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Hulbert Ratings: Understanding Performance Metrics & Making Informed Choices

Last updated 03/28/2024 by

Silas Bamigbola

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Investment newsletters play a crucial role in guiding investors’ decisions, and the Hulbert rating serves as a reliable measure of their performance over time. Introduced by financial advisor Mark Hulbert, these ratings evaluate newsletters based on their long-term performance adjusted for risk. Understanding how Hulbert ratings work and their significance can empower investors to make informed choices about their investments.

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Understanding Hulbert ratings

Investment newsletters provide valuable insights into market trends, trading strategies, and stock recommendations. The Hulbert rating, created by financial advisor Mark Hulbert, serves as a benchmark to assess the performance of these newsletters over time. It tracks the buy and sell advice provided by newsletters and evaluates their performance using various metrics, including risk-adjusted returns. By subscribing to Hulbert Ratings, LLC, investors gain access to unbiased evaluations of newsletter performance.

How Hulbert ratings work

Hulbert Ratings, LLC determines the ratings of investment newsletters by maintaining hypothetical portfolios based on their advice. These portfolios are then tracked using multiple metrics, with the Sharpe ratio being a key measure of risk-adjusted performance. Mark Hulbert ensures impartiality by subscribing to newsletters under pseudonyms, preventing early access to tips that could inflate performance results. The transparency of Hulbert ratings promotes accountability among newsletters and helps investors make informed decisions.

Historical perspective

Mark Hulbert began tracking newsletter performance in 1980 through the Hulbert Financial Digest, which was later acquired by MarketWatch/Dow Jones. Despite the discontinuation of the Hulbert Financial Digest in 2016, Hulbert Ratings, LLC continues to provide valuable insights into newsletter performance. The longevity of Hulbert ratings underscores their significance in the investment landscape, offering investors a reliable means of evaluating newsletter credibility and effectiveness.

Key considerations

Investors can access Hulbert ratings through the Hulbert Ratings LLC website, which publishes performance scoreboards for various timeframes. These scoreboards enable investors to assess newsletter ratings over different periods, facilitating informed decision-making. Additionally, the Hulbert Investment Newsletter Honor Roll recognizes newsletters that have consistently outperformed the market, providing further validation of their credibility.

Are investment newsletters worth it?

Despite the insights offered by investment newsletters, empirical evidence suggests that most newsletters underperform the market. Mark Hulbert himself advocates for index fund investing, citing the tendency of newsletters and actively managed funds to fall short of market benchmarks. However, he acknowledges the psychological challenges that investors face in adhering to a passive investment strategy. While investment newsletters can provide valuable guidance, investors should exercise caution and consider their track record before making investment decisions.

Pros and cons of Hulbert ratings

Here is a list of the benefits and the drawbacks to consider.
  • Objective evaluation of newsletter performance
  • Transparent methodology for assessing risk-adjusted returns
  • Helps investors make informed decisions about newsletter subscriptions
  • May not capture nuances of individual newsletter strategies
  • Relies on historical performance, which may not predict future results
  • Requires subscription to access detailed ratings and analysis

Examples of Hulbert ratings in action

Consider the following hypothetical scenario: Investor A subscribes to two investment newsletters, Newsletter X and Newsletter Y. Both newsletters provide stock recommendations and market analysis. Investor A decides to assess their performance using Hulbert ratings over the past five years. After reviewing the ratings, Investor A discovers that Newsletter X has consistently outperformed Newsletter Y in terms of risk-adjusted returns. Armed with this information, Investor A may choose to allocate more capital to Newsletter X or even consider canceling their subscription to Newsletter Y.

Factors influencing Hulbert ratings

Several factors can influence the performance of investment newsletters and, consequently, their Hulbert ratings. These factors include market conditions, investment strategies employed by newsletters, and the expertise of newsletter editors. For example, newsletters focusing on volatile sectors like technology or biotechnology may exhibit higher volatility in their performance, impacting their risk-adjusted returns. Additionally, newsletters with experienced editors who accurately anticipate market trends may consistently achieve higher Hulbert ratings compared to those with less seasoned editorial teams.

Maximizing the value of Hulbert ratings

To leverage Hulbert ratings effectively, investors should consider several strategies. Firstly, they should prioritize newsletters with consistent performance across various market conditions, as evidenced by their inclusion in the Hulbert Investment Newsletter Honor Roll. Additionally, investors should conduct thorough due diligence on newsletter methodologies and track records to ensure alignment with their investment goals and risk tolerance. Finally, investors should view Hulbert ratings as one of several tools in their investment toolkit, complementing fundamental and technical analysis to make well-informed decisions.

The future of Hulbert ratings

As technology and data analytics continue to evolve, the landscape of investment newsletter evaluation may undergo significant changes. Hulbert Ratings, LLC could explore incorporating machine learning algorithms to enhance the accuracy and timeliness of performance assessments. Moreover, partnerships with leading financial institutions and academic researchers could further validate the predictive power of Hulbert ratings, cementing their position as a trusted resource for investors worldwide.

Real-world application of Hulbert ratings

Examining real-world examples of how investors have used Hulbert ratings to inform their investment decisions can provide valuable insights. For instance, Investor B might have relied on Hulbert ratings to identify a high-performing newsletter that specializes in value investing during periods of market volatility. By analyzing the historical performance of newsletters in different market conditions, investors can gain confidence in their decision-making process and potentially enhance their investment outcomes.


In conclusion, Hulbert ratings provide investors with invaluable insights into the performance of investment newsletters over time. By evaluating newsletters based on their risk-adjusted returns, Hulbert ratings empower investors to make informed decisions about newsletter subscriptions and portfolio allocations. While no investment strategy guarantees success, leveraging Hulbert ratings as part of a comprehensive due diligence process can enhance investors’ chances of achieving their financial objectives.

Frequently asked questions

What is the significance of Hulbert ratings for investors?

Hulbert ratings provide investors with a reliable measure of the performance of investment newsletters over time. By evaluating newsletters based on their risk-adjusted returns, Hulbert ratings empower investors to make informed decisions about newsletter subscriptions and portfolio allocations.

How are Hulbert ratings calculated?

Hulbert ratings are calculated by maintaining hypothetical portfolios based on the buy and sell advice provided by investment newsletters. These portfolios are tracked using multiple metrics, including the Sharpe ratio, to assess risk-adjusted performance.

Why are Hulbert ratings important?

Hulbert ratings are important because they offer investors an objective evaluation of newsletter performance, helping them avoid potentially unreliable sources of market information. By subscribing to newsletters with favorable Hulbert ratings, investors can improve their chances of making successful investment decisions.

Can Hulbert ratings predict future performance?

While Hulbert ratings provide valuable insights into past performance, they may not necessarily predict future results. Investors should exercise caution and consider other factors, such as market conditions and investment strategies, when relying on Hulbert ratings to inform their decisions.

How often are Hulbert ratings updated?

Hulbert ratings are typically updated regularly, allowing investors to assess newsletter performance over different timeframes. Investors can access performance scoreboards on the Hulbert Ratings LLC website, which provide ratings for various periods ranging from months to years.

Are there any limitations to Hulbert ratings?

While Hulbert ratings offer valuable insights into newsletter performance, they may not capture all the nuances of individual newsletter strategies. Additionally, Hulbert ratings rely on historical performance, which may not always accurately predict future results.

How can investors maximize the value of Hulbert ratings?

To maximize the value of Hulbert ratings, investors should conduct thorough due diligence on newsletter methodologies and track records. They should prioritize newsletters with consistent performance across various market conditions and view Hulbert ratings as one of several tools in their investment toolkit.

Key takeaways

  • Hulbert ratings provide objective evaluations of investment newsletter performance.
  • Investors can use Hulbert ratings to make informed decisions about newsletter subscriptions.
  • Despite the insights offered by investment newsletters, most underperform the market over the long term.
  • Investors should exercise caution and consider historical performance when relying on investment newsletters for guidance.

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