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Benjamin Locke

articles from Benjamin

427 posts

How To Start A Wealth Management Firm in 5 Steps

Published 06/06/2024 by Benjamin Locke

Starting a wealth management firm is a significant and exciting venture that requires careful planning, a clear strategy, and a commitment to excellence. As the demand for personalized financial advice and comprehensive wealth management services continues to grow, there is a tremendous opportunity for new firms to establish themselves in the market.

The Top 10 Private Banks Globally (2024)

Published 06/05/2024 by Benjamin Locke

Private banking plays a pivotal role in global economies by managing the wealth of high-net-worth individuals, offering tailored financial services that drive investment and economic growth. The top private banks, including HSBC, J.P. Morgan, UBS, and Goldman Sachs, provide specialized wealth management, estate planning, and investment strategies that not only preserve and grow their clients’ assets but also contribute significantly to financial markets worldwide.

Real estate developers are known for their wealth, yet the details of their profit-making strategies are not widely understood. We look into the common methodologies developers use to generate income, including land development, property flipping, and leveraging planning permissions for financial gain.

Joint bank accounts allow multiple parties to manage finances collectively, but they come with different legal considerations for unmarried versus married couples. Unmarried couples may face more complexity when resolving account issues after a breakup or a partner’s death, due to the absence of automatic legal protections.

What Can You Do With A Business Major?

Published 05/09/2024 by Benjamin Locke

We provide a comprehensive guide on business degrees, discussing the various levels of education from bachelor’s to doctorate degrees, their duration, and how they equip students for different business roles. We outline potential career paths for graduates, including unique and emerging job roles suited to business degree holders, and offer insights into what makes a business major a fitting choice for certain people.

Can You Buy A Money Order With A Debit Card?

Published 05/09/2024 by Benjamin Locke

Money orders serve as a reliable and secure method for transferring funds, offering convenience and peace of mind. They provide an alternative payment option for individuals without checking accounts and eliminate the risk of bounced checks. Additionally, money orders are valuable for international transfers, providing a traceable and secure means of sending funds across borders, though acceptance varies by country.

How To Value A Business: 6 Common Methods (2024 Guide)

Published 05/09/2024 by Benjamin Locke

Determining the fair market value of a company is a complex but critical process for business transactions. Understanding the common methods for valuing businesses is crucial for startups, public companies, and mid-market companies.

How To Find A Good Real Estate Lawyer

Published 05/08/2024 by Benjamin Locke

Real estate lawyers specialize in property-related legal matters, but many people are unsure when their services are necessary. Their expertise covers a range of issues, from contract drafting to dispute resolution. Understanding when to engage a real estate lawyer can save you from potential legal headaches in property transactions.

Real estate agents’ incomes largely depend on commissions from property sales, with annual earnings typically ranging between $41,289 and $53,656, though top performers can make much more. The commission structure, which often accounts for 5-6% of the property’s sale price, is currently facing potential changes due to a recent antitrust lawsuit against the National Association of Realtors. This legal development may introduce more flexible and lower commission rates, potentially affecting agents’ future earnings.

What Does A Business Development Manager Do? (2024 Guide)

Published 05/07/2024 by Benjamin Locke

Business Development Managers seek out new ways to help their company grow, whether that’s finding new clients or striking up partnerships. They use their knowledge of the market to make deals and build connections that will benefit the business. Essentially, they’re the ones who find the opportunities and bring them to life for the company.

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