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Top Real Estate Social Networks And How To Use Them

Last updated 06/13/2024 by

Benjamin Locke

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Learning how to use the unique features of Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and LinkedIn for real estate marketing is important. Strategies include showcasing property listings, engaging with different audiences, and strengthening the brand presence and trust online.
Real estate and social media have become closely intertwined, with platforms offering new ways to view homes and connect with agents. Social networks allow realtors to share listings and virtual tours, reaching a wider audience than traditional methods. This fusion allows for immediate interaction and feedback between potential buyers and real estate professionals, transforming how properties are marketed and sold.

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For real estate marketing, Facebook provides a versatile platform with a vast user base, invaluable for reaching a diverse audience. Crafting a robust presence begins with establishing a dedicated business page for your real estate firm, providing a hub for your marketing activities. Regular posts with professional photos and videos of your listings can attract potential buyers, while the creation of albums can neatly categorize properties by type, price range, or location. Engaging with the community is facilitated through features like polls and live sessions, which can offer real-time interaction and valuable feedback.

How to market real estate on Facebook

  1. Create a Facebook Business Page, filling in all relevant details for your real estate business.
  2. Use Facebook Marketplace to list properties, offering a detailed view with images, types, prices, and more.
  3. Implement Facebook Dynamic Real Estate Ads for automated, targeted property showcasing.
  4. Collect prospect data efficiently with Facebook Lead Ads to gather contact information from potential clients.
  5. Engage with your audience in real time through Facebook Live for virtual tours and Q&A sessions.
  6. Post diverse content on your Business Page like buyer showcases, local business features, special deals, and real estate news.
  7. Utilize engaging visuals with high-quality images and videos to highlight properties and attract viewers.
  8. Collaborate with local influencers to boost your brand’s credibility and reach a wider audience.
  9. Drive traffic to your website with engaging and detailed listing posts.
  10. Boost your posts to increase visibility, gain more followers, and generate more leads.


Instagram can be a game-changer for real estate marketing with its visually-driven format that captures attention swiftly. For real estate professionals, the key to success on this platform lies in showcasing the appeal and features of properties through striking visuals. Creating a professional Instagram Business account for your agency is the first step. Regular postings of high-resolution images and video content that highlight the distinctive attributes of your listings can significantly enhance visibility. There are an array of formats Instagram offers; from Stories, which provide a temporary glimpse into new properties or behind-the-scenes looks, to IGTV for more comprehensive content, like full property tours or expert discussions on market trends.

How to market real estate on Instagram

    1. Set up a professional Instagram Business profile for your real estate agency.
    2. Post high-quality images and videos of properties, highlighting unique features and details.
    3. Use Instagram Stories to offer virtual tours and sneak peeks into new listings.
    4. Utilize IGTV for longer-form content, such as detailed property walkthroughs or market analysis.
    5. Leverage Instagram Reels for quick, engaging clips about properties, testimonials, or real estate tips.
    6. Incorporate relevant hashtags to improve discoverability, including local area and property-specific tags.
    7. Tag locations to attract potential buyers searching for properties in specific areas.
    8. Engage with your audience through polls, questions, and direct messages to foster relationships.
    9. Collaborate with local influencers and businesses to extend your reach.
    10. Analyze your post-performance with Instagram Insights to refine your strategy and improve engagement.
Focus on creating educational content addressing common pain points of your customers and other investors, share market analysis, and also success stories; that will capture the audience effectively. Video content has a higher engagement rate as well as live Q&A’s.
Social Media Etiquette for Networking: Be professional and personal. Be responsive, but at the same time, observe the proper boundaries. Avoid too much promotional content; instead, focus on adding value that will encourage followers to connect and engage naturally. – Daniel Cabrera, Owner of Sell My House Fast


TikTok’s rise as a content powerhouse offers a fresh and dynamic avenue for real estate marketing, tapping into a platform where short-form videos reign supreme. To capitalize on TikTok’s potential, real estate agents should focus on creating engaging, quick-hitting content that highlights the visual allure of properties. Start by setting up a TikTok profile dedicated to your real estate business, ensuring it’s optimized with a professional bio and contact details. Then, craft snappy, visually appealing videos that showcase homes, featuring quick tours, standout features, or mini-stories about the properties.

How to market real estate on TikTok

  1. Create a TikTok profile dedicated to your real estate business and personalize it to your brand.
  2. Post short-form video content regularly, offering tips for home buyers and sellers.
  3. Share success stories from your clients and insights into the real estate market.
  4. Provide virtual tours of properties, highlighting unique features and selling points.
  5. Offer advice on becoming a successful real estate agent or investing in real estate.
  6. Engage with followers by responding to comments and creating content based on their feedback.
  7. Use relevant and trending hashtags to increase visibility and reach a wider audience.
  8. Collaborate with other real estate professionals and influencers to grow your network.
  9. Keep up with TikTok trends and participate to show your brand’s personality.
  10. Analyze your TikTok analytics to understand what content performs best and optimize your strategy accordingly.


LinkedIn stands out as a professional network, which can be particularly effective for real estate marketing due to its audience of professionals and businesses. Establish a comprehensive LinkedIn company page for your real estate business to build credibility and connect with potential clients and industry peers. Share content that adds value, such as market insights, professional advice, and well-composed images and articles about your listings. This not only showcases the properties but also demonstrates your expertise in the real estate field.

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How to market real estate on LinkedIn

  1. Create a comprehensive LinkedIn profile, emphasizing your real estate expertise and experience.
  2. Publish articles and posts offering insights into the real estate market, targeting professionals likely to move or invest.
  3. Share success stories and testimonials to enhance credibility and showcase your track record.
  4. Use LinkedIn’s search function to identify and connect with potential clients, like those moving to your area for work.
  5. Engage with content by others in the real estate sector to build a network and stay atop industry trends.
  6. Join and actively participate in real estate and local area LinkedIn groups.
  7. Post high-quality content regularly, such as market analysis, trends, and property highlights.
  8. Use LinkedIn ads to target specific professional demographics with tailored real estate opportunities.
  9. Utilize LinkedIn Analytics to track the performance of your content and refine your marketing strategy.
  10. Network with other agents and professionals for referrals and to expand your reach.


YouTube stands as a dominant platform for video content, which is crucial in real estate marketing due to the visual nature of property listings. Creating a dedicated YouTube channel for your real estate agency allows you to offer detailed video tours, client testimonials, and live streams of open houses, providing an immersive experience that static images cannot match.

How to market real estate on YouTube

  1. Create a professional YouTube channel branded for your real estate business.
  2. Post high-quality video tours of your property listings.
  3. Use live streaming for open houses to engage potential buyers in real time.
  4. Feature client testimonials to build trust and show real-life success stories.
  5. Provide informational content on home buying tips and market trends.
  6. Optimize video titles, descriptions, and tags to improve SEO and visibility.
  7. Encourage viewers to subscribe and engage with your content through likes and comments.
  8. Analyze viewership statistics to tailor your content strategy to audience preferences.


Pinterest is an image-centric platform ideal for showcasing high-quality images of your listings and creating boards themed around different styles of homes or regional architecture. This visual bookmarking tool can drive traffic to your website by linking images directly to your property listings.

How to market real estate on Pinterest

  1. Set up a Pinterest business account linked to your real estate agency.
  2. Create boards for different types of properties, interior design inspiration, and landscaping ideas.
  3. Pin high-resolution images of your listings with direct links to your website.
  4. Use rich pins to add extra details like pricing and location to your pins.
  5. Engage with users by repinning content related to home improvement and design trends.
  6. Utilize promoted pins to reach a broader audience.
  7. Track engagement and click-through rates with Pinterest analytics to refine your strategy.

X (Formerly Twitter)

X, formerly known as Twitter, offers real-time communication with potential clients and provides a platform for quick updates, links to new listings, and industry news. It is especially useful for announcing open house events and sharing quick market insights.

How to market real estate on X

  1. Create a professional X account dedicated to your real estate business.
  2. Tweet regular updates about new listings, open houses, and real estate tips.
  3. Use hashtags to increase the visibility of your posts.
  4. Engage with potential clients by responding to queries and participating in real estate-related discussions.
  5. Retweet and share content from industry experts to build credibility and authority.
  6. Utilize X ads to target specific geographic and demographic audiences.
  7. Analyze engagement through X’s analytics to understand what types of content generate the most interaction.

General Suggestions for Improvement

  1. Integrate Multimedia Content: Given the visual and interactive nature of real estate, incorporating more multimedia elements like infographics or interactive maps could enhance engagement.
  2. User Interaction: Encourage more direct interaction with users by suggesting they share their own experiences or questions related to real estate, which could be addressed in Q&A videos or posts.
  3. Regular Updates: Keep the content dynamic by regularly updating it with the latest real estate trends, market analysis, and expert insights to keep the audience engaged and informed.


How can I measure the ROI of my real estate marketing on social media?

To measure the ROI of your social media efforts, track metrics such as engagement rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates from your social media profiles to your website or listings. Utilize platform analytics tools to monitor these activities and compare them against your marketing spend to determine the profitability of your campaigns. To get a full picture of ROI, compare these engagement figures with the amount you’re investing in social media advertising and content creation. Additionally, consider the long-term value of the relationships you’re building with potential clients, which can result in future business beyond the initial engagement.

What are the best times to post real estate content on these platforms?

The best times to post can vary based on your target audience’s habits, but generally, it’s recommended to post during peak usage times. For many platforms, this tends to be weekday afternoons and evenings. Analyzing your audience’s engagement patterns and using insights provided by the platforms can help determine the optimal times for your specific audience. This data allows you to tailor your posting schedule to coincide with when your potential clients are most active. Keep in mind that the optimal posting times may differ across platforms and adjust your strategy accordingly to ensure your content has the best chance of being seen and interacted with.

Can I automate my real estate posts across different social networks?

Yes, there are various social media management tools available that allow you to schedule and automate posts across different platforms. These tools can save time and help maintain a consistent posting schedule. However, it’s crucial to customize your content to fit the format and audience of each platform. Maintain a balance between automated posts and real-time engagement to keep your social media presence authentic and responsive. Automated posts should be part of a broader, dynamic content strategy that includes live interactions, timely responses to market changes, and personal engagement with your community.

How important is it to respond to comments and messages on these platforms?

Engaging with your audience by responding to comments and messages is crucial for building relationships and trust. It shows that you value their interaction and are attentive to their inquiries. Prompt responses can also influence their decision-making process favorably towards your services.

How can I use social media to network with other real estate professionals?

Leverage LinkedIn to connect with other professionals by joining real estate groups and participating in discussions. On platforms like Facebook and Instagram, follow peer accounts, share their content, and engage in meaningful interactions. Collaboration and sharing of experiences can lead to referrals and partnership opportunities. By engaging authentically with your professional community online, you can build valuable relationships that may lead to collaboration, referrals, and shared learning. Networking on these platforms should be approached with a spirit of generosity and collaboration, as the connections you make can provide support and open up new avenues for business growth.

Key takeaways

  • Facebook’s vast user base can be harnessed by creating a dedicated business page, engaging with the community, and using targeted ads to showcase properties.
  • Instagram’s visual nature is perfect for highlighting properties’ unique features, utilizing various content formats like Stories, IGTV, and Reels to engage potential clients.
  • TikTok’s platform for short-form videos can be utilized by real estate agents to create engaging content that quickly highlights the visual appeal of properties.
  • LinkedIn’s professional network is ideal for connecting with businesses and professionals, sharing valuable content, and building credibility in the real estate market.

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