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What is Express Recovery, and Why is it on My Credit Report?

Last updated 06/08/2024 by

Silas Bamigbola

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Express Recovery is a debt collection agency that may appear on your credit report, significantly impacting your credit score. This article provides detailed steps on how to remove Express Recovery from your credit report, explains your rights when dealing with them, and offers practical advice on negotiating or disputing the debt.
Dealing with a debt collection agency like Express Recovery can be stressful, especially when their actions negatively impact your credit score. Understanding your rights and the best steps to take can help you effectively remove Express Recovery from your credit report and improve your financial standing.

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Who is Express Recovery?

Express Recovery is a debt collection agency that may report collection accounts on your credit report. They either purchase debt from original creditors at a fraction of the original cost or collect on behalf of another company. Their attempts to recover debts can include phone calls and letters, which can be intimidating and stressful.

Pro Tip

Always verify the legitimacy of any debt collection agency contacting you. Check their information against credible sources and be wary of scams.

How does Express Recovery affect your credit score?

Any derogatory mark on your credit report, including a collections account from Express Recovery, can significantly impact your credit score. These negative marks can stay on your credit report for up to seven years, affecting your ability to secure loans or other financial opportunities.

Steps to remove Express Recovery from your credit report

1. Verify the debt

The first step in dealing with Express Recovery is to verify the debt. Under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), you have the right to request validation of the debt. This means Express Recovery must provide proof that the debt is legitimate and that you are the rightful owner.

Pro Tip

Send a written request for debt validation within 30 days of first contact. Keep a copy of the letter and any responses you receive for your records.

2. Dispute inaccurate information

If Express Recovery cannot validate the debt or if you find inaccuracies in their report, you have the right to dispute the information with the credit bureaus. According to the U.S. Public Interest Research Groups (U.S. PIRGs), 79% of credit reports contain errors, so it’s crucial to review your report carefully.

3. Negotiate a pay-for-delete agreement

In some cases, you can negotiate a pay-for-delete agreement with Express Recovery. This means you agree to pay the debt (or a portion of it) in exchange for them removing the negative mark from your credit report. Get this agreement in writing before making any payments.

4. Consider a settlement

Settling the debt with Express Recovery can also be an option. While this may not remove the collection account from your credit report, it can change its status to “settled” or “paid,” which is better than “unpaid.” Be aware that the collection account will still impact your credit score for up to seven years.

Should you pay Express Recovery?

Deciding whether to pay Express Recovery depends on your situation. Paying the debt may not immediately improve your credit score since the collection account can remain on your report for up to seven years. However, it can prevent further legal action and additional negative marks.

Request all correspondence in writing

To ensure you have a documented record of all communications with Express Recovery, it’s crucial to request that all correspondence be conducted in writing. This will help you keep track of all interactions and provide evidence if needed for disputes or legal actions.
Contact Express Recovery at the following address:
Express Recovery contact information
PO Box 26415,
Salt Lake City, UT 84126
+1 800-238-5888

How to file a complaint against Express Recovery

If you believe that Express Recovery has violated your rights or engaged in unethical practices, you have the option to file a complaint against them. Complaints can be filed with several organizations that oversee debt collection practices, ensuring that your concerns are heard and addressed.

File a complaint with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB)

The CFPB is a government agency that oversees financial products and services. You can file a complaint online through their website, providing detailed information about your issue.

Contact your state’s Attorney General

Your state’s Attorney General’s office can also assist with complaints against debt collectors. Visit their website or contact them directly to learn more about the process in your state.

Report to the Better Business Bureau (BBB)

The BBB helps consumers resolve disputes with businesses, including debt collection agencies. Filing a complaint with the BBB can also help bring attention to your issue and potentially resolve it.

Understand your debt collection rights

It’s essential to understand your rights under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) and the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). These laws protect you from abusive practices by debt collectors and ensure the accuracy of your credit report.
Knowing these rights can empower you to handle debt collectors like Express Recovery more effectively and can be used as leverage during negotiations or disputes.

Tips for dealing with debt collectors

Dealing with debt collectors can be challenging. Here are some tips to help you manage your interactions with Express Recovery:
  • Stay calm and professional during all communications.
  • Keep detailed records of all correspondence and phone calls.
  • Never admit to owing the debt until it is validated.
  • Know your rights and use them to your advantage.

When to seek professional help

Sometimes, dealing with debt collectors on your own can be overwhelming. If you find yourself struggling, it may be beneficial to seek professional help from a credit repair company or a financial advisor. These professionals can guide you through the process and help you make informed decisions.
Professional help can provide the expertise needed to navigate complex situations, potentially improving your chances of successfully removing negative marks from your credit report.


Removing Express Recovery from your credit report requires diligence and understanding of your rights. By verifying the debt, disputing inaccuracies, and negotiating wisely, you can improve your credit score and regain financial stability. Remember to stay informed about your rights and seek professional help if needed to navigate the complexities of debt collection.

Pro Tip

If dealing with debt collectors becomes overwhelming, consider consulting a credit repair professional to help manage your case and improve your credit report.

Frequently asked questions

What is Express Recovery?

Express Recovery is a debt collection agency that collects debts on behalf of creditors or purchases debts to collect themselves. They often contact consumers via phone and mail to recover these debts.

Can Express Recovery sue me?

While it is rare, Express Recovery can sue you to collect a debt. If they win a judgment, they may be able to garnish your wages or bank account. It’s essential to understand your state’s laws regarding debt collection lawsuits.

Will paying Express Recovery improve my credit score?

Paying off a debt to Express Recovery can improve your credit report status from “unpaid” to “paid” or “settled,” but the negative mark may remain for up to seven years. Always negotiate for a pay-for-delete if possible.

Can I dispute a debt with Express Recovery?

Yes, you can dispute a debt if you believe it is inaccurate or if Express Recovery fails to validate it. Contact the credit bureaus and provide any evidence supporting your dispute.

What are my rights when dealing with Express Recovery?

Your rights are protected under the FDCPA and FCRA. These laws prevent debt collectors from using abusive practices and ensure they report accurate information.

Does Express Recovery accept goodwill letters?

In most cases, Express Recovery does not accept goodwill letters to remove collection accounts. It’s better to focus on negotiating a pay-for-delete agreement or disputing inaccuracies.

What should I do if Express Recovery keeps calling me?

If Express Recovery continues to call you, you can request in writing that they cease communication. If the harassment persists, file a complaint with the CFPB or your state’s Attorney General’s office.

Key takeaways

  • Verify the debt with Express Recovery to ensure it is legitimate.
  • Dispute any inaccuracies on your credit report with the credit bureaus.
  • Negotiate a pay-for-delete agreement or consider settling the debt.
  • Understand your rights under the FDCPA and FCRA to protect yourself.
  • Document any harassment from Express Recovery and file complaints if necessary.

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