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How to Become an Amazon Product Tester

Last updated 10/31/2023 by

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Want to become an Amazon product tester and enjoy freebies and deep discounts? Discover the two main ways to do it, tips to become eligible, and more in this guide.
Online shopping has become a part of our everyday lives, and one important part of the online buying experience is reading product reviews. In fact, according to one report, about 90% of online shoppers almost always read reviews before deciding to buy a product. Reviews are not just helpful; they’re often essential in guiding online shoppers. For example, many shoppers won’t even consider buying a product online if it doesn’t have any reviews.
Given the importance of reviews, it’s no surprise that online retailers like Amazon encourage and value them. As a result, sellers go to great lengths to make sure that people test, evaluate, and review their products online. Some sellers even offer free products or significant discounts to reviewers who prove their ability to provide informative, detailed, and accurate reviews.

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How to become an Amazon product tester

If you want to become an Amazon product tester, there are basically two ways to go about it:

Amazon Vine Program

Amazon Vine is an invite-only program, and Amazon selects the reviewers who participate. If you’re picked, you can select from a variety of products at no cost in exchange for sharing your experiences, which helps other Amazon customers make informed purchasing decisions.
It’s important to note that there’s no guarantee you’ll get an invitation to the Vine program, but building a strong reviewer profile will improve your chances, says Mohamed Aden, director of operations at, an Amazon marketing agency.
“Vine is Amazon’s invite-only program for reviewers. Building a strong reviewing history improves your chances. We find accounts with three-digit reviews more likely to get an invite.”

Amazon Reviewer Platforms

Another way to become an Amazon product tester is through third-party Amazon reviewer platforms. These platforms connect product sellers with potential reviewers and offer free or discounted products in exchange for reviews.
“There are many third-party sites or Facebook groups that offer a similar program. Anyone can also start being an Amazon reviewer with their social accounts,” says Aden.
Options for reviewer platforms include the following:


Vipon is one of the oldest and most popular Amazon deal websites. It offers big discounts and free items to buyers who sign up for the service. Buyers can request up to 20 products at a time, making it a popular choice among Amazon reviewers.


Rebaid is another Amazon product review site that offers great discounts, with millions of dollars in direct rebates to site users. And it doesn’t just offer Amazon discounts; it also features products from several other online retailers.

Pro Tip

It’s important to use caution when using third-party platforms, as not all Amazon reviewer sites are legit. Always verify the site and don’t disclose sensitive information until you’re sure it’s safe.

How can I get selected for the Amazon Vine program?

Becoming part of the Amazon Vine program, often referred to as becoming a “Vine Voice,” is a big deal for Amazon reviewers.
Your reviewer profile and familiarity with different product categories play a key role in your selection for the Vine program. While Amazon doesn’t disclose the exact criteria, factors like the quantity and quality of your reviews, the variety of products you’ve reviewed, and your overall rating as a reviewer are believed to be important considerations.
To increase your chances of getting an invite to this program, you should establish yourself as a reliable and regular reviewer on Amazon by following these steps:
  • Post a large number of insightful and helpful reviews.
  • Review a wide range of products.
  • Consider adding more categories of products you review.

Pro Tip

To enhance your chances of becoming an Amazon product tester, focus on posting a large volume of detailed and helpful reviews across many different product categories on Amazon.

Do Amazon product testers get paid?

Amazon does not pay reviewers in the Vine program. However, reviewers do receive free products, which they can keep or sell on platforms like eBay and Poshmark, generating additional income.
Here are some of the pros and cons to consider before becoming an Amazon product tester:
Some benefits and drawbacks to consider
  • Access to free or heavily discounted products
  • Ongoing discounts — some brands offer discount codes to reviewers for personal use
  • Opportunity to share your experiences and help others make informed decisions
  • Not all reviewer platforms are trustworthy
  • You won’t get paid for reviews through the Vine program
  • May be fairly time-consuming for minimal rewards


Do you get paid for being an Amazon product tester?

Being an Amazon product tester does not involve a paycheck. Instead, testers receive free products or discounts in exchange for writing reviews.

Can anyone join the Amazon Vine program?

The Amazon Vine program is invite-only. Amazon selects reviewers based on their reviewer profiles and the quality and quantity of their reviews.

Are there risks associated with using third-party Amazon reviewer platforms?

Yes. Not all reviewer platforms are trustworthy; some might be scams. It’s essential to exercise caution and not give out any sensitive information until you’ve verified the authenticity of the site. (This advice goes for any website on which you may be asked to disclose any personal or financial information.)

Can I sell the products I receive as an Amazon product tester?

If you want, you can sell the products you receive as a tester on platforms like eBay and Poshmark. In theory, you could generate some income as a result of reviewing Amazon products, but depending on the product (e.g., skincare items), this may not be a viable idea.

Key takeaways

  • Many online shoppers rely on product reviews when making purchasing decisions.
  • Becoming an Amazon product tester can give you access to free or discounted products.
  • Two ways to become a product tester are being chosen for the Amazon Vine program and joining third-party reviewer sites.
  • Amazon does not pay Vine reviewers, but reviewers can get free products in exchange for reviews.

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