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Depression in the Economy: Definition and Example

Last updated 03/20/2024 by

Silas Bamigbola

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A depression in economics is a severe and prolonged downturn in economic activity, characterized by a sharp fall in economic growth, employment, and production. this article explores the definition of a depression, its distinguishing features, and provides a historical example, primarily focusing on the Great Depression of 1929-1939.

What is a depression in economics?

Depression in economics refers to an extreme and protracted decline in economic activity. it is more severe than a typical recession and is often defined as an economic downturn lasting three or more years or one that leads to a significant decline in real Gross Domestic Product (GDP), usually by at least 10% within a given year.

Key characteristics of a depression

A depression is characterized by several economic factors:
  • A substantial increase in unemployment
  • A drop in available credit from banks
  • Diminishing output and productivity
  • Consistent negative GDP growth
  • Bankruptcies
  • Sovereign debt defaults
  • Reduced trade and global commerce
  • A bear market in stocks
  • Falling currency values
  • Low to no inflation, or even deflation
  • An increased savings rate (among those who still have money to save)
Economists sometimes debate the exact duration of a depression. while some consider it to encompass only the period of declining economic activity, others argue that it continues until most economic indicators return to normal.

Depression vs. recession

It’s crucial to differentiate between a depression and a recession:
Recession: a recession is a common phase in the economic cycle, marked by a decline in GDP for at least two consecutive quarters. recessions are relatively brief and can end before they are officially confirmed.
Depression: a depression lasts for several years and has graver consequences. it’s defined by a substantial drop in annual GDP of 10% or more.

An example of a depression: the Great Depression

The Great Depression, spanning roughly a decade from 1929 to 1939, stands as the most severe economic downturn in modern world history. its origins can be traced back to the stock market crash on October 24, 1929, known as Black Thursday, followed by another significant drop on October 29, 1929.
During the Great Depression:
  • Unemployment in the U.S. reached nearly 25% in 1933.
  • Wages dropped by 42%, real estate prices declined by 25%.
  • Total U.S. economic output fell by 30%.
  • Many investors’ portfolios became worthless as stock prices plummeted.
The economic impact was devastating, leading to widespread poverty, hunger, and political unrest.

Understanding the causes of a depression

A depression typically begins with a decline in consumer confidence, often triggered by specific events. for instance, the subprime mortgage crisis in 2006 contributed to the Great Recession of 2008-2009, as falling home prices eroded personal wealth and reduced consumer spending.
Signs of an upcoming depression can be monitored through indicators like the Consumer Confidence Index, which assesses public confidence in the economy.

Preventing a depression

In modern times, governments use two primary strategies to prevent or mitigate depressions:

Fiscal policy

Fiscal policy, managed by governments, involves spending taxpayer money during economic downturns. measures may include public works projects and direct financial support to citizens.

Monetary policy

Monetary policy, controlled by central banks like the Federal Reserve in the U.S., influences the economy by adjusting interest rates. lowering rates encourages borrowing, business investment, and job creation.
Fiscal austerity, which involves reducing government spending during recessions, remains a debated strategy.

Protecting your finances during economic downturns

While the likelihood of a depression is relatively low in modern economies, preparing for economic downturns is prudent. diversifying your investment portfolio, maintaining an emergency fund, and managing debt are wise financial strategies.

Depression vs. recession: understanding the difference

A depression is essentially an extreme and prolonged recession, marked by catastrophic job losses, widespread bankruptcies, and steep price declines. recessions are a normal part of the economic cycle and are generally less severe.

Can another Great Depression occur?

While possible, it’s less likely due to lessons learned and government interventions to mitigate economic crises.

How long can a recession last?

A recession is defined by at least two consecutive quarters of negative economic growth. their duration varies; some recessions can be prolonged, as seen in historical examples.

The bottom line

Recessions are common occurrences within the economic cycle, whereas depressions are rare and severe. economic policymakers and central banks have tools and strategies to manage and minimize the impacts of recessions, reducing the likelihood of another depression.
here is a list of the benefits and drawbacks of depressions:
  • none – depressions are primarily associated with significant economic hardships.
  • high unemployment
  • bankruptcies
  • declining GDP
  • financial instability

how can I protect my finances during economic downturns?

Protecting your finances involves diversifying your investments, maintaining an emergency fund, and managing debt responsibly.

Key takeaways

  • A depression in economics is a severe and prolonged economic downturn characterized by severe job losses, declining GDP, and financial instability.
  • Depressions are distinguished from recessions by their severity and extended duration.
  • Government policies and central bank interventions aim to prevent depressions and mitigate their effects on the economy.
  • Depressions are relatively rare events and not a regular part of the economic cycle.
  • Consumer confidence plays a crucial role in the onset and severity of depressions.
  • Technological advancements and historical lessons are used to inform policies aimed at preventing future depressions.
  • International factors and economic interconnectedness can contribute to the spread of depressions.
  • Depressions have significant psychological and social impacts, including mental health challenges and social unrest.

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