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How Much Does Elon Musk Make In A Day?

Last updated 03/29/2024 by

Benjamin Locke

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Elon Musk’s wealth is primarily derived from equity in companies like Tesla and SpaceX. A notable legal development is the nullification of Musk’s $55.8 billion compensation package by a Delaware judge, which could impact his billionaire status. We highlight the industries where billionaires make their money, with finance, technology, and manufacturing at the forefront. We also point out the importance of inheritance and generational wealth transfer in billionaire wealth accumulation.

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How much does Elon Musk earn in a day?

In 2023, Elon Musk reclaimed his title as the world’s richest person. Determining his precise earnings is challenging since he doesn’t draw a salary from his ventures. By comparing his net worth at the start of January ($140 billion) with his current net worth ($225 billion), we find an $85 billion increase over eight months. Breaking this down, Musk’s monthly gain averages out to $10.6 billion, translating to about $354 million daily.
However, pinpointing an exact daily income is difficult due to various influencing factors. For instance, on October 25, 2021, a significant event occurred when Hertz placed an order for 100,000 Teslas, momentarily causing Tesla’s stock to drop but ultimately increasing
Musk’s net worth by $36 billion in just one day.

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How Elon Musk’s wealth is measured: Equity in companies

Elon Musk doesn’t work a 9-5 job that pays him a salary, obviously. Although there is most definitely a salary component to his overall compensation package, the majority of Elon Musk’s wealth is tied up in equity related to his various companies Some of the most well-known are.
Tesla, Inc.
As the CEO and largest shareholder of Tesla, Musk’s wealth is significantly tied to the company’s stock performance. Tesla is a leader in electric vehicles (EVs), battery energy storage, and solar panel and solar roof tile manufacturing. The company’s stock has seen substantial growth, especially in recent years, contributing immensely to Musk’s net worth.
Musk founded Space Exploration Technologies Corp., better known as SpaceX, in 2002 with the goal of reducing space transportation costs to enable the colonization of Mars. SpaceX generates revenue through commercial and government satellite launches, cargo resupply missions to the International Space Station (ISS), and development contracts for its next-generation spacecraft. Musk’s stake in SpaceX is another major component of his wealth.
The Boring Company
Founded by Musk in 2016, The Boring Company focuses on tunnel construction and infrastructure projects, aiming to reduce urban traffic congestion through an extensive network of underground tunnels. The company sells tunneling services and has conducted merchandise sales, including a notable instance where it sold flamethrowers.
Neuralink is a neurotechnology company founded by Musk, working on developing implantable brain–machine interfaces (BMIs). While still in the early stages of development, the potential for commercial applications in the future could contribute to Musk’s income, should the technology become commercially viable and widely adopted.
Acquired by Tesla in 2016, SolarCity was co-founded by Musk’s cousins, with Musk himself being the largest shareholder at the time of acquisition. SolarCity contributes to Musk’s wealth through its integration into Tesla’s energy products, offering solar energy solutions that complement Tesla’s energy storage products.

Stock options and compensation plans

A significant portion of Musk’s earnings comes from stock options and compensation plans tied to performance milestones at his companies, particularly Tesla. For example, Tesla’s unprecedented market capitalization growth and operational targets have triggered massive compensation payouts to Musk, as outlined in his unique compensation package, which is entirely based on stock options and milestones rather than a traditional salary.
Other Investments
Musk has made various investments over the years. While not all are public, his investment portfolio likely includes stakes in other technology and energy companies, further diversifying his sources of income.
DeepMind TechnologiesEarly investor in AI company acquired by Google in 2014.
StripePayment processing software and APIs for e-commerce and mobile applications.
Halcyon MolecularBiotechnology company focused on sequencing DNA, operational until 2012.
VicariousArtificial intelligence company developing next-generation AI algorithms.
NeuralinkNeurotechnology company working on brain-computer interfaces.
OpenAIAI research organization aiming to ensure AGI benefits all of humanity.

Pro Tip

“In my observation, Musk’s earnings and investment decisions significantly influence global market sentiments and investment trends. Investors often watch his moves closely for insights into emerging industries and technologies.” – Allan McNabb VP of Image Building Media.

Elon Musk’s Tesla compensation court case

A Delaware judge recently nullified Elon Musk’s $55.8 billion compensation package from Tesla, a decision that followed years of legal disputes over his pay. This ruling, which led to a temporary 2 percent drop in Tesla’s stock price, was the result of a lawsuit filed by a shareholder in 2018, challenging the fairness of Musk’s compensation. The package, which was the largest in U.S. corporate history, had significantly contributed to Musk’s status as the world’s richest man by meeting set performance targets by 2023. Despite the potential for an appeal from Musk, the court’s decision has momentarily affected his ranking on the global wealth list, placing him behind Bernard Arnault of LVMH.
The controversy around Musk’s pay stems from a 2018 agreement that didn’t involve a salary but offered him stock equating to about 1 percent of Tesla’s equity for each operational and financial milestone achieved. This ambitious plan aimed to escalate Tesla’s market cap from $59 billion to $650 billion within a decade, a goal Musk successfully attained by hitting all 12 targets. This package not only elevated Musk’s personal wealth, making him the highest-paid CEO in the U.S., but also sparked a broader debate on executive compensation and wealth inequality, highlighting the stark pay disparities within American corporations and beyond.

As a high-profile billionaire, his daily earnings and business activities are closely watched by global investors. When he makes major moves like acquiring X or selling Tesla shares, it can shift market sentiments and drive investment trends. His immense wealth and unconventional leadership style mean his actions and comments on companies he’s involved with can spark stock volatility and influence overall market outlook, for better or worse.” -David Reid, Sales Director at VEM Tools

What are some of the ways that billionaires make money?

Tech Industry: The tech sector has been a significant source of wealth, with 313 billionaires in 2023, slightly down from 341 the previous year, according to Forbes.
Finance and Investments: This industry is a leading creator of billionaires, with finance and investments consistently minting the most billionaires. It’s considered the most likely path to a billion-dollar fortune.
Inheritance: A growing number of billionaires are acquiring their wealth through inheritance. A report highlighted by Investopedia estimates that over 1,000 billionaires are expected to pass on $5.2 trillion to their heirs in the next 20 to 30 years. CNBC also reported that billionaires gained more wealth through inheritance than entrepreneurship in the last year, with 53 new billionaires inheriting a combined $150.8 billion in a 12-month period up to April, as per a UBS report.
Generational Wealth Transfer: The trend towards inheritance as a source of billionaire wealth is notable. Vox reports that heirs are receiving wealth transfers earlier in life, indicating a shift in how billionaire wealth is accumulated over generations.

Which industries have the most billionaires?

In 2023, the distribution of billionaires across industries reveals a pretty diverse collection , with Finance & Investments leading at 14%, followed closely by Manufacturing and Technology, each holding 12% of the billionaire population. Fashion & Retail (10%), Food & Beverage (8%), Healthcare (8%), Real Estate (7%), Diversified (7%), Energy (4%), and Media & Entertainment (3%) round out the top sectors. Together, these top 10 industries account for 85% of the world’s billionaires, as reported by Forbes. The remaining 15% likely spans a variety of smaller sectors not individually large enough to break into the top rankings, illustrating the wide array of paths to achieving billionaire status.


How does Elon Musk’s compensation package compare to other CEOs in the tech industry?

Elon Musk’s compensation package, primarily based on stock options and performance milestones, is unique and significantly larger than those of most other CEOs in the tech industry. Unlike traditional compensation packages that include a base salary plus bonuses, Musk’s earnings are directly tied to Tesla’s market performance and specific operational milestones, making it potentially the largest in corporate history.

What impact did the court ruling on Musk’s Tesla compensation have on Tesla’s overall market performance?

The court ruling temporarily affected Tesla’s stock, causing a 2% drop. However, Tesla’s stock recovered shortly after. The long-term impact on Tesla’s market performance depends on various factors, including investor confidence, market conditions, and Tesla’s ongoing business performance. The ruling also sparked discussions on executive compensation and governance.

How does Elon Musk’s vision for space exploration with SpaceX influence his net worth?

SpaceX’s success in commercial space launches, contracts with NASA, and the development of the Starlink satellite internet service have significantly contributed to Musk’s net worth. Musk’s vision for space exploration, including plans for Mars colonization, positions SpaceX as a leader in the space industry, potentially increasing its value and, by extension, Musk’s wealth. The company’s achievements and future prospects in space exploration are closely watched by investors and the public, influencing Musk’s financial standing and impact on the space sector.

Key takeaways

  • Elon Musk’s wealth is primarily tied to his equity in companies like Tesla and SpaceX, with significant gains from stock options and compensation plans.
  • A Delaware judge nullified Musk’s $55.8 billion Tesla compensation package, potentially affecting his status as the world’s richest person.
  • Billionaires diversify their wealth through various industries, with finance and investments, technology, and manufacturing leading the way.
  • Inheritance and generational wealth transfer are becoming increasingly significant sources of billionaire wealth, indicating a shift in wealth accumulation.

SuperMoney may receive compensation from some or all of the companies featured, and the order of results are influenced by advertising bids, with exception for mortgage and home lending related products. Learn more

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