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Andrew Latham

Andrew is the Content Director for SuperMoney, a Certified Financial Planner®, and a Certified Personal Finance Counselor. He loves to geek out on financial data and translate it into actionable insights everyone can understand. His work is often cited by major publications and institutions, such as Forbes, U.S. News, Fox Business, SFGate, Realtor, Deloitte, and Business Insider.

articles from Andrew

237 posts

Small Business Owners Turn to Local Credit Unions as Banking Turmoil Mounts

Published 04/06/2023 by Andrew Latham

According to a recent survey, small business owners are increasingly turning to local credit unions to protect their funds amid economic uncertainty caused by recent bank failures and financial woes. The survey shows that credit union use among SMBs has surged by 65% over the period just prior to the banking upheaval, with many SMBs leaving their large, national banks behind. Veterans topped the list of small business owners who moved their funds after the banking crisis, followed by women-owned, minority-owned, and non-minority-owned businesses.

Crescent Bank has increased the maximum APY for its CD account — now up to 4.95% APY — and lowered the interest rates on longer-term certificates.

How to Pay For Coding Bootcamp

Published 02/14/2023 by Andrew Latham

Most coding bootcamp students can’t qualify for federal student aid or traditional private student loans. However, other financing options are available. This article provides a comprehensive discussion of coding bootcamp financing options, such as personal loans, scholarships, crowdfunding, credit cards, and income share agreements.

How to Lower Monthly Payments

Published 02/14/2023 by Andrew Latham

Trying to build up your savings? Lower monthly payments may be the key. You can save big by paying less every month on expenses like your mortgage, car and home insurance, credit cards, and student loans.

Asset Seizure – How Does It Work?

Published 02/14/2023 by Andrew Latham

If you owe back taxes and don’t arrange to pay, the IRS has the power to take your property as payment through a process called asset seizure.

What Are Back Taxes?

Published 02/13/2023 by Andrew Latham

You have heard the Benjamin Frankin quote about taxes and death. “The only thing for certain in life is death and taxes.” Like millions of working Americans, you try your best to pay your fair share and do so on time. Unfortunately, life can get complicated. In 2020 alone, the IRS counted 13.2 million delinquent taxpayer accounts and collected nearly $1.9 billion in back taxes.

Again, the three largest and best-known credit reporting bureaus are Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax. These companies track consumer information, including payment history, credit utilization, credit history length, public records, and inquiries. In addition to your name, address, Social Security number, and credit card or loan account numbers, your credit report contains information on whether or not you’ve ever been sued or arrested, filed for bankruptcy, or failed to pay your bills on time. In addition, it shows whether anyone else has viewed your credit reports, such as a bank or credit card company, and when.

Unsecured Personal Loans

Published 02/07/2023 by Andrew Latham

If you need money and you don’t want the risk of placing a valuable asset as collateral, you may want to consider an unsecured loan. Personal loans can be funded in 48 hours or less and you can use them for almost anything you want. You will need good credit to qualify for low rates and fees, but even borrowers with poor credit can qualify for a loan.

Contractor Fraud: What It Is and How To Avoid It

Published 02/01/2023 by Andrew Latham

Contractor fraud is when unscrupulous contractors or service providers intentionally or recklessly misrepresent themselves, their qualifications, or their services in order to secure work or payment from a client or business. Steps you can take to avoid being scammed by fraudulent contractors include conducting background research, asking for references, verifying a contractor’s license and permits, and keeping records of payments.

The Definitive Guide to Marketplace Lending

Published 01/11/2023 by Andrew Latham

Median annual return of the largest marketplace lending platform.

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