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Top 5 Most Expensive Cat Breeds (2024)

Last updated 05/09/2024 by

Alec Grabata

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The Ashera cat holds the title of the most expensive cat breed in the world, fetching prices of over $125,000. Created from an African serval, an Asian leopard cat, and a domestic house cat, the Ashera boasts a rare and exotic appearance, making it a coveted status symbol among cat enthusiasts.

1. Ashera cat | >$125,000

The most expensive cat breed in the world is the Ashera cat, fetching prices of over $125,000. A hybrid breed created from an African serval, an Asian leopard cat, and a domestic house cat, the Ashera boasts a rare and exotic appearance, making it a coveted status symbol among cat enthusiasts. Its scarcity, coupled with the intricate breeding process conducted by only a handful of breeders, contributes to its exorbitant cost.

2. Savannah cat | $12,000-$50,000

The Savannah cat holds the title of the second most expensive cat breed, with prices ranging from $12,000 to a staggering $50,000. This hybrid breed, resulting from the crossbreeding of a domestic cat and an African Serval, flaunts a wild, exotic appearance characterized by striking spots, big ears, and a slender physique. Known for their sociable nature and high activity levels, Savannah cats are in high demand among feline aficionados, contributing to their premium price tag.

3. Khao Manee Cat | $7,000–$11,000

The Khao Manee, originating from Thailand, is renowned for its striking pure white coat and captivating blue eyes. With minimal grooming needs and an affectionate demeanor, these cats have earned a place among the most sought-after feline companions. Historically regarded as royal cats, their association with Thai nobility adds to their allure and prestige. Due to their scarcity and unique appearance, Khao Manee cats command prices ranging from $7,000 to $11,000.

4. Bengal Cat | $1,800–$3,000

Bengal cats, distinguished by their wild-looking coat patterns and playful personalities, are prized for their exotic appearance and affectionate nature. With spots, rosettes, or marbled patterns adorning their coats, Bengal cats exude a sense of elegance and charm. While their initial purchase cost may seem steep, their intelligence, curiosity, and compatibility with families make them a worthwhile investment for feline enthusiasts. Prices for Bengal cats typically range from $1,800 to $3,000.

5. Scottish Fold Cat | $800–$2,000

Scottish Fold cats, known for their distinctive folded ears and round faces, captivate admirers with their charming appearance and gentle demeanor. Despite their fluffy coats and endearing owl-like expression, Scottish Folds are relatively uncommon compared to other breeds, contributing to their higher price point. With a range of coat colors and patterns to choose from, these affectionate companions bring joy and companionship to households worldwide. Prices for Scottish Fold cats vary between $800 and $2,000.

Pro Tip

“Breeds like the Ashera and Savannah command high prices due to their rarity, unique appearance, and desirability among cat lovers.” – Feline Genetics Expert, Dr. Emily Johnson

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How are cat breeds valued?

Cat breeds are valued based on factors such as rarity, appearance, temperament, and demand among enthusiasts. Rare breeds like the Ashera and Savannah command high prices due to their scarcity, distinctive traits, and popularity among cat aficionados. Breeding complexity, genetic uniqueness, and historical significance also influence the valuation of cat breeds.

Why are these cat breeds so expensive?

These cat breeds fetch premium prices for several reasons. Firstly, their rarity contributes significantly to their high cost, as limited availability increases their desirability among collectors and enthusiasts. Additionally, hybrid breeds like the Ashera and Savannah involve complex breeding processes, requiring specific genetic combinations and meticulous care, driving up production costs. Furthermore, their unique appearance, desirable traits, and historical significance elevate their value in the eyes of cat lovers, making them coveted and exclusive companions.

Will these cat breeds continue to appreciate?

The appreciation of these cat breeds is likely to persist, fueled by their enduring allure, scarcity, and cultural significance. As demand for rare and exotic pets grows worldwide, breeds like the Ashera and Savannah are poised to remain highly sought after, maintaining their status as prestigious and valuable companions.
Here is a list of the benefits and drawbacks to consider.
  • Rare and exotic appearance
  • Desirable traits and temperaments
  • Cultural and historical significance
  • High initial purchase cost
  • Potential for high maintenance
  • Limited availability

Key takeaways

  • The Ashera cat holds the title of the most expensive cat breed, fetching prices of over $125,000.
  • Created from an African serval, an Asian leopard cat, and a domestic house cat, the Ashera boasts a rare and exotic appearance, making it a coveted status symbol among cat enthusiasts.
  • Scarcity, coupled with the intricate breeding process conducted by only a handful of breeders, contributes to its exorbitant cost.

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