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SuperMoney Interview Series: Zina Kumok of Debt Free After Three

Published 08/07/2016 by SuperMoney

Zina Kumok is a freelance writer specializing in personal finance and writes a blog about how she paid off her student loans at We recently sat down with Zina to hear her secrets about paying off debt, budgeting wisely, and saving money for the future.

What is the Average Cost of Hiring a Tax Attorney?

Published 08/04/2016 by SuperMoney

If you are having problems with the IRS, you should consider hiring a tax attorney. Tax attorneys offer a variety of services to help people deal with tax issues. A qualified tax attorney can ease communication between you and the IRS and can even handle complex tax litigation if necessary.

How Does the IRS Detect a Tax Fraud?

Published 07/20/2016 by SuperMoney

Tax fraud is a serious matter. If you are accused of tax fraud, you face violations of both the Internal Revenue Service and the United States code. The penalties can be severe and include both jail time and financial penalties.

Owe The IRS? 10 Things To Know

Published 06/24/2016 by SuperMoney

Owing to the IRS can be scary and stressful, but it doesn’t have to be. Here are 10 things to keep in mind when dealing with the IRS.

Pamela Yellen is a financial security expert, founder of Bank On Yourself, and the author of two New York Times best-selling books. She spent some time with us recently to talk about investing and saving strategies, and to tell us why you should only entrust your money with one person: yourself.

Erica Duran gives expert support, guidance, and accountability to modern service-based online entrepreneurs who what to make an abundance of money ($5K-$20K+ per month) doing what they love from anywhere. Recently, Erica shared some of her advice on getting out of an unfavorable job situation and setting a course for owning a business that suits your personal lifestyle.

Jessica Moorhouse is an award-winning personal finance blogger, and host of the Mo’ Money Podcast. She’s featured frequently as a finance expert in The Globe and Mail, The Huffington Post, and Lifehacker, and most recently founded the Millennial Money Meetup to help promote financial literacy among Millennials. Jessica took a moment out of her busy schedule to chat with us about Millennials and the personal finance challenges they face today.

Kristen Cross blogs at, where she inspires people to cheerfully live on less.

Amie Clark, co-founder and frequent contributor to, has had the privilege of working with seniors throughout her social work career in the areas of senior housing and care coordination. We recently checked in with Amie to hear her thoughts on the costs of elder care and how to find the ideal senior care facility without paying too much money.

I didn’t have any background in investing when I started getting curious about the stock market. I didn’t have any money either! I was a student studying history and politics and planning to start a job in marketing when I graduated. But the internet opened up the world and its information, so it didn’t take long to fall down the rabbit hole of internet research and follow my curiosity about the stock market and investments.

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