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Bank of Montreal (BMO) Exits Retail Auto Finance Business: Strategic Shift and Impact Explained

Last updated 05/15/2024 by

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The Bank of Montreal (BMO) is exiting the retail auto finance business to focus on its core strengths. This move follows BMO’s acquisition of Bank of the West and rounds of layoffs within the past year. While this transition will lead to workforce adjustments, specific details regarding layoffs remain undisclosed. BMO is committed to supporting affected employees. BMO and its subsidiary, BMO Harris Bank, will continue to fund contracts approved before September 15, 2023, honoring existing commitments. The decision comes at a time when the auto industry faces potential disruptions due to the United Auto Workers (UAW) strike and ongoing inventory challenges.

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Bank of Montreal exits retail auto finance business

In a significant move, the Bank of Montreal (BMO) has announced its exit from the retail auto finance business, as it aims to concentrate resources on areas where its competitive positioning is strongest. The decision was confirmed by BMO spokesperson Jeff Roman on Thursday, September 15, 2023.

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The bank will cease making consumer vehicle loans but will continue to offer financing for dealers. “By winding down the indirect retail auto finance business, we have the ability to focus our resources on areas where we believe our competitive positioning is strongest,” Roman elaborated in an email.
This decision follows BMO’s acquisition of San Francisco-based Bank of the West in February and rounds of layoffs within the past year. The bank joins a list of other financial institutions, including Citizens Bank and Mechanics Bank, that have exited indirect auto lending to focus on more profitable business lines.
While the move will result in layoffs, the exact number remains undisclosed. However, Roman assured that the bank is working closely with affected employees to provide support and ensure they are treated with fairness and respect.
BMO and its American unit BMO Harris Bank have been offering auto loans to consumers through a broad range of dealers in both Canada and the U.S. Following this decision, BMO will fund all contracts approved before Friday, September 15, 2023, and will continue to operate its direct auto lending and floorplan lending businesses.
At the same time, the auto industry faces potential disruptions due to a strike launched by the United Auto Workers (UAW) against Detroit legacy manufacturers Ford Motor Co., General Motors Co., and Stellantis NV. The strike could result in a short supply of vehicles for these manufacturers, putting pressure on vehicle prices after they had been slowly recovering over the past year.
This industry shift comes amid ongoing inventory challenges faced by dealers and manufacturers due to pandemic-related shipping delays. However, tighter supply has led to elevated dealer profits, creating a new normal for supply levels going forward, according to a study from Kerrigan Advisors.
Weigh the Risks and Benefits
Here is a list of the benefits and the drawbacks to consider.


  • BMO focuses on core strengths.
  • Commitment to supporting affected employees.
  • Continued funding for existing contracts.


  • Impact on workforce due to layoffs.
  • Auto industry disruptions due to the UAW strike.
  • Inventory challenges in the auto sector.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why is BMO exiting the retail auto finance business?

BMO is exiting the retail auto finance business to focus on areas where it believes its competitive positioning is strongest. By reallocating its resources, BMO aims to enhance its performance and provide better services in its core areas.

What will happen to existing auto loan contracts with BMO?

Existing auto loan contracts with BMO will continue to be honored. BMO is committed to fulfilling all contracts approved before Friday, September 15, 2023. This means that if you have an auto loan with BMO, your contract and its terms will remain unchanged, providing you with the same level of service and support as before.

How will BMO support affected employees during this transition?

BMO is dedicated to supporting its employees who may be affected by this transition. While specific details about layoffs remain undisclosed, the bank assures that it is working closely with impacted employees. BMO aims to provide necessary support and ensure that affected individuals are treated fairly and respectfully during this period of change.

What impact might BMO’s decision have on the auto industry?

BMO’s decision to exit the retail auto finance business is part of a broader industry trend. Several financial institutions have chosen to focus on more profitable lines of business, similar to BMO’s approach. While this shift may lead to workforce adjustments within BMO, the overall impact on the auto industry depends on various factors, including market dynamics, consumer preferences, and economic conditions. It’s important to note that BMO’s decision coincides with challenges in the auto industry, such as the UAW strike and inventory issues, which could potentially affect vehicle prices and supply.

Is this transition related to BMO’s acquisition of Bank of the West?

Yes, BMO’s decision to exit the retail auto finance business follows its acquisition of Bank of the West in February. This strategic move may involve streamlining operations and focusing on complementary strengths between the two entities. BMO aims to optimize its resources and provide more efficient financial services to its customers.

Key Takeaways

  • BMO is strategically exiting the retail auto finance business to focus on its core strengths.
  • While layoffs are expected, the bank is committed to providing support and fairness to affected employees.
  • BMO will continue to fund existing auto loan contracts.
  • The auto industry faces potential disruptions due to the UAW strike and ongoing inventory challenges.

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