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Where Is The Security Code On A Debit Card

Last updated 03/15/2024 by

Sammi Toner
Your debit card security code verifies your identity and ownership over the card online and over the phone. This code is printed on the back of the card near the signature panel for Mastercard and Visa debit cards or printed on the front for American Express cardholders.
Whether you’re using a debit card or a credit card, both bank cards use a security code. Like each additional card number, your card’s security code helps protect you against fraudulent activity and transactions that could end up hurting your finances and credit score. But why is a card security code important if there are already other fraud prevention measures in place?

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What is a debit card security code?

A security code is one of the many numbers that can be found on your debit card. Your security code is a three- or four-digit number and acts as an additional level of security for your account. These digits are randomly generated and are frequently required when making purchases online. This verifies that you are the cardholder and have the physical card in your possession, as hackers would not have both your account number and security code by simply hacking a merchant’s online accounts.

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Why does my debit or credit card number look different from the security code?

Many debit and credit card numbers are raised on the physical card. This differs from the expiration date — printed on the front of the card — and the security code — printed on the back of the card at the end of the signature box. (This is true of Mastercard and Visa debit cards, not American Express cards. We’ll talk about this later.)
It may seem like a simple design choice, but your card issuer has a reason for this difference. Your card number can be quickly recorded by making an imprint of the digits on a pad of paper. However, to make successful purchases, you need more than just your card number. The printed expiration date and security code prevent easy theft and fraud.

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Is my security code the same as my debit card’s CVV?

A debit card security code may also be referred to as a card verification value (CVV), a card security code (CSC), card verification code (CVC), card code verification (CCV), a card identification code (CIC), or a card identification number (CIN). While it may be difficult to keep track of all these titles, remember that each of these names stands for the same three- or four-digit code printed on your debit card.

Is my security code the same as my card’s PIN?

While you should never share either number with anyone, your CVV code is not the same as your debit card PIN number. You choose your PIN (personal identification number) and input it during in-person transactions. Therefore, your card security code is not necessary for in-person transactions and is randomly generated as an additional security measure.

Why is a security code necessary?

Along with your card number and expiration date, your security code is often needed when making online purchases. This is necessary for a couple of different reasons, all of which are centered around preventing fraud:
(1) Added measure of security. We’ve all heard horror stories about stolen credit card numbers and the impact it has on victims’ financials. Fortunately, most online retailers now require more than your main credit card number before completing a transaction. Requiring all these numbers makes it more difficult for a hacker to access your bank account with only your main credit card number.
(2) Not stored information. Unlike your debit card number, security codes are not stored within the magnetic stripe of a debit card. Therefore, if a retailer’s accounts were somehow hacked, the hackers would only see a purchaser’s expiration date and debit card number. This prevents any hackers from making fraudulent transactions with your debit card.
Whether you’re speaking with your card issuers or an online merchant, providing your debit card security code and account number reaffirms you are the proper cardholder.

How do I find my debit card security code?

Depending on the bank you work with, you can find your security code printed on the front or back of your debit card. For example, Mastercard and Visa debit cards have three-digit codes on the back of all debit cards, where you can also find the signature box and magnetic strip on your card.
Example of the location of the secuirty code on a Mastercard, Visa, or Discover card.
Example of the location of the security code on a Mastercard, Visa, or Discover card.
American Express cards are a little different. Their debit cards have the numbers printed on the front of the card using a four-digit code instead of three. You can find this security number printed on the right side of the card.
Example of the location of the security code on an American Express
Example of the location of the security code on an American Express
If you lose your debit or credit card, call your card issuer immediately to prevent any fraudulent activity. As with all account numbers, do not share your debit card security code with anyone. It’s your money, and you have to keep it safe.

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Key Takeaways

  • Every debit and credit card has a randomly generated security code.
  • Depending on the bank you use—Mastercard, Visa, or American Express—your security code may be found on the front or back of your debit card.
  • Your card’s security code is used to verify your identity as the cardholder when you cannot make an on-site purchase.
  • Unlike your debit card number, your security code is not stored in online retailer’s accounts and therefore can’t be accessed by online hackers.

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