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Serial Options: Understanding, Utilization, and Examples

Last updated 03/27/2024 by

Silas Bamigbola

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Serial options are short-term derivative contracts written on futures contracts, providing investors with the right to buy or sell a futures contract at a predetermined price within a specified timeframe. Unlike standard options, serial options are designed for months when there is no expiry for the underlying futures contract, offering flexibility for short-term risk management. Traders utilize serial options to hedge positions, speculate on price movements, and capitalize on opportunities in off-month futures contracts.

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Introduction to serial options

Serial options play a vital role in the world of futures trading, offering investors and hedgers unique opportunities to manage risk and gain exposure to future contracts that are not yet listed. Understanding how serial options work is essential for anyone looking to navigate the complex landscape of commodities trading effectively.
Serial options, also known as short-term options, are derivative contracts written on futures contracts. These options provide holders with the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell a futures contract at a predetermined price within a specified time frame. Unlike standard options, which typically correspond to specific expiration months of futures contracts, serial options are designed for months when there is no expiry for the underlying futures contract.

Key characteristics of serial options:

  • Provide exposure to futures contracts not yet available
  • Shorter time to expiration compared to standard options
  • Lower premiums due to shorter expiration periods

How serial options works

Serial options operate similarly to standard options but with a focus on off-month futures contracts. When an investor purchases a serial option, they obtain the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell a futures contract at a predetermined price (strike price) within a specific time frame.
Unlike standard options, which typically correspond to specific expiration months of futures contracts, serial options are tailored for months when there is no expiry for the underlying futures contract. This feature allows traders to gain exposure to off-month contracts and capitalize on short-term market movements.
Upon expiration, the holder of a serial option can choose to exercise their right to buy or sell the underlying futures contract at the agreed-upon price. Alternatively, they may let the option expire worthless if it is not profitable to exercise.

Benefits of serial options:

Serial options offer several advantages for traders and investors engaged in futures trading:

1. Enhanced flexibility:

Serial options provide traders with greater flexibility in managing their portfolios, allowing them to tailor their hedging strategies to specific market conditions and timing. Unlike standard options, which may have limited availability for certain months, serial options offer opportunities for hedging in off-months.

2. Cost-Effective risk management:

Due to their shorter time to expiration and lower premiums compared to standard options, serial options offer a cost-effective means of hedging short-term risks associated with off-month futures contracts. Traders can protect their positions or speculate on price movements in off-months without incurring significant upfront costs.

3. Diversification of trading strategies:

With serial options, traders can diversify their trading strategies by incorporating short-term positions in off-month contracts. This allows for more dynamic portfolio management and the ability to capitalize on unique market opportunities that may arise in specific months.

4. Speculative trading opportunities:

Serial options provide speculative traders with the ability to profit from short-term price movements in off-month futures contracts. By purchasing call or put options, traders can take advantage of anticipated price fluctuations without the need to take physical delivery of the underlying asset.

5. Accessibility for smaller investors:

Since serial options typically have lower premiums compared to standard options, they are more accessible to smaller investors with limited capital. This accessibility allows a broader range of market participants to participate in futures trading and benefit from the advantages of options contracts.

Example of serial options

To illustrate how serial options are utilized in practice, consider a scenario involving the crude oil futures market. Suppose standard options on crude oil futures contracts are available for January, March, May, July, September, and December, but not for February, April, June, August, October, and November.
In this case, a trader seeking to hedge their exposure to crude oil prices for February may opt to purchase a February serial option. By doing so, the trader gains the right to buy or sell a crude oil futures contract at a predetermined price in February, even though there is no standard option available for that month.
If the price of crude oil moves in a favorable direction by the expiration date of the February serial option, the trader can exercise their right to profit from the price movement. Alternatively, if the price does not move as anticipated, the trader may choose not to exercise the option, limiting their losses to the premium paid for the option.

Special considerations

Serial options gained popularity in the late 20th century, particularly with the introduction of electronic exchanges. However, as futures contracts have become more readily available and options on shorter-term bases have emerged, the use of serial options has evolved.
It’s essential for traders to stay informed about changes in the derivatives market and adapt their strategies accordingly. While serial options continue to serve a purpose in commodities trading, advancements in trading technology and market dynamics may influence their relevance over time.


Serial options serve as invaluable tools in the realm of futures trading, offering investors and hedgers unique opportunities to manage risk and gain exposure to off-month contracts. With their flexibility, cost-effectiveness, and potential for speculative trading, serial options play a crucial role in navigating the dynamic landscape of commodities markets. As market dynamics continue to evolve, staying informed and adapting strategies accordingly will remain essential for maximizing the benefits of serial options in futures trading.

Frequently asked questions

What are the advantages of trading serial options?

Trading serial options offers several advantages, including enhanced flexibility in managing portfolios, cost-effective risk management strategies, and opportunities to capitalize on short-term price movements in off-month futures contracts.

Are serial options suitable for speculative trading?

Yes, serial options can be utilized for speculative trading purposes. Traders can purchase call or put options to speculate on short-term price movements in off-month futures contracts without the need to take physical delivery of the underlying asset.

How do serial options differ from standard options?

Serial options differ from standard options in terms of their expiration months. While standard options correspond to specific expiration months of listed futures contracts, serial options are designed for months when there is no expiry for the underlying futures contract.

Can serial options be used for hedging purposes?

Yes, serial options can be used for hedging purposes to manage short-term risks associated with off-month futures contracts. By purchasing serial options, traders can protect their positions or hedge against adverse price movements in specific months.

What factors should traders consider when trading serial options?

Traders should consider various factors when trading serial options, including market volatility, contract expiration dates, underlying asset fundamentals, and overall risk tolerance. Conducting thorough market analysis and risk assessment is essential for successful trading.

How do market dynamics affect the relevance of serial options?

Market dynamics, such as advancements in trading technology and changes in supply and demand dynamics, can influence the relevance of serial options over time. Traders should stay informed about market trends and adapt their strategies accordingly to remain competitive.

Where can I find more information about serial options?

For more information about serial options and futures trading, traders can refer to reputable financial websites, consult with experienced brokers or financial advisors, and explore educational resources provided by derivatives exchanges and regulatory authorities.

Key takeaways

  • Serial options are derivative contracts written on futures contracts for months without standard options available.
  • They offer investors the opportunity to gain exposure to off-month futures contracts and manage short-term risks.
  • Understanding how serial options work is crucial for effective risk management and strategic decision-making in commodities trading.

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