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Write For Us

Published 05/17/2013 by

Miron Lulic

SuperMoney Staff Writers

Real Stories about saving money can only be shared by real people, in real time. If you’re a super talented writer, there might be an opportunity for you at SuperMoney.

How to be considered for a staff writer position:

  • Indicate you are interested in a staff writer position at SuperMoney
  • Include a short bio under 100 words
  • Include links to your various social media profiles
  • Include links to 3 articles you have published online
  • Include 2 Article ideas (Look around for topics we cover)
If you’re interested in writing for SuperMoney, please contact us today with your resume.

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Miron Lulic

Miron Lulic is founder and CEO at SuperMoney, a service that helps millions of people transparently compare financial services such as loans, investments, and more.

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