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Series 51 Exam: Understanding, Preparation, and Career Prospects

Last updated 03/19/2024 by

Daniel Dikio

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The Series 51 exam, also known as the Municipal Fund Securities Limited Principal Qualification Examination, is a financial test administered by FINRA and the MSRB. It is designed for professionals involved in the sale or oversight of municipal fund securities.

Introduction to Series 51 Exam

The Series 51 exam, officially titled the Municipal Fund Securities Limited Principal Qualification Examination, is a crucial step for individuals seeking to work with municipal fund securities within the financial industry. This certification is jointly regulated by two prominent bodies in the financial sector: the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) and the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (MSRB). The Series 51 exam is specifically tailored to assess the knowledge and expertise required to sell and oversee the sale of municipal fund securities effectively.

Understanding the Series 51 Exam

Exam structure and content

The Series 51 exam consists of 60 multiple-choice questions, each carrying equal weight. Candidates must answer at least 42 questions correctly to achieve a passing score of 70% or higher. The exam focuses on various aspects of municipal fund securities, including but not limited to:
  • Underwriting practices
  • Sales office supervision
  • Market terminology
  • Ethical guidelines
Additionally, the exam places particular emphasis on tax-exempt investment vehicles such as Section 529 plans, commonly known as qualified tuition plans. Candidates are tested on their understanding of the regulatory framework surrounding these investment instruments, ensuring they possess the requisite knowledge to advise clients effectively.

Prerequisites and eligibility

Before taking the Series 51 exam, candidates must first pass either the Series 24 or Series 26 exams. These prerequisite certifications demonstrate a foundational understanding of financial regulations and securities industry practices, laying the groundwork for success in the Series 51 exam.

Exam duration and preparation

The Series 51 exam is typically completed within 90 minutes, and candidates are not permitted to refer to any external materials during the test. To adequately prepare for the exam, candidates are advised to dedicate approximately 20 hours of study time. This preparation includes familiarizing oneself with relevant regulations, studying industry best practices, and completing practice exams to assess one’s readiness.

Pros and Cons of Pursuing Series 51 Certification

Weigh the risks and benefits
Here is a list of the benefits and the drawbacks to consider.
  • Enhanced career opportunities in the financial industry
  • Deeper understanding of municipal fund securities
  • Ability to provide specialized expertise to clients
  • Requires significant time and effort to prepare
  • Potential stress associated with passing the exam
  • Costs associated with exam registration and study materials

Examples of Series 51 Exam Questions

Example 1: Underwriting Practices

A Series 51 exam question might present a scenario involving the underwriting of municipal securities. Candidates may be asked to identify the steps involved in the underwriting process, including due diligence, pricing, and allocation of securities. Additionally, they may need to demonstrate an understanding of regulatory requirements and ethical considerations when underwriting municipal bonds.

Example 2: Sales Office Supervision

Another example question could focus on sales office supervision, a critical aspect of regulatory compliance in the securities industry. Candidates may be presented with a hypothetical situation where a registered representative engages in unauthorized activities. They would then need to identify appropriate supervisory measures to address the issue, ensuring compliance with regulatory standards and protecting investors’ interests.

Benefits of Passing the Series 51 Exam

1. Career advancement

Achieving success in the Series 51 exam can significantly enhance career prospects within the securities industry. Holding this qualification demonstrates a high level of expertise in municipal fund securities, making individuals more desirable candidates for roles such as securities trader, underwriter, or sales representative. Employers often value employees who have invested time and effort in obtaining industry-specific certifications, as it reflects a commitment to professional development and regulatory compliance.

2. Increased earning potential

Professionals with Series 51 certification typically command higher salaries and enjoy greater earning potential compared to their non-certified counterparts. Employers are willing to pay a premium for individuals who possess specialized knowledge and skills in municipal securities trading and oversight. Furthermore, certification can open doors to lucrative opportunities in investment banking, asset management, and financial advisory services, where compensation packages are often tied to performance and expertise.

Challenges and Considerations

1. Exam difficulty

The Series 51 exam is renowned for its challenging nature, requiring candidates to demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of complex regulatory frameworks and market dynamics. Individuals with limited experience in the securities industry may find certain topics particularly daunting, such as tax-exempt investment vehicles and underwriting practices. As such, adequate preparation and study are crucial for success, and candidates should be prepared to dedicate significant time and effort to mastering the exam material.

2. Regulatory compliance

Professionals who hold Series 51 certification are subject to stringent regulatory requirements and oversight, as mandated by FINRA and the MSRB. This includes adherence to ethical standards, conflict-of-interest guidelines, and client confidentiality protocols. Failure to comply with regulatory obligations can result in disciplinary action, fines, or even revocation of certification. As such, individuals must stay abreast of evolving regulatory developments and ensure strict adherence to compliance protocols to maintain their professional standing.


In conclusion, the Series 51 exam represents a significant milestone for professionals looking to specialize in the sale and oversight of municipal fund securities. By obtaining this certification, individuals demonstrate their commitment to regulatory compliance and their ability to provide valuable expertise to clients in navigating the complexities of municipal finance. While preparing for the exam may require dedication and effort, the potential career benefits make it a worthwhile investment in one’s professional development.

Frequently asked questions

What is the passing score for the Series 51 exam?

The passing score for the Series 51 exam is 70%. Candidates must correctly answer at least 42 out of the 60 multiple-choice questions to achieve a passing grade.

How long is the Series 51 exam?

The Series 51 exam typically lasts for 90 minutes. Candidates are required to complete the exam within this timeframe without access to any reference materials.

Can I retake the Series 51 exam if I fail?

Yes, candidates who fail the Series 51 exam have the opportunity to retake it. However, they must wait at least 30 days before attempting a retake. Additionally, candidates are allowed a maximum of three attempts within a 180-day period.

Are there any prerequisites for taking the Series 51 exam?

Yes, candidates must first pass either the Series 24 or Series 26 exams before becoming eligible to take the Series 51 exam. These prerequisite certifications provide foundational knowledge and skills necessary for success in the Series 51 exam.

What topics are covered in the Series 51 exam?

The Series 51 exam covers various aspects of municipal fund securities, including underwriting practices, sales office supervision, market terminology, and ethical guidelines. Additionally, candidates can expect questions related to tax-exempt investment vehicles such as Section 529 plans.

How should I prepare for the Series 51 exam?

Effective preparation for the Series 51 exam involves dedicating approximately 20 hours to study time. Candidates should familiarize themselves with relevant regulations, industry best practices, and exam content outlines provided by FINRA and the MSRB. Additionally, completing practice exams can help assess readiness and identify areas for improvement.

What are the career prospects for individuals with Series 51 certification?

Individuals who obtain Series 51 certification enhance their career prospects within the securities industry. This certification opens doors to roles such as securities trader, underwriter, or sales representative, with opportunities for career advancement and increased earning potential. Employers value professionals with specialized knowledge in municipal fund securities, making Series 51 certification a valuable asset in the competitive financial services sector.

Key takeaways

  • The Series 51 exam assesses proficiency in selling and overseeing municipal fund securities.
  • Candidates must pass either the Series 24 or Series 26 exams before becoming eligible for the Series 51 exam.
  • Preparation for the Series 51 exam typically requires around 20 hours of study time.

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