opportunity rather than a certainty.

What role does technology play in price improvement?

Advancements in trading technology and automation have facilitated the execution of trades with greater speed and efficiency, increasing the potential for price improvement. Algorithmic trading algorithms, for example, can analyze market data and execute orders at optimal prices to maximize price improvement for traders.

Can price improvement occur in less liquid markets?

While price improvement is more common in highly-liquid and actively-traded securities, it can still occur in less liquid markets under certain conditions. However, the frequency and magnitude of price improvements may be lower compared to more liquid markets.

How does regulatory oversight impact price improvement?

Regulatory bodies such as the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) monitor price improvement practices to ensure fair and transparent markets. Compliance with regulatory requirements is essential for brokerages and market participants offering price improvement services to investors. Regulatory oversight helps maintain market integrity and investor confidence in price improvement practices.

Are there alternative trading venues that offer price improvement opportunities?

Yes, alternative trading venues such as dark pools allow investors to trade large blocks of securities anonymously, potentially offering price improvement opportunities. By executing trades away from public exchanges, dark pools may provide institutional investors with better execution prices and minimize market impact.

Key takeaways

  • Price improvement involves executing trades at better prices than initially quoted.
  • Factors influencing price improvement include market conditions, brokerage practices, and order type.
  • Understanding the national best bid and offer (NBBO) is essential for comprehending price improvement.
  • Traders can benefit from price improvement through cost savings and potentially increased profitability.

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