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Best Renters Insurance in Florida

July 2024

Landlords often require tenants to carry renters insurance for their own protection. This article will explain what to look for in a policy, and offers a list of the best renters insurance in Florida.
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Many renters in Florida face the possibility of flood and heavy winds. This makes renters insurance a smart option, whether your landlord requires it or not.
A misconception among many renters is that the owner's insurance protects them. The fact is that the owner's insurance protects the structure of the building. Your renter's insurance protects you. For example, if a hurricane hits, you could lose all your possessions. Renters insurance can reimburse the value of your loss and help with another place to stay if needed. Let's say you start a fire while cooking. Rental insurance can keep the landlord coming after your personal bank account. For these reasons and more, all renters should consider rental insurance.
Here is a list of the best renters insurance carriers in Florida.
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For renters in the state of Florida, the most common perils include:
  • Hurricanes/Heavy winds
  • Flooding
  • Fire
  • Theft
Some areas of Florida are more at risk than others for certain claims like hurricane damage. Insurance companies may require a separate policy for flood insurance in these areas. Residents of the Wind-Pool area may need to buy a separate policy for wind damage. Shop around and ask questions. You'll want to understand what you're covered for, and if you need to specialize your policy.
Your rental insurance will also protect you from liability issues. For example, if someone gets hurt while visiting you, they could come after you to cover medical bills. This is where the liability part of your Florida renters insurance comes in. If you accidentally damage someone else's property, again, rental insurance kicks in. Damage to another person's property includes negligent damage to your rental unit. In such cases, the state of Florida allows the landlord to seek financial reimbursement from you. The good news is that the liability part of your rental insurance can help you out here as well.
Renters insurance in Florida is inexpensive. The peace of mind that it offers is well worth a short search for the right policy.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the average cost of renters insurance in Florida?

The average cost of rental insurance in Florida is $15 - $18 per month. This makes it an affordable option for almost any renter. Your rate will vary depending on personal factors. For example, the cost will depend on proximity to high-risk areas and coverage selections. It's been a good idea to compare a few insurance carriers for the right policy for your circumstances and budget.

Who has the cheapest renters insurance in Florida?

The cost of each person's insurance will vary. We've done an extensive research to help you find the best price with a dependable company in the state of Florida. Shop around using the list above to find the best deal for your area and your rental insurance needs.

Can a landlord require renters insurance in Florida?

Yes, landlords in Florida can include rental insurance as a stipulation in your lease. This serves as protection both for them and for you.

Which company has the best renters insurance in Florida?

The best company for you will depend on personal factors. For example, how much coverage do you want and where in Florida are you located? Do you have a dog? Not all insurance companies will cover damage or injury caused by a pet. Some do, though, so ask about this option when you speak with agents. Do you have a few items of high value like jewelry? Ask about whether you will need a special coverage add-on for those items.
The list above equips you to start a search for renters insurance in Florida. The companies we listed have proven themselves to be dependable. Finding a Florida renters insurance policy can ease potential financial stress or ruin.

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