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Pop-Up Options: Definition, Examples, and Considerations

Last updated 04/11/2024 by

Bamigbola Paul

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A pop-up option is a feature in joint or survivorship pension plans or annuities that increases payments to the surviving spouse if the plan member or annuitant passes away first. While attractive for married retirees, this option often comes with lower default pension payments during the member’s lifetime. Consideration of health, cost, and benefits is crucial before opting for this feature.

Understanding pop-up options in pension plans

What is a pop-up option?

A pop-up option is a provision within joint or survivorship pension plans or annuities that boosts payments to the surviving spouse if the plan member or annuitant passes away first. Typically designed for married couples, this option ensures continued financial support for the surviving spouse after the death of the plan member.

How pop-up options work

When a pop-up option is triggered, the pension payments received by the surviving spouse increase, compensating for the loss of the plan member’s pension income. This increase is possible because the plan no longer needs to provide a spousal pension once the plan member passes away. However, it’s essential to note that opting for a pop-up option usually results in smaller default pension payments during the plan member’s lifetime.
Pros and Cons of Pop-Up Options
Here are the advantages and disadvantages to consider.
  • Provides continued financial support for the surviving spouse
  • Offers peace of mind for married retirees
  • Enhances survivorship protection within pension plans
  • Ensures a steady income stream for the surviving spouse in the event of the plan member’s death
  • May offer tax advantages for beneficiaries
  • Results in lower default pension payments during the plan member’s lifetime
  • May require careful consideration of health, cost, and benefits before opting in
  • Once selected, pop-up options may not be changed or revoked
  • May not be available in all pension plans or annuities
  • Could lead to reduced flexibility in retirement income planning

Examples of pop-up options

An example of a pop-up option can be found in the NYC Employees’ Retirement System (NYCERS). Retirees within this system could elect the pop-up option, where the retiree’s benefit would increase to the Maximum Retirement Allowance in the event of the spouse or beneficiary’s premature death. However, all payments would cease upon the retiree’s death, and beneficiaries cannot be changed after the option is enforced.

Overview of pension plans

Pension plans serve as vital financial tools for employees, providing income during retirement. These plans, including those offered by corporations, public service organizations, and governments, often incorporate various features such as pop-up options to cater to the needs of retirees and their spouses.

The structure of pension plans

Pension plans typically require contributions from both employers and employees, with funds invested to generate income for retirement. While some plans solely rely on employer contributions, others may include voluntary investment components or employer matching programs to enhance retirement savings.

Defined benefit pension plans

One common type of pension plan is the defined benefit plan, where employee benefits are calculated based on factors such as length of employment and salary history. These plans offer retirees a predetermined income stream during retirement, providing financial security beyond their working years.

Additional examples of pop-up options

Pop-up options can vary in their implementation across different pension plans. Here are a few more examples:

Example 1: Municipal Employees’ Retirement System (MERS)

In the MERS pension plan, eligible retirees can opt for a pop-up option that adjusts pension payments in the event of the plan member’s death. This feature ensures continued financial support for the surviving spouse, albeit with potential trade-offs in the form of lower default pension payments during the member’s lifetime.

Example 2: Teachers’ Retirement System (TRS)

TRS offers a pop-up option to married retirees, allowing them to enhance spousal benefits upon the plan member’s death. While this option provides peace of mind for retirees and their spouses, it’s essential to carefully consider the implications on overall retirement income and financial planning.

Exploring alternatives to pop-up options

While pop-up options can provide valuable benefits for married retirees, it’s essential to explore alternative strategies to enhance financial security during retirement.

Alternative 1: Life insurance policies

One alternative to pop-up options is investing in life insurance policies specifically designed to provide financial support for surviving spouses. These policies offer a lump sum or periodic payments to beneficiaries, ensuring continued income in the event of the insured individual’s death.

Alternative 2: Estate planning strategies

Estate planning strategies, such as establishing trusts or designating beneficiaries for retirement accounts, can also help ensure financial stability for surviving spouses. By carefully structuring assets and investments, retirees can tailor their estate plans to meet the unique needs of their families.


Pop-up options play a significant role in joint or survivorship pension plans, providing added financial security for married retirees. While these options offer increased payments to surviving spouses, they may come with trade-offs, such as lower default pension payments during the plan member’s lifetime. Before opting for a pop-up option, retirees should carefully weigh the benefits and drawbacks, considering factors such as health, cost, and long-term financial goals. Overall, pop-up options serve as valuable tools in retirement planning, enhancing financial well-being for retirees and their spouses.

Frequently asked questions

What factors should retirees consider before opting for a pop-up option?

Retirees should carefully consider various factors before opting for a pop-up option, including their health status, financial situation, and long-term retirement goals. Additionally, it’s essential to assess the potential impact of lower default pension payments during the member’s lifetime and weigh them against the increased benefits provided to the surviving spouse.

Can pop-up options be changed or revoked after they are selected?

Once a pop-up option is selected and enforced, it may not be changed or revoked. Retirees should thoroughly understand the terms and conditions associated with the pop-up option before making a decision to ensure it aligns with their retirement plans and objectives.

Are there any eligibility requirements for opting for a pop-up option?

Eligibility requirements for opting for a pop-up option may vary depending on the pension plan or annuity provider. Typically, pop-up options are available to married couples participating in joint or survivorship pension plans or annuities. Retirees should consult their plan documents or annuity contracts to determine their eligibility for selecting a pop-up option.

How do pop-up options differ from other pension plan features?

Pop-up options differ from other pension plan features in that they specifically address the needs of married retirees by providing increased financial support to surviving spouses after the plan member’s death. While other features may focus on maximizing retirement income or investment growth, pop-up options prioritize spousal benefits and survivorship protection.

What alternatives are available for retirees who decide not to opt for a pop-up option?

Retirees who choose not to opt for a pop-up option may explore alternative strategies to enhance financial security during retirement. These alternatives may include investing in life insurance policies designed to provide financial support for surviving spouses or implementing estate planning strategies to safeguard assets and investments.

Can retirees switch from a pop-up option to a different pension plan feature?

In most cases, retirees may not switch from a pop-up option to a different pension plan feature once the option is selected and enforced. It’s crucial for retirees to thoroughly evaluate their options and consider their long-term financial goals before making a decision to ensure it aligns with their retirement objectives.

Key takeaways

  • A pop-up option in a pension plan boosts payments to the surviving spouse if the plan member passes away first.
  • Opting for a pop-up option may result in lower default pension payments during the plan member’s lifetime.
  • Consideration of health, cost, and benefits is essential before choosing a pop-up option.
  • Pop-up options provide continued financial support for surviving spouses but may come with trade-offs such as reduced flexibility in retirement income planning.
  • Once selected, pop-up options may not be changed or revoked, highlighting the importance of careful evaluation before making a decision.

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