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The Benefits and Coverage of Commercial General Liability Insurance (CGL)

Last updated 03/15/2024 by

Silas Bamigbola

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Commercial General Liability (CGL) insurance is a comprehensive policy providing coverage for bodily injury, personal injury, and property damage resulting from a business’s operations, products, or incidents on its premises. This article delves deeper into CGL, its types, exclusions, cost factors, and real-life examples to help businesses understand and utilize this essential coverage effectively.

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Understanding commercial general liability (CGL)

Commercial general liability (CGL) insurance is a vital component of a business’s risk management strategy. It offers broad coverage against various risks, making it essential for safeguarding your business’s financial well-being.

Types of CGL policies

CGL policies come in two primary forms:
  • Claims-made policy: This policy covers claims whenever they are made, regardless of when the claim event occurred. It provides flexibility in reporting claims.
  • Occurrence policy: With an occurrence policy, coverage applies if the claim event occurred during the policy period, even if the policy has since expired. It provides long-term protection.

Coverage components

Commercial general liability policies typically encompass:
  • Premises coverage: Protection against claims arising from incidents on your business’s physical premises during regular operations.
  • Bodily injury and property damage: Coverage for injuries or damage resulting from your products or services at other locations.
  • Excess liability coverage: Additional coverage to handle claims that exceed the CGL policy’s limit.

Exclusions and limitations

It’s crucial to be aware of what CGL insurance doesn’t cover:
  • Intentional damages
  • Accidents involving automobiles, aircraft, or watercraft
  • Product recalls
Understanding these limitations will help you assess the need for additional coverage.

Additional coverage options

Businesses can tailor their insurance portfolio to their unique needs. Additional coverage options include:
  • Employment practices liability coverage: Protection against claims related to sexual harassment, wrongful termination, and discrimination.
  • Errors and omissions coverage: Protection for financial reporting errors and omissions.
  • Directors and officers coverage: Coverage for damages resulting from the actions of company leaders.

Naming additional insured

Businesses often need to name other companies or individuals as “additional insured” under their CGL policy, typically when entering into contracts. This ensures that all parties involved are adequately protected in case of liability claims.

Examples of commercial general liability

Let’s explore real-life scenarios where CGL insurance plays a crucial role:

Slip and fall accident

A customer visits a business with freshly cleaned and polished floors, which inadvertently become slippery. The customer slips and sustains an injury. In this case, a commercial general liability policy may cover legal fees and settlement costs.

Electrical fire

An employee of an electrical company causes an accidental fire while working on a residential electrical wiring job. The resulting property damage and potential bodily injury claims could be covered by the company’s CGL insurance.

Advertising liability

A business runs an advertisement that leads to a libel or slander claim from an individual. CGL insurance can provide protection by covering legal expenses and potential settlements in such cases.

What damages does CGL insurance cover?

CGL insurance covers a wide range of damages, including:
  • Personal injury (slander, libel)
  • Property damage
  • Bodily injury
  • Advertising injury
It’s essential for businesses to understand the scope of coverage provided by their specific policy.

How much does commercial general liability insurance cost?

The cost of CGL insurance varies based on factors such as business size, industry risk, and coverage requirements. On average, businesses might pay between $300 and $1,000 for a million dollars of coverage. It’s advisable to obtain quotes from multiple insurers to find the best value.

What is not covered under commercial general liability insurance?

While CGL insurance offers extensive coverage, it has limitations. It typically does not cover:
  • Intentional or expected damages
  • Intoxication-related incidents (relevant for alcohol-related businesses)
  • Pollution-related damages
  • Automobile, aircraft, or watercraft accidents
  • Damage to a business’s own work
Businesses with exposure to these risks should consider additional insurance options.

Additional coverage scenarios

Commercial General Liability (CGL) insurance can be tailored to cover various business risks beyond the typical scope. Here are some additional scenarios where businesses might consider expanding their coverage:

Product liability

Suppose your business manufactures or sells products. In the event that a product defect leads to injury or property damage, a product liability claim can be financially devastating. CGL insurance can provide protection in such cases, but additional product liability coverage may be necessary for comprehensive protection.

Contractual liability

When your business enters into contracts with clients, suppliers, or partners, you may assume contractual liabilities. These liabilities can include indemnification obligations or responsibilities for damages resulting from contract breaches. While CGL insurance may offer some coverage, specialized contractual liability insurance can address these specific risks more effectively.

Real estate considerations

If your business owns or leases commercial real estate, there are additional aspects of CGL insurance to consider:

Tenant’s liability

If you lease space, your lease agreement may require you to carry specific liability coverage, often referred to as tenant’s liability insurance. This coverage protects against damage to the rented premises or liability for accidents occurring there. Ensure that your CGL policy aligns with these lease requirements.

Construction projects

If your business is involved in construction or renovation projects, you’ll face unique liability risks. Accidents, property damage, or injuries can occur during construction. Construction liability insurance can be added to your CGL policy to provide coverage tailored to these risks.
Expanding your CGL coverage in these scenarios ensures that your business is well-protected against the specific risks it faces. Remember that discussing your insurance needs with an experienced agent or broker can help you make informed decisions.

Insurance costs and premium factors

Understanding the cost of commercial general liability (CGL) insurance and the factors that influence premiums is crucial for budgeting and obtaining the right coverage. Here’s an in-depth look at these considerations:

Premium calculation

Insurance companies determine CGL premiums based on several factors:
  • Business type and industry
  • Business location
  • Annual revenue and size
  • Prior claims history
  • Selected coverage limits
Each of these factors plays a role in calculating the premium amount, and it’s essential to provide accurate information to insurers to get an appropriate quote.

Risk management strategies

Businesses can take proactive steps to reduce their CGL insurance premiums. Implementing effective risk management strategies, such as safety protocols, employee training, and incident reporting systems, can demonstrate your commitment to risk reduction. Insurers often reward businesses with lower premiums for these efforts.
By delving deeper into these considerations, businesses can make informed decisions about their CGL coverage, ensuring they strike the right balance between protection and cost.

The bottom line

Commercial general liability insurance is a fundamental tool for protecting your business from various risks and potential lawsuits. It covers a wide range of damages, including property and bodily injury, personal injury, and advertising injury. Understanding your policy’s terms, exclusions, and coverage limits is crucial to ensure your business is adequately protected.
By investing in a CGL policy, you reduce the financial burden of legal fees and settlements in case of liability claims, allowing your business to operate with confidence in an unpredictable world.

Frequently asked questions about commercial general liability coverage

What is commercial general liability (CGL) insurance?

Commercial general liability (CGL) insurance is a type of insurance policy that provides coverage to a business for bodily injury, personal injury, and property damage caused by the business’s operations, products, or injuries that occur on the business’s premises.

What does commercial general liability insurance typically cover?

Commercial general liability insurance typically covers bodily injury, property damage, personal injury (such as libel or slander), and advertising injury. It can also provide protection against legal costs associated with defending against a lawsuit.

Are there different types of CGL policies?

Yes, there are two primary types of CGL policies: claims-made policies and occurrence policies. Claims-made policies cover claims regardless of when the event took place, while occurrence policies cover claims where the event occurred during the policy period, even if the policy has expired.

What are the common exclusions in commercial general liability insurance?

Commercial general liability insurance typically does not cover intentional damages, accidents involving automobiles, aircraft, or watercraft, and the costs associated with product recalls. It’s important to understand these limitations when assessing your coverage needs.

Can businesses add others as “additional insured” under their CGL policy?

Yes, businesses can name other companies or individuals as “additional insured” under their CGL policy, often when entering into contracts. This ensures that all parties involved are adequately protected in case of liability claims.

What factors influence the cost of commercial general liability insurance?

The cost of CGL insurance can vary based on factors such as the size of the business, the industry it operates in, and the coverage requirements. Additionally, a business’s claims history can impact premium costs.

When should a business consider additional coverage beyond CGL insurance?

Businesses should consider additional coverage when they have specific risks that fall outside the scope of CGL insurance. This may include scenarios like product liability, contractual liabilities, or when operating in industries with unique risks.

How can businesses reduce their CGL insurance premiums?

Businesses can reduce their CGL insurance premiums by implementing effective risk management strategies. This includes safety protocols, employee training, and incident reporting systems, which demonstrate a commitment to reducing risks and may lead to lower premiums.

Key takeaways

  • Commercial general liability (CGL) insurance provides comprehensive coverage for bodily injury, property damage, and personal injury resulting from business operations or incidents on business premises.
  • CGL policies come in two main types: claims-made and occurrence policies, each with distinct coverage features.
  • Additional coverage options include employment practices liability, errors and omissions, and directors and officers insurance.
  • Businesses may need to name others as “additional insured” under their CGL policy, especially when entering contracts.
  • CGL insurance covers a wide range of damages but has exclusions, including intentional damages and certain types of accidents.

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